Hazard turned into dangerous

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How high off of the ground is that first branch? Can you start taking weight off of that branch?

The tree appears to be held fairly well with the branches...

I do like the idea of hooking on to it with a chain and tractor and at least to keep it from falling/rolling on the guy cuting. For that matter is there a big enough tractor that would be able to put that "twig" in it's place? Give it a yank!

How about lifting a guy in a bucket and start cutting the higher branches?

There are a lot of ways to "get it done"!
LOL! That's, get'r done! Damn city folk.:laugh::laugh::laugh: Just messing with you bud"
Geez..._that_ tree scares the piss out of me! No problem with the hijack, very good discussion both pro and con, I am on the con side. Nuff said on that.

Minor progress made:


Went down for about 30minutes two days running, wind doing 20+ and wind chill down in teens. First day I did nothing but string cables and pull a big branch that was hung up. I cuit free the other day. Time I had the cables picked up again my hands were frozen. Day two I cut up the reamains of the top that is sticking out horizontally past the 2nd big branch.

That big branch is the one worrying me now. It is well hung up but I can't predict what will happen when I cut it loose. Debating cutting the main trunk - plunge in, cut down then up to fee it. Or cut the branch off the trunk. Don't be fooled by the pic. The cut just past the fork was stretching it for my 20" bar, the verticle portion is well over that. Still haven't measured the trunk but 30" at the cut is conserrvative.

It is fun running the saws again after a long winter ;)

Gonna be awhile though as I have cut everything possible without wading in water. Even the area around my big wood pile is in water - that never happened before.

Oh! That is a Willow tree. I don't want the wood and she says someone else might. If not, I will pick it up, split it and deliver it gratis to the guy down the street for his party barn fire pit. He and his wife are first responders to my wife's panic button in my absence.

Harry K
I feel this is a good thread and I thank Harry for posting it. I believe that one thing folks are not taking into consideration is we have different degrees of skill and experience here on AS. That tree of Harry's bothers some and does not bother others. Some here have cut trees like that in a lot worse conditions,and some are on their first tank of fuel.
I personally would treat that tree with caution as I treat any tree. Whenever you let your guard up you can and will get hurt. I am not actually on the spot,so evaluation from a picture is hard to do. But I think I would have no problem cutting it up.
To the little boy,little boys are problems at times. In the real world little boys get into all kinds of trouble. Yep I grew up running the woods and doing crazy things. I also grew up getting hollered at a lot. I remember when I was small I would make a bad mistake. Mom would find out and my first instinct was to run. Mom would say for every step you take,I am counting and that will be one more whack for every step you take. I froze in my tracks,my Mom was always true to her word.
A little boy is going to get close to things like that tree. Chances are that tree will go no where,but almost all of us would react by hollering at the boy to get away from the tree. Heck as a boy I would have probably climbed the danged thing,at least until I was caught.
How many times in the past have we heard about a car falling off a jack and hurting or even killing some one because they did not have jack stands under it.People make mistakes,I have raised 4 kids and I have made lots of mistakes,everyone will. Some will be overly watchful some will be too easy,our goal should be to meet somewhere in the middle.But life is an on going experience.
Back when I sold saws I use to get safety bulletins,one that I never forgot and can not get out of my brain was this one. It was about a large tree that had blown over with the root ball out of the ground and on its side. The home owner was cutting it up,unknown to him his little boy was playing under the root ball. As he cut the trunk from the stump the root ball fell back in the hole,killing the little guy.
I am not saying anyone is right or wrong,I just believe we have to be cautious at times. I was not there,pics sometimes are deceptive,I am certain that if Dad thought he was in any danger,he would have hollered his head off at him,as would most of us.
Geez..._that_ tree scares the piss out of me! No problem with the hijack, very good discussion both pro and con, I am on the con side. Nuff said on that.

Minor progress made:


Went down for about 30minutes two days running, wind doing 20+ and wind chill down in teens. First day I did nothing but string cables and pull a big branch that was hung up. I cuit free the other day. Time I had the cables picked up again my hands were frozen. Day two I cut up the reamains of the top that is sticking out horizontally past the 2nd big branch.

That big branch is the one worrying me now. It is well hung up but I can't predict what will happen when I cut it loose. Debating cutting the main trunk - plunge in, cut down then up to fee it. Or cut the branch off the trunk. Don't be fooled by the pic. The cut just past the fork was stretching it for my 20" bar, the verticle portion is well over that. Still haven't measured the trunk but 30" at the cut is conserrvative.

It is fun running the saws again after a long winter ;)

Gonna be awhile though as I have cut everything possible without wading in water. Even the area around my big wood pile is in water - that never happened before.

Oh! That is a Willow tree. I don't want the wood and she says someone else might. If not, I will pick it up, split it and deliver it gratis to the guy down the street for his party barn fire pit. He and his wife are first responders to my wife's panic button in my absence.

Harry K

Well you'll get it done, I wish I were closer, I would help you. I have cut so many it is second nature to me but it only takes one bad deal to get killed. Being cautious is the best. Most days I deal with stuff like that and worse so it seems predictable to me but I still am careful. If it is not everyday for you extreme care should be taken and if you are not sure hire someone. I would cut that up for near my minimum, prolly bid two hours cut into 20" length for 200 to 225. I feel you will get it done just trying to let people know tree men are a good lot and sometimes we are worth our price!
So..... You guys are saying if you grew up in the country, like I did, to it is ok to put your child in danger? Regardless if you took a tractor to it or not. If anything else you weakened the supporting branches. All I can say is good luck and God bless, I think you are asking for trouble, but what the hay not my kid. :cheers:
So..... You guys are saying if you grew up in the country, like I did, to it is ok to put your child in danger? Regardless if you took a tractor to it or not. If anything else you weakened the supporting branches. All I can say is good luck and God bless, I think you are asking for trouble, but what the hay not my kid. :cheers:

I can not speak for the others but no one I know willingly puts a child in danger. You seem like you are a young father,believe me someday you will find out that you are not capable of protecting your kids 24/7 thats called real life. I have 4 adult children who are all married and now 6 grand children.
Kids are going to get into scraps,no matter what you do. I believe you are making a mountain out of a mole hill. I can not tell from that picture just how close to real danger he was. At the point the picture was taken,Dad could have had his first idea that the boy was there and could have immediately got him away from there. Not being there the only one that really knew the situation was Dad not us.
I predict the time will come when one of yours gets in a tough spot. Not because of your lack of care,but it is literally impossible to watch a child 100% of the time. So if someone snaps a picture and posts this makes you a bad Dad? Real life comes at you fast,kids at times seem to be faster then real life.
By the way I do not think Dad put that little one there,I believe the little fella like all little guys get in those positions all by them selves.
I get what you are saying. I do not have kids yet but having been around trees long enough to respect the risks. To be a father and put your kid in that position, knowingly, to me is nuts. I have been around in the bush long enough to see danger. You can't underestimate momma nature she don't care who you are, she will take you out if you are an old man or a three year old just the same. You have no idea when. That is my point. I hate hearing about people getting hurt in the woods or job site it's dangerous enough why tempt fate?
God protects fools, drunks and little children...

And wampum is correct... I didn't put him there. He was runnin' around the woods with me and just as I was gonna' take that picture he runs into the frame... the reason he's lookin' at the camera is be cause I'd just yelled at hm, stopping him from runnin' under the tree...

Ya' know, I started out pretty good nature'd about the criticism of that picture and my "parenting" skills... I didn't see any need to defend myself... AND I STILL DON'T! But the contemptuous snobbery is wearing thin on me...

Rather I'll criticize those that formed an opinion about me, and my skills as a parent, from a single (possibly deceptive) picture... especially those that have never raised a child. SHAME ON YOU! You don't know me, my child, the terrain or the circumstances... You weren't even there!

It's one thing to comment on the possible danger the picture appears to present...
But it's an entirely different thing to attack my parenting skills, or suggest that I intentionally placed that child... just by looking at a single still shot...

Y'all can go F**K yourselves...
A bit of an update on that tree...

The neighbor came over with his tractor, duals on the rear (big son-of-a-gun). We could only manage to drag the trunk back about 4-inches... tried hooking in several places to bring the darn thing down, couldn't get-r-done. Broke one chain and my 1/2-inch cable twice. It's gonna' be a bit scary cuttin' that one up.
A bit of an update on that tree...

The neighbor came over with his tractor, duals on the rear (big son-of-a-gun). We could only manage to drag the trunk back about 4-inches... tried hooking in several places to bring the darn thing down, couldn't get-r-done. Broke one chain and my 1/2-inch cable twice. It's gonna' be a bit scary cuttin' that one up.

Size DOES matter..... :hmm3grin2orange:


Next time try this one:

God protects fools, drunks and little children...

And wampum is correct... I didn't put him there. He was runnin' around the woods with me and just as I was gonna' take that picture he runs into the frame... the reason he's lookin' at the camera is be cause I'd just yelled at hm, stopping him from runnin' under the tree...

Ya' know, I started out pretty good nature'd about the criticism of that picture and my "parenting" skills... I didn't see any need to defend myself... AND I STILL DON'T! But the contemptuous snobbery is wearing thin on me...

Rather I'll criticize those that formed an opinion about me, and my skills as a parent, from a single (possibly deceptive) picture... especially those that have never raised a child. SHAME ON YOU! You don't know me, my child, the terrain or the circumstances... You weren't even there!

It's one thing to comment on the possible danger the picture appears to present...
But it's an entirely different thing to attack my parenting skills, or suggest that I intentionally placed that child... just by looking at a single still shot...

Y'all can go F**K yourselves...

Don't sweat it kids are gonna do stuff for a fact. If I had pic's of my childhood yall would freak. We played chicken with knives, king of the hay loft lol, fun but very dangerous. It was simple back then and yes most of us suffered scars but the real scars are the over protected for not learning crap.
It's done...practically. Went down this morning to find that Rob had been cuttting on it. Left it with the lower end 90% cut free:


Carefully whittle that down


Much fooling around trying to pull it the rest of the way down. Started with 2x ma, wound up with 4x but only pulled the bottom out about 4'.

Trimmed the brush and cut up that branch coming out toward the saw.

Tried cutting another chunk off the bottom up about 4'. Plunge in and cut down. Then lost my mind, pulled saw and tried to cut it from the top to meet my bottom cut. I think even a 6yoa could have told me the bar would pinch...it did. :(

More fooling around trying to break it by pulling - no go.

Fired up the 361 and redid the 'plunge, cut down' - it broke without having to do the 'cut up' I should have done at first


That should be an easy 'pull' in the morning weather permitting (supposed to be a bit rainy). Left all my cables in place - very much of nuisance to rollup cables and then restring them in the same place.

Must have been my day to get rid of a month's "stupid".

1. MS310 on tailgate, refuel. Grab gas can, fill. Grab oil...oops did I just put gas in oil? Yep, again!! (If you haven't done that, you will :))..but then, while eyeballing the gas in oil, I caught myself starting to pour oil in gas tank. It would have been running in anther second.

2. Pinching my saw in a way that a rank amatuer wouldn't.

3. Cutting up that branch that was sticking out. Don't ever bother looking up. You don't want to see what is about hit you. I am missing a 2" square of skin on my shoulder from a branch I didn't see. Odd how you can't see one if you don't look first. :msp_mad:

Harry K
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Whitespider - keep up the good work with the kid - sounds like you know what you are doing.

I gave my son a .22 rifle when he was 12 - trained him with it and he is allowed to use it unsupervised. He also runs the skid steer unsupervised.

The key is to train them and then let them do their thing.
It's done...practically. Went down this morning to find that Rob had been cuttting on it. Left it with the lower end 90% cut free:


Carefully whittle that down


Much fooling around trying to pull it the rest of the way down. Started with 2x ma, wound up with 4x but only pulled the bottom out about 4'.

Trimmed the brush and cut up that branch coming out toward the saw.

Tried cutting another chunk off the bottom up about 4'. Plunge in and cut down. Then lost my mind, pulled saw and tried to cut it from the top to meet my bottom cut. I think even a 6yoa could have told me the bar would pinch...it did. :(

More fooling around trying to break it by pulling - no go.

Fired up the 361 and redid the 'plunge, cut down' - it broke without having to do the 'cut up' I should have done at first


That should be an easy 'pull' in the morning weather permitting (supposed to be a bit rainy). Left all my cables in place - very much of nuisance to rollup cables and then restring them in the same place.

Must have been my day to get rid of a month's "stupid".

1. MS310 on tailgate, refuel. Grab gas can, fill. Grab oil...oops did I just put gas in oil? Yep, again!! (If you haven't done that, you will :))..but then, while eyeballing the gas in oil, I caught myself starting to pour oil in gas tank. It would have been running in anther second.

2. Pinching my saw in a way that a rank amatuer wouldn't.

3. Cutting up that branch that was sticking out. Don't ever bother looking up. You don't want to see what is about hit you. I am missing a 2" square of skin on my shoulder from a branch I didn't see. Odd how you can't see one if you don't look first. :msp_mad:

Harry K

Lol sounds like you whipped it :)

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