Would you keep this piston?

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I'd clean it up and run it. Install new rings of course. Was the mixture a bit heavy on the oil side or running a bit ritch?

No idea; I never ran it.
Somewhere at some point here I read to insert the piston (without rings) into the cylinder with the plug in and decomp closed and just turn it over to see how long it will take for the piston to drop (have to do this around midnight :hmm3grin2orange:).
Anyhow, I did that and the thing pretty much falls out after 1/2 second.
The dimensions of the piston are 53.82mm at the skirt and 53.68 at the top.

Even after sanding it just a little bit with 800grit, the little embedded spots are still there:


At this point, I am leaning towards a Meteor piston, just to be safe.
Add me to the list of folks saying find out why the piston got scratched up, regardless if you clean it up & re-ring it, or go with a new piston.

Tough to say, I can only try to prevent it from happening again by making sure the case/bearings/seals aren't leaking, replacing intake boot, impulse line, fuel line and air filter.
That should do it for a few years.
Judging by those dimensions, I'd go with a new piston.

I am with Jacob on this one, new piston time, if its an aftermarket make shure you get new OEM clips and I myself use the OEM pins , you would never catch me using the pins and clips that come with aftermarket pistons no matter who makes them.