Dolmar 5100 For Mitch

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Besides, can one really put a dollar value on getting Masterminded, or helping a brother out in a bad place? I'd like to see a business owner throw down some more bucks on this. Heck, it's a tax write-off... If I had the coin in hand I'd be stepping up more. Carry on gentlemen.:biggrinbounce2:
this is an excelent gesture! and anybody here complaining that they can buy a new saw for such and such should either clamp it, quit complaining, or realize there is more to it than just buying a saw. this is for helping somebody out, not the actual value of the saw.

Is a saw ported from an unknown, to goodness knows to what tolerances, and used how much, is worth as much as a new saw ?
I'm a numbers guy,I pushed it up past the 300 its worth, now its worth more to one person.
Speaking of bids to the great humanitarian cause, where was yours?

One thing that is clamped is your wallet lol
Is a saw ported from an unknown, to goodness knows to what tolerances, and used how much, is worth as much as a new saw ?
I'm a numbers guy,I pushed it up past the 300 its worth, now its worth more to one person.
Speaking of bids to the great humanitarian cause, where was yours?

One thing that is clamped is your wallet lol


How's Ed doing?

Tell him Randy asked about him. :msp_thumbup:

One thing that is clamped is your wallet lol

oh yeah thats right, i don't bid on one particular item so that makes me the baddy:laugh: don't try to point the finger this way to get the attention off you.
i've done my share of helping out. i just don't do it in the public for everybody to see. if i could help out here i would. i'm tapped out as they would say. i have my own bills to think of right now.
wow $300 huh?:msp_thumbup:
the only deflection is your $0 bid

so lets guess you sent a donation, bet not.

bid on the saw hero.

i think you need to reread the post. i already said i didn't bid on this particuar item:confused2:
you can read that right there. can't you? i have my own bills i need to pay this month. when i can help out, i do. alot. i just dont post about it.

what you need to do is go and find another saw that somebody has for sale, that they are selling, and not for a 'charitble auction' and nit pick that. not come in here complaining you can buy one new and have it ported "right" by somebody for a better price.
this isn't the place to interegate the donor about something he already was open about.
OK men......enough of that.

It's all good. There's two of these saws. I'll be offering another in a few weeks. I think we need to get some help for Jasha right now.

Lets let this run till Friday the 19th just to see if anyone wants it worse. I'll be having Jon tear it down for inspection.....we'll post some pics of the innards and I'll see if any improvement can be made in performance by upping compression......
the only deflection is your $0 bid

so lets guess you sent a donation, bet not.

bid on the saw hero.

Quit being such an ass.

Good work guys, good to see a saw going to a good home (this far along), and good to see the money going for a good cause. Hope things get straightened out for Mitch. Hate to hear about his boy, I saw that the ordeal was in Ohio from what I understand, but couldnt find the details. Hope EVERYTHING gets better for him.
Mad props to you Randy, I always see you helping out/ coordinating these fundraisers. Your a good dude in my book. Hope to do business with you one of these days.
So what do you have in mind with your tweaks Mr. Mastermind?

Well, we decided to tear it down for a look.


It was a little dirty, but in great shape.




I didn't like that dent in the muffler so we grabbed another muffler for a fresh start on a muffler mod.....



Back together sans the baffle.

Jon's got some learning to do on taking pics....... :D


looks like that one will be getting a "Mastermind" sticker:clap:. Value just went up in my book!:rock: The boys are gonna need to dig a little deeper.:potstir:
Now that's fresh! Bravo Randy, what's the compression gonna be on that lil bugger?

Best guess.....220.

looks like that one will be getting a "Mastermind" sticker:clap:. Value just went up in my book!:rock: The boys are gonna need to dig a little deeper.:potstir:

I'll be doing some carb and ignition work as well.....
Can't wait till she gets here ;) it'll be a lot of fun to run something this size then my 660. It doesn't look like the lowers got massaged? What do you think of the saw overall?