Awwwww crap.........

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I found no spelling errors. This forum is showing growth.
Naw......from this point on, no more posts on whether I start it or not. Matter-of-fact, no more posts of whether I even use it or not.

best idea i have heard in a while, now you just have to stick with it:msp_thumbup:
You must have missed the 11pm news a week or so ago.

I dropped two pine trees with it. :msp_thumbup:

BTW.....Just trying to bring a little levity (look it up if you don't know what it means) to the my expense.

I won't be doing that again!


Pics or it didnt happen.:sucks:
Leave the guy alone, for goodness sakes. Look at all the other useless crap that's posted in this forum. What's the difference? Mob mentality strikes again.

Quit being a sissy, he is the one that keeps starting stupid post and poking at the bee hive.

If Dano would just sit back and read some post rather than starting a new post every week about his No longer new stihl 261, he would not have to defend him self:sucks:
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