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headed to the dr this morning to see just how long she is going to be postponed on her treatment. she is burned and blistered very badly right now so it may be put off a week or two before the last two weeks gets done.

I am sorry to hear that she is having problems. Prayers are forthcoming. Tom
I've just gone back and read all of Anne's posts.
Thankyou Anne, you have made a difference in my life by what you have shared with us. I, like everyone, seem to be amidst life's hurdles and potholes and while I shan't compare my difficulties to yours I can thank you for reminding me to stay focussed on all the reasons life is amazing and all the things I have to be grateful for.
It's easy to look ahead and only see trouble, but the reminder that we need to look around and see all that is good and wonderful in our lives. The reason we are alive is to experience these things and it is what makes enduring, surviving and fighting through our troubles worthwhile.

In that vein, today I am thankful for sunsets. That part of the day where the light is golden, the work is done (or at least close enough!) and it's so often the time to have a drink and be amazed by the beauty around us. Even better when the view is shared by those we love.
Guys I am not very good with typing my thoughts But lets keep up the what we are thankful for posts. Now is the time Ann and Terry need us.

Today I am thankful for my loving wife who puts up with me and the many friends I have made on this site. Those that I have met in person and those that I have only communicated with hear and on the phone. It just proves that God uses all means to work in some ones time of need. Keep:):)ing
On the note of being thankful, I will just say that I have 75 years worth of things to be thankful for. If I tried to type them all this site would probably crash.
I will mention two that are on the top of my list. One, I am thankful the Jesus saved my soul and two, I am thankful that my wife loved me with all my faults. Tom
On the note of being thankful, I will just say that I have 75 years worth of things to be thankful for. If I tried to type them all this site would probably crash.
I will mention two that are on the top of my list. One, I am thankful the Jesus saved my soul and two, I am thankful that my wife loved me with all my faults. Tom
I want to thank you guys for keeping up the "thankful" post while I have been away. It's been pretty rough especially today cause I feel so sick & I also know what the pain is going to be again. A week from the treatments just isn't enough time but it has to be done. I have done a lot of thinking this week it just makes me wonder why things happen the way they do. I am a good person. I try to treat everyone the way I want to be treated. I would do anything for anybody. I always put everyone before myself. Material things isn't what makes my world go around. I love to make someone smile. I appreciate what I get whether it's big or small. I just love the simple things in life. I cry out loud but on the inside the cries are a lot louder. I ask myself where did I go wrong in my journey of life that I have to endure so much pain. The answer will always be unknown but I do have music in my life that helps ease the pain of my mind, body & soul. #26 radiation treatment down. 9 to go. "Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind & gives it rest, heals the heart & makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul." Today I am thankful for Music... Music is a gateway to the soul for some people. I am one of those people. I am thankful for having the ability to express myself through & to love music that has deep meaning to me. Music is my gateway from reality. Being able to cherish a song with a special meaning is a surreal thing. Music is so expressive. With it, one can speak out joy, sadness, praise, despair & any degree of emotion in between... without using a single word. Anything you want to share, please do! As always thanks for being in my life!
I am thankful for my friend Wendy. I have 6 brothers so she is like the sister I never had. She is my best friend (Steve's) wife. We vacation with them every year for the past 3 years. She plans everything as planning is her gift. Our vacations are usually simple but with lots of fun activities. We have hiked canyons, white water rafted, zip-lined, ropes course, rock climbed, water parked, made homemade donuts on the camp fire, visited Mt Rushmore, Grand Canyon, and much more. She is very patient, persistent, and flexible. She manages to work our vacation in around volleyball season/camps, cheer leading camps, church camps, track meets, and work schedules. She is responsible for making so many memories for my family, especially my kids. We normally RV together but this year we are heading to Gulf Shores. She is planning snorkeling, dolphin watching in a glass bottom boat, a trip to the USS Alabama, and more. On top of being a great planner, she is just a great person and a great friend.
#27 radiation treatment down. 8 to go. "We all get lost once in a while, sometimes by choice, sometimes due to forces beyond our control." Today I am thankful for Memories... The Memories of Mama in my mind run through my blood in their own memory bank for no one else but me to see. And still my heart pumps on. Even when broken it still works. Today would have been my Mama's 62th Birthday. She was taken too soon. I need her so bad right now. I feel so numb. It happened so quickly, all in the blink of an eye. I wasn't done. I had more memories to make. A memory is often the source of our greatest joys as well as our deepest regrets. I cherish every memory I have of my Mama, but at the same time I regret no longer being able to create new ones with her. I am thankful for the memory of her voice as we always ended our phone calls with those three words that live on inside of me today: " I Love You!" I would give everything I have for just one more hug from her. She gave me so much love. She helped make my heart & soul what they are today. Happy Birthday Mama! Love & Miss You! Anything you would like to share, please do! As always thanks for being in my life!
my wife lost her mom in 2010, they had a very good last day together...no regrets.
I try to be there for her when she misses her, Im thankfull for the investment her mom made in her
teaching her about the Lord and life, to help make her who she is today :)
This is yesterday's! It's been busy! #28 radiation treatment down. 7 to go. A thankful heart is a happy heart. Expressing gratitude to others, not only makes you happy, but it also fills the recipient's heart with happiness. Never allow a moment to pass without sharing that you are thankful for someone that makes your heart happy. Today I am thankful for Paul & JoAnn ( Terry's aunt & uncle)... That very first day I met Paul & JoAnn, I noticed that Terry & Paul carry a lot of the same traits. JoAnn pulled me aside & said, "I have noticed the way Terry talks about you all the time. He really likes you a lot. You are good for him." I would drive down on Friday to pick Terry up, then bring him back on Sunday or JoAnn would meet me half way. Life has gone by very quickly. It seems like yesterday;cookouts, horses, bodywork, movies, spending time together. The moments & memories are just so special. Nothing is better than a trip down memory lane! It does the soul good! Anything to share, please do! As always thanks for being in my life!