My new saw chain vise

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Dec 28, 2005
Reaction score
Dike, Iowa
For many years I used an old saw vise to hold chains for sharpening when they are off the saw. The saw vise was originally intended for holding circular saw blades or hand saws for filing, but it fit my needs pretty well...until the cam finally wore to the point that it would no longer clamp the chain securely.

I decided to make up something that would work better, and just used bits and pieces I had around the shop. The jaws are cut from an old fir 2x6 and I lined them with some 1/8 x 1/2" aluminum I had around, a couple of 3" hinges and some over center clamps. I tried to make it long enough to allow me to file three teeth of a 1/2" pitch chain in one "bite". I did add a spring inside to hold the jaws open when the clamps are released to make positioning the chain easier.

The old

The new



Nice set up,and we know you have alot of them chains to do.I just got a vise like the one in the first pick that is holding that 2x4 for Christmas from the wife.
Nice set up,and we know you have alot of them chains to do.I just got a vise like the one in the first pick that is holding that 2x4 for Christmas from the wife.

I know that Madsaw (Bob Pierce) had a few different saw vises last year, I just never make the effort to see what he had. It really was an effective tool, I just finally wore mine out.


Any updates on this? Still working or have you made any refinements?



EDIT: 11/14 Many photos were lost from this thread. I am trying to replace any I can, and asking any other contributors who can replace ones that they posted. Some may be slightly different from the originals. Thanks!
It work fine with a file-o-plate or one of the flat type file guide/holders. Not so well with the V or rod type guide that have thumb screws on the bottom as they bump into the thick block on the back side. I could put a bevel on the back side like the front if I really want to use it with those type of guides.

Not much in the way of further developments, just a fair bit of use.

Mark, that's a great idea and looks very nice. I missed the original, posting, glad it was brought back.

Thanks Mark,

I was thinking of making something similar and thought I ought to check the site to see what others have done and how they have worked out.

I recall someone welding one up using old chipper or planer blades, but couldn't find that one with the search feature (anyone know this one?).

There was also one photo of a vintage looking Oregon filing vise; one would think that there would be something like this that is commercially available.


Oregon Filing Vise.jpg
As long as we have a few here, I will add a few more that I have found so that people can see them all in the same place, and maybe get some ideas for their own design.

This is one by Logosol. I have not used it. One comment suggested that it did not hold the chain as tight as desired.

Screen shot 2014-11-05 at 5.10.56 PM.png
Screen shot 2014-11-05 at 5.11.04 PM.png

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As long as we have a few here, I will add a few more that I have found so that people can see them all in the same place, and maybe get some ideas for their own design.

This is one by Logosol. I have not used it. One comment suggested that it did not hold the chain as tight as desired.


This one was posted in:



The red Oregon vise is the best, It held the chains securely and was long enough so that you didn't have to reposition the chain for every two or three teeth. Also nice and flat for filing rakers. I filed untold numbers of chains on one like this, except the one I used at the time had two wheels, one at each end. I haven't seen one like it since then. It was the BEST I tell you!!! I wish I owned one. The shop I worked at is LONG gone, and so it the filing vise.
Another one . . . .

Dennis Cahoon posted these photos in another thread. I noticed the vise, which is similar to one I have been working on.
Adding it here to keep things together in one place.


