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After reading this threads last few pages if any one of you ####ers ever call me a premier tree service I am gonna sock ya right in the suckhole .... This guy has cheapened that word to the point where it would be like calling someone a complete #### off .... I am not gonna lie though I enjoy the videos .....

Its been that way with me for years. That word, just don't say that word around me.
Well Doug it's like this, once I found out what this forum is all about (it's Fight Club for climbers) I have not shied away from it, I have embraced it. I've never been able to turn the other cheek when slapped, and I have been slapped around quite a bit here, mostly by the usual suspects and I am willing and quite able to defend myself.

You make it fight club....if you wouldnt post a bunch of obvious LIES & would focus on Tree Care it would all be good!

I started my business with one laser like focus - customer service. It's an idea I had and I'd love to discuss it but most here would rather throw hissy fits and engage in keyboard warfare with personal insults and degrading comments. Small minds you see.

Well the insults are slung at you for some of the following: A-List reviews (we all know how they work, its BS), Marine Corp special Ops (Cmon, Laughable & an insult), The Steiner Lawn mower.........enough said bout that & the constant Lies, laughable videos, lack of professionalism & the list goes on!!

The Angie's List Super Service Award is just as it's name implies ~ it's for super service, not super certified. It's based on the reviews written by actual customers, not commities of paper pushers. As long as I continue to please my customers with my work and they are willing to give me all "A's" in the categories that matter, my business will thrive.

Super Service uh? maybe you do please your customers? But is the work done properly? you wouldnt know & neither would an A-List member cause most are blinded by paid for reviews!!! Maybe if a review stated that you engage in tree care but follow no rules pertaining to tree care, dont comply with the A-300, dont comply with ANSI Z133, are not certified at any level, not registered with the Commonwealth & work Illegally around powerlines cause of no qualifications...............Hmmm wonder if a TRUE review such as this would get ya a super service award? what do you think?

As far as taking pictures & making videos during the work day................I have time for it very little!!!

Please show where anything I have posted is a lie ...

Super Service uh? ... most are blinded by paid for reviews!!! ...Hmmm wonder if a TRUE review such as this would get ya a super service award? what do you think?

As far as taking pictures & making videos during the work day................I have time for it very little!!!...

You are an insecure little twit lxt. Your father would fire you if you stopped working long enough to run a camera. Paid for review? I doubt if a $200 discount on a $5200 job would give me much leverage, and he gave me half of that back as a tip for a job well done.

Bring your work up to my high standards and you will be successful, whining about my success will only make you a bitter failure.
You are an insecure little twit lxt. Your father would fire you if you stopped working long enough to run a camera. Paid for review? I doubt if a $200 discount on a $5200 job would give me much leverage, and he gave me half of that back as a tip for a job well done.

Bring your work up to my high standards and you will be successful, whining about my success will only make you a bitter failure.

LOL...........man you just keep digging the hole!! Not insecure at all, thats why I can post at this hour of the day...I made enough to take some time off ole boy, your Father would of retracted his seed had he known how you were gonna turn out!!

$5200.00 job that a competitor company had to finish for ya..........yep you`re a premier service indeed....:dizzy:

Bring my work up to your high standards.............LMFAO, so let me see: throw away all my safety gear & purchase neon colored earmuffs, drop all my certs, un-register with the commonwealth, buy an overpriced lawn mower with no grass cutting attachment, post FUNNY un professional pics/vids, Lie about my military service..........wow the list of you high standards goes on & on!!

So tell me AA, after I do all that......ya think ole Angie will give me a "super service" award? LOL............Ya know you & your crew blowing off redlights due to a failed brake line in the van..oops sorry dump....just have to look like a clowns azz in the neighborhood...............like I said in another post, ive worked around the corner from you ole stick & better than the circus coming to town.............you guys are the modern day 3 stooges........! super service....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...if only ANGIE could see your group work............:msp_w00t:

Oh, im crying here..........this guy makes me laugh, you gotta post more Vids & pics.....please!! just too damn funny you are......Tree wars? about a blooper reel....?

seriously Doug..........come on! you answer nothing about the standards, insult people, etc... why not retract all the BS & start with a clean slate? at the point you`re taking this......nobody is gonna even begin to take to you, I almost cant beleive Matt even helps you & you should swallow for him!!

Ive talked with Matt & he seems to be a pretty good guy.....so in some way I have to think: are you really like this or are you just an online instigator?

Some Tuesday morning musings...

+ For someone who claims to be Pittsburgh's "Premier" tree service, AA seems to spend more time on this forum defending Angie's List, his lawn tractor, service record and skills than he does in actually running his company. I certainly hope Lee wasn't left in charge this morning while AA beats back the threatening masses on the Internet.

+ I have never owned a tree company and have not been compensated for any tree related work since 1979. That being said, it is interesting that my personal fleet of equipment is far more extensive than what AA has to run his business.

* 1 bucket truck
* 4 dump trucks
* 4 flatbed trucks
* 1 rollback truck
* 3 garden tractors (with mowers :D)
* 2 crawler loaders
* 1 fork lift
* 7 agricultural tractors
* 150+ chain saws
* 3 trailers (1 enclosed and 2 flat)
* 1 pickup with Boss plow
* Numerous ropes, chains, come-a-longs, straps, pulleys and binders
* Extensive array of lawn and garden tools
* And for good measure a fire truck and a mobile home toter.

+ And speaking of Lee, since AA is all about awards I thought it only fitting that he be crowned as Driver of the Year.

Some Tuesday morning musings...

+ For someone who claims to be Pittsburgh's "Premier" tree service, AA seems to spend more time on this forum defending Angie's List, his lawn tractor, service record and skills than he does in actually running his company. I certainly hope Lee wasn't left in charge this morning while AA beats back the threatening masses on the Internet.

+ I have never owned a tree company and have not been compensated for any tree related work since 1979. That being said, it is interesting that my personal fleet of equipment is far more extensive than what AA has to run his business.

* 1 bucket truck
* 4 dump trucks
* 4 flatbed trucks
* 1 rollback truck
* 3 garden tractors (with mowers :D)
* 2 crawler loaders
* 1 fork lift
* 7 agricultural tractors
* 150+ chain saws
* 3 trailers (1 enclosed and 2 flat)
* 1 pickup with Boss plow
* Numerous ropes, chains, come-a-longs, straps, pulleys and binders
* Extensive array of lawn and garden tools
* And for good measure a fire truck and a mobile home toter.

+ And speaking of Lee, since AA is all about awards I thought it only fitting that he be crowned as Driver of the Year.

Somewhere, in a backyard in kentucky a rotten car is calling your name, please go tow it.Feel free to hit up the chainsaw forum but this site is already saturated with way to many half azzed arborists
if we must be forced to suffer thru the Analist's vids. I propose they all must have the following theme song.....

We worked today, what did you do?

Some Tuesday morning musings...

+ For someone who claims to be Pittsburgh's "Premier" tree service, AA seems to spend more time on this forum defending Angie's List, his lawn tractor, service record and skills than he does in actually running his company. I certainly hope Lee wasn't left in charge this morning while AA beats back the threatening masses on the Internet.

+ I have never owned a tree company and have not been compensated for any tree related work since 1979. That being said, it is interesting that my personal fleet of equipment is far more extensive than what AA has to run his business...

+ And speaking of Lee, since AA is all about awards I thought it only fitting that he be crowned as Driver of the Year.

Well I was working today, a beautiful Fall day to work in Pittsburgh. It seems that you and lxt are the ones with time on your hands today. Why is that?

, in a backyard in kentucky a rotten car is calling your name [Quido where's the pizza?], please go tow it.Feel free to hit up the chainsaw forum but this site is already saturated with way to many half azzed arborists

On this we agree mr. wood.
My turn to grind a stump ...

Cousin Lee and I replaced the taillight he broke out of my trailer and installed a new drive belt for the stumper attachment. It does look rather wimpy after watching Matt's chew up those big Oak stumps. This was a Birch stump, I had dropped and removed the tree earlier, so we just had to go back for the stump. It only took a couple hours total so after that we took the tractor and did some site prep for tomorrow's job, removing six small Locusts.

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Cousin Lee and I replaced the taillight he broke out of my trailer and installed a new drive belt for the stumper attachment. It does look rather wimpy after watching Matt's chew up those big Oak stumps. This was a Birch stump, I had dropped and removed the tree earlier, so we just had to go back for the stump. It only took a couple hours total so after that we took the tractor and did some site prep for tomorrow's job, removing six small Locusts.


There are painfully obvious ruts left all around that stump due to the articulation of that tractor. You should try plywood next time. Or perhaps think about purchasing a purpose built stump grinder.
eekk, it snowed. now where's my lawnmover..

Hoping for this insurance job I just looked at. Stll need to call and get the agents e mail address, so I can work up the estimate and send out. I will be calling for a crane if I get it. not a bad job really.



Cousin Lee and I replaced the taillight he broke out of my trailer and installed a new drive belt for the stumper attachment. It does look rather wimpy after watching Matt's chew up those big Oak stumps. This was a Birch stump, I had dropped and removed the tree earlier, so we just had to go back for the stump. It only took a couple hours total so after that we took the tractor and did some site prep for tomorrow's job, removing six small Locusts.


Are ya gonna finish? Really, both the mower and whatever was on the bobcat looked like the stump was grinding them... and the operator to boot. Judging from how long the shadows were getting in this video I would say you had that poor mower screaming fer Jesus a lil longer than a couple hours. Lil mower go " Save me Jesus, sah aave me!"

It sure is amazing how a little glitter can obscure a person's seeing. Not me though, I don't have that problem. I can see you like the glitter both ways. Charming.
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if we must be forced to suffer thru the Analist's vids. I propose they all must have the following theme song.....


Then we wouldn't be suffering, we'd be watching good TV !!! Good idea Vet, looks like it'll work.
Bid a large blackjack that half the side ripped off in our tornado's last spring, the lead that's left is hollow and ripped in about half. One guy said it needed a crane and I bid telling him after I reach the defect there could be a change but from what I seen, it was still climb worthy so a wraptor job:)
I am all for a previous post that suggested that you (Doug), just wipe the slate clean and we with tough skin will accept your humble apology. After all, we are all good guy's and unlike women, we don't hold grudges, :msp_biggrin:
Just admit you were pretending to be an idiot. That's all. Easypeasy!
Jeff :)
I am all for a previous post that suggested that you (Doug), just wipe the slate clean and we with tough skin will accept your humble apology. After all, we are all good guy's and unlike women, we don't hold grudges, :msp_biggrin:
Just admit you were pretending to be an idiot. That's all. Easypeasy!
Jeff :)

I have to be careful about wheel spin too ...

There are painfully obvious ruts left all around that stump due to the articulation of that tractor. You should try plywood next time. Or perhaps think about purchasing a purpose built stump grinder.

You know you are right about that. Not really "ruts" but the tractor will wear away the grass when used without protection. I gave Matt my plywood sheets the other day and had to do without. A dedicated stumper would be a great addition, but upgrading my chipper would have to come first. I can always sub out stump grinding if I need to, for much of my work the Steiner's grinder is adequate, it just takes longer than a bigger unit.

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