Need some help ID'ing what was sold as Hickory

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ArboristSite Operative
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
With the holidays coming and the Mrs love of my wood (burning) I thought I'd pick up some hickory, I find that the warmer I get the downstairs family room the less she wears and we both love the aroma of hickory burning so it's a win/win. I bought this stack from a local biz that advertised it as good smoking hickory firewood. I dont have much experience with hickory firewood, I've burned some or this and it honestly doesn't smell like it. First, it's got crazy grain and is hard to split with my Fiskars. it's pretty dense, it's smells Earthy/dirt like but nothing I've smelled before. I'd appreciate it if you have some hickory experience and take a look. Thanks in advance!

That stuff will rot and mold quick. keep it dry unless you are going to burn it fast. It won't burn long as hickory or oak either. It also will leave a fine ash in the stove. I hope you didn't buy it to cook with. I'd be lookin that dude up and getting my money back.
Yup, he was ripped off.
I've never split gum, but it looks a lot like cottonwood. its not hickory.
You don't split gum, you tear it apart. You can see the big jagged edges that ripped apart when on the splitter. I've done a lot of it on a hydro splitter. it don't bust and split, it tears into.
If it was hickory you'd know it as soon as you hefted a split, it's heavy. I move some as cooking wood, did three bundles today, I get double over oak. Firewood is just flat around here, but cooking wood is year round, slow, but steady. I burn the bark-on chunks for firewood during polar vortexes, but the's the best dang wood in this county. And no mistaking it when split or cut, smells like bacon.
Carya punkinensis.

That could possibly be hickory but if it is it was standing dead for some time and some looks to be quite punky. The mushroom fruiting bodies are often just on the bark which falls off leaving little evidence that the wood has been partially consumed by fungi.
I've had my woodstove for 3-4 years now and I have not once got an honest load of wood here in Lancaster. This is the 2nd time someone sold what was suppose to be hickory, I've thrown it in the stove and it not smelled even close to being hickory. I've just about had it with these jackasses. I'm taking this s**t back Saturday.