Would you hire....

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Jan 17, 2001
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Looking for help again recently and just getting some dandy's.

Would you hire someone who when you return their call the message says- (their name) Tree Service!
I don't think we get quite so much competition in aus - maybe we're overregulated? There's generally plenty of work to go round, and most guys in the industry are helping each other out - contract climbing, driving, grounding, chipping for each other, coming together on bigger jobs etc. While working for others I've always ran my own thing on the side, and no need to hide it. Often guys I've worked for have chipped for me on my own jobs. I'd rather hire someone in the industry than someone unskilled.

I'd definatly consider hiring him for several reasons.
1. Having his own gig shows that he is motivated, capable, and willing to handle the responsibilities of owning a business. Think job foreman, you shouldn't have to look over this guys shoulder all the time.

2. He isn't hiding it, I'd rather find out this way that learn that he was backstabbing me on the job. That I would not tollerate.

3. If I didn't hire him I'd at least let him contact climb for a little bit to judge his skill level. You might as well know your competition if it comes down to it.

4. It might be good to have another tree biz to refer the small jobs that you don't really want to do to. And if he needed a chipper or stump grinder you could always rent yours to him and still end up with the profit off the job. Stuff might go the other way too, he might bird dog crane jobs for you as well, you never know.

-- In short competition is what you make of it, you can work it to your advantage, or let it shut you down, its up to you.
Had my F-I-L's old friend stop by Sunday with a 56 year old, homeless tree climber looking for work, seemed like he knew his stuff, but what situation made him homeless and away from his son, who is a highly successful tree guy on other side of state? Smells fishy! Dude walks into old friends church looking for food, they ask him a couple q's, then bring him to me, had this "when do I start" thing going on, had to back away gracefully, not wanting to offend old friend, who has great intentions, but bad judgment. Old people should not take homeless people in with out having them checked out.
Ran a check on dude- PEDOPHILE!!!!!!
But the way
INSTANTCHECKMATE.COM-10 bucks a month, unlimited background checks

Point is, when ya hire an ex-competitor, better check him out, his reputation comes with him, good or bad.
Some of you guys are pretty optimistic, I'll give you that!

I can't see re-training somebody who thought they knew enough to start their own biz and is just waiting out the economy to get going full time again. I'm not looking for a subcontractor, I'm looking for an employee that will be with us for years not days or months.
To give you an idea about how it is.... Had a guy approch me yesterday. His step dad had been out of work for a year and a half, was a tree guy for 22 years, asked if I could help him.Asked who he was. #1 competitor would go on and on about how this guy was the best thing that ever happened to him. to quote him, "not even my wife stuck around for 20 years". Guy dumped him when it got real bad for a someone cheaper. Nice how do you do. what a ####. never know man, what if?....
Well then it seams to me you answered your own question.

So your answer is the same as mine? :msp_razz: I was asking what YOU would do, just to make sure I'm not being too pessimistic in my views about hiring somebody doing their own thing. And I have a feeling most of these guys are not running legit, just dragging down prices doing hit and miss work.
So your answer is the same as mine? :msp_razz: I was asking what YOU would do, just to make sure I'm not being too pessimistic in my views about hiring somebody doing their own thing. And I have a feeling most of these guys are not running legit, just dragging down prices doing hit and miss work.

I would hire someone if I needed a sub but as a regular employee no I would not.
there has to be a reason he is not making it on his own. money, equipment, or inexperiance would be my guess. i own my own gig and i would be pretty hard pressed to have to turn to a competitor for work. is he wanting to use your knowlege to bennifit himself down the road and cut your legs out from under you? or did he have a "come to jesus" meeting and just doesn't want the responceabilities own running his own show anymore?
I personally would be upfront with the guy and feel him out. at the end of the day you gotta do whats best for you and yours...
I personally work as a contract climber for about thirty companies in my area even though I run my own show. They love to have me (if I'm available), and give me work in the winter when I cant find enough. I also have a reputation of being extremely honest and not ripping jobs so even though i own my own co they are confident in having me on the job.

i'll hire guys who try to do their own gig and fail/ cant make a living with it bc they have a respect for the business side of things.If they are honest people with integrity of course.
I personally work as a contract climber for about thirty companies in my area even though I run my own show.

No, you really don't "run your own show." You are one of those guys that steal work then when you don't have any you want to work for the companies you took the work from.
I wouldn't overlook him without a discussion. Maybe he is shutting down and hasn't changed the message. When my biz partner and I split up, I went to work for a competitor as an employee.

One thing about it, it was nice to sleep at nights again.
No, you really don't "run your own show." You are one of those guys that steal work then when you don't have any you want to work for the companies you took the work from.

I DO run my own show. Two full crews six trucks,Fully insured and documented,yep MY show.

These people practically beg me to work for them.They'll even wait months for a day.When they ask for my knowledge and talent, and are willing to pay for it,I oblige.How do you consider that stealing?

No reason to be negative or condecsending especially about a situation you know nothing about.
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No, you really don't "run your own show." You are one of those guys that steal work then when you don't have any you want to work for the companies you took the work from.

That's one way to look at it but there are many guys who can't afford a guy like me fulltime.