Wood Hoarder?

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ArboristSite Operative
Jan 17, 2009
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Does anyone else have this so called problem. Just started burning wood last fall in OWB. Now it seems like everyone I know is calling me with free wood. Tree crew has been clearing power lines around here and I have several friends that have told them to leave wood for me. I've got a huge barn lot with plenty of room. I already have enough for next year and then some. The problem is I just can't so NO. I'm trying to get started on a shelter for some, but have more than I care to put up. Looks like I might resort to selling some before it rots. I have alot of things I need to get started on this spring and this is delaying me. I guess it may be a good problem to have. Please tell me I'm not the only one out here!
Does anyone else have this so called problem. Just started burning wood last fall in OWB. Now it seems like everyone I know is calling me with free wood. Tree crew has been clearing power lines around here and I have several friends that have told them to leave wood for me. I've got a huge barn lot with plenty of room. I already have enough for next year and then some. The problem is I just can't so NO. I'm trying to get started on a shelter for some, but have more than I care to put up. Looks like I might resort to selling some before it rots. I have alot of things I need to get started on this spring and this is delaying me. I guess it may be a good problem to have. Please tell me I'm not the only one out here!

Nope. None of us do. You are definitely weird, with a huge problem that you should deal with immediately lest you become institutionalized.

I, on the other hand, am perfectly balanced, with only enough wood to carry me about 2 years, although I will be working on year 3 this summer.


Take what you can get, keep it off the ground, cover it if you get a lot of rain, but otherwise just leave it be until you need it. A lot of the hardwoods will easily keep for a few years, and even the jack pine that I burn will easily be around for a couple of years before it gets burnt in the stove with no concern about rotting.

Don't worry about it. Instead, go fix up that 029.

That is a nice problem to have, lol. Sell what you don't need, and invest in a cure for CAD w/ the money. :)
My Name is Laird and I am a Wood Hoarder

I am going to try to go cold turkey at the end of March.

My family is important to me and I am going to do this for them.

I've cut 27 cords this winter but I'm still looking for my next score/fix.

Right now I come home from work, change clothes grab the saw and don't come home till dark.

I did not know how bad things had gotten till my wife reminded me that due to DST in June I would not be getting home till bedtime.

I think I can do this:(
(breaking out in a Cold Sweat)

Fall seems an eternity away.

Maybe I'll get lucky and a big tree will fall in the yard this summer.:clap:
I try to get all the wood I can, but dont have people calling on my phone to get rid of any. Around here you have to search for it. Anything around here that the tree companies give away is rotton twisted stuff theyh dont want.
I've got about three years+ worth of wood now. I've got about two years worth of wood in the barn and enough room to put another years worth of wood in it. That should take care of most of the wood that I have.

I want to get at least another years worth of wood this year. I think I'm going to start leaving my locust outside because it will keep a long time and put my other woods in the barn.

I just don't want to get so much wood that it rots on me. I'm going to build an equipment storage and maybe I'll just make it a little too big so that I can get some wood in there too.
I glad we are on the same page. The one good thing is I take my 3 year old with me so my wife gets some peace in the house. Trying to get the lazy bones out of my seven year old. My three year old will at least try to pick up wood that weighs twice as much as him. I've got two woods that have been logged out and all that red oak is talking to me every night. I know I need to get a life. HA.Ha I know one thing this site is costing me a laptop because wife and I are fighting for time.
Oh. Any of you guys have issues with putting wood in barn. I have an old chicken coop that is in good shape and don't want to infect it with bug damage. Thought it might make a good place for a couple years worth.
Don't seem to have a problem getting wood around here. You would think with all the unemployement people would be hitting it hard to make a buck. Lot of lazy butts out there looking for a hand out.
We lost somewhere around 100 cottonwood trees due to the 2002 drought, and they are just starting to blow down. I cut and split about 7-8 cords this year just trying to clean up the river bottom, and gave more than half of it away to friends and family. If that cottonwood lays on the ground for more than a couple years, it'll rot.

Usually I just try to keep enough wood around for the current winter, plus a small stash in case of a cold spell. I would just rather cut and split in the colder months. Besides, the wood will keep better blocked and stacked in the woods than it will split and stacked by the house.

I had maybe still have the same problem. But rising fuel cost over the last few years caused a lot off people to jump on the bend wagon so every tom #### and harry has been trying to get wood. Thank god the fuel went back down and the truly not addicted are no longer willing to do the work.

Me I love it and have wood coming out of my ears.
We seem to be a remarkably needy lot of folks requiring a lot of reassurance that we're not bonkos because of our compulsive need to cut, gather, and burn.

But, truth be told, this is a serious problem and CORD (Cutters' Obessive Rabidity Disorder) wreaks havoc among families living anywhere wintertime temps dip below freezing.
I ...have wood coming out of my ears.

When my boy has really filty ears, I tell him he's got enough dirt in there to grow potatoes.

Seeing as though you have a whole hardwood forest in there, you best make a bee-line to yhr Q-tip dispenser. Stat. :)

Seriously, welcome to the site. We like to have all sorts of fun here. :cheers:
But, truth be told, this is a serious problem and CORD (Cutters' Obessive Rabidity Disorder) wreaks havoc among families living anywhere wintertime temps dip below freezing.

My wife is looking for a support group as we speak. I am currently looking to learn how to climb just to support my habit more. Scheduled for a class in the near future. It bothered me so much when someone offered me a tree but it required a pro to top or drop it.

(before any of the pros bash me I am looking to learn how to do this correctly and safely. I am not looking to steal your business, only cut a few trees for family and friends as needed to support my habit. The true dangerous stuff will be left for you all.)
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My wife is looking for a support group as we speak. I am currently looking to learn how to climb just to support my habit more. Scheduled for a class in the near future. It bothered me so much when someone offered me a tree but it required a pro to top or drop it.

(before any of the pros bash me I am looking to learn how to do this correctly and safely. I am not looking to steal your business, only cut a few trees for family and friends as needed to support my habit. The true dangerous stuff will be left for you all.

Good thing you added that caveat. I remember a thread last year about climbing for firewood getting out of hand. The forum moderator had to lock it.
This thread makes me feel better LOL. Atleast I'm not the only one. Since I bought my saw in Feburary, I cut down everything in the yard that I knew was dead, and then went looking for more. Might sound a bit strange, but I'm waiting for spring to see what trees didn't make it.
Oh I have it bad too. I cant pass a pile of wood without getting whiplash. I been burning wood in our Olympic woodstove for 21 years and decided this year I would not pay ANOTHER CENT for firewood after getting ripped off for a 1/2 cord of crappy wood.
So I bought a brand new 22 ton splitter for $450 (less than half price) from Harborfreight (that was a back door special because it had a pallet dropped on it and the muffler was dented). I already own a 16' double axle flatbed trailer, a Duramax truck, and 2 chain saws why was I BUYING firewood?!
Now that I'm looking I find firewood almost everywhere. Citrus ranchers out here give avocado and citrus away, there are downed trees if you look, and guys at my work find me stuff all the time, oak and eucalyptus. I got a permit for 2 cords from the forest service and have netted at least 2 cords of green pine and juniper that they felled from that in just one week. This season I sold over $1000 worth to my neighbors and friends until I was out. Ive lost 10 pounds and still going, all I can think about is making wood chips with my new Husky. I make good money at my desk job but all I want to do now is find logs. My goal for this next season is $5000, and all the wood I can burn for free. Wife likes to help out too!
With Obonga taking away my guns and ammo, and spending my tax money like it grew on a tree I plan to make as much tax free money I can this way. Feels good to do something on my own even if I have to work 5x times as hard for it than I would at work.
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Oh I have it bad too. I cant pass a pile of wood without getting whiplash. I been burning wood in our Olympic woodstove for 21 years and decided this year I would not pay ANOTHER CENT for firewood after getting ripped off for a 1/2 cord of crappy wood.
So I bought a brand new 22 ton splitter for $450 (less than half price) from Harborfreight (that was a back door special because it had a pallet dropped on it and the muffler was dented). I already own a 16' double axle flatbed trailer, a Duramax truck, and 2 chain saws why was I BUYING firewood?!
Now that I'm looking I find firewood almost everywhere. Citrus ranchers out here give avocado and citrus away, there are downed trees if you look, and guys at my work find me stuff all the time, oak and eucalyptus. I got a permit for 2 cords from the forest service and have netted at least 2 cords of green pine and juniper that they felled from that in just one week. This season I sold over $1000 worth to my neighbors and friends until I was out. Ive lost 10 pounds and still going, all I can think about is making wood chips with my new Husky. I make good money at my desk job but all I want to do now is find logs. My goal for this next season is $5000, and all the wood I can burn for free. Wife likes to help out too!
With Obonga taking away my guns and ammo, and spending my tax money like it grew on a tree I plan to make as much tax free money I can this way. Feels good to do something on my own if if I have to work 5x times as hard for it than I would at work. JMO.

Yeah man my wife can pull the lever on the wood splitter with the best of them (Okay at stacking too except she spends too much time trying to get the stack nice and neat).

Wait till Obama decides that cutting trees is contributing to global warming we will be screwed
She is a good wood hauler, stacker and handles the phone calls, sales and even delivery sometimes as I'm gone about 50-60 hours a week at work. I havent let her work the splitter yet, but thats only a matter of time. Some of the hard pieces kinda explode off the splitter sometimes it might be better to wait on that.

She is a good wood hauler, stacker and handles the phone calls, sales and even delivery sometimes as I'm gone about 50-60 hours a week at work. I havent let her work the splitter yet, but thats only a matter of time. Some of the hard pieces kinda explode off the splitter sometimes it might be better to wait on that.

I didnt see the So Cal tag on your profile. We grow our woman a little tougher in New England.

Only reason she is using the splitter is because her brother gave me one cheap otherwise she would be swinging a maul