Quoting Low

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I'm not Shady
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
Who's OK asking the HO for the amounts of the other bids on a job you're getting ready to bid?
Personally I don't like it. If the customer will do it for you, then they will give your price to someone else. No one, except the client wins. When I'm asked to quote, I estimate the time it will take and then multiply it by my rate. That should be the price that allows you to make a reasonable profit.

Do you really want to have a client base that is strickly lowest cost? I would think that a client base where your customer service, professionalism, knowledge goes farther to sell your company than just the price.
Pro94, no I am not. I quoted a job another, guy came in behind me and gave a quote. A third guy came in and asked the homeowner what the other quotes where and went $25 below that. I called a few days later to follow up and the homeowner told me this whole story. And then suggested that I start doing that same practice. That's not how I want to do business. Thanks
BTW most of these classy high brow customers are quite literally rude and forthcoming to tell you that your nearly how ever many damn dollars higher so if you can do 3rd grade math most of the time I can figure it out , then I just mentally shut off and stare blankly at their chin or hair something to make them as uncomfortable as I am ! Seriously next time someone tries to cut up your price just stare blankly at their forehead ! It's a hoot
if the homeowner brings up other bids. I will ask. I bid on 2 small yard maples Saturday. they needed climbed and the drag was about 20 yards. they were small though about a half day for me and 1 guy. I quoted $200 a tree without the stumps. he told me the other guy was cheaper. I said how much, he said another guy said $125 for both. I scoffed and said yeah right. he got pretty pissed thinking I was calling him a liar. I told him theres no way I would ever consider doing them for that price. I wouldn't be surprised if he got that price too. theres a couple companies that the owner cant make more than $50/day.
if the homeowner brings up other bids. I will ask. I bid on 2 small yard maples Saturday. they needed climbed and the drag was about 20 yards. they were small though about a half day for me and 1 guy. I quoted $200 a tree without the stumps. he told me the other guy was cheaper. I said how much, he said another guy said $125 for both. I scoffed and said yeah right. he got pretty pissed thinking I was calling him a liar. I told him theres no way I would ever consider doing them for that price. I wouldn't be surprised if he got that price too. theres a couple companies that the owner cant make more than $50/day.

Half day for a 2 man crew is $700. You're such a low baller :D
I have asked customers what the cheapest quote they have received is- not so I can beat or match it but out of curiosity on really ugly jobs that I never want.
I see people I've given quotes to after the job was done and asked what the winning bid was just for my own knowledge. It keeps me in tune with what's out there as far as prices. If I get the job, I also ask what others bid. Last month I walked away from a job, too big for my abilities, about 400 trees up to 14" DBH and brush clearing. I will be seeing the owner in the near future and I'll be sure to ask what the final price was, knowing what I would have priced it out as. Now I have more equipment so maybe if that kind of job comes along again, I'll be able to bid hopefully competitively.
I like the look on their face when I tell them that I don't try to be the cheapest, I try to be the most expensive. We all risk our lives every time we leave the ground, why on earth would I want to be the cheapest.

I also tell them that when I am twice as much, that they are getting 10 times the tree guy. So, in essence, I am cheap. Most do not compare apples to apples. Big range of quality here. From crack heads to pro's, all competing for same peanuts.

I would rather do one job a week and make a butt load, than 10 and make a penny.
Who wouldn't??

My old man ran a restaurant and told me he could sell really expensive food and have a few customers or sell really cheap food to many many customers. The end result would be the same except a change in the amount of work. Where he was and most are is somewhere in the middle.