Climbing gear!!!!
Like I said before, I understand the comments on safety.
For the record, I don't cut while standing on the ladder. I find a position slightly above the limb on another limb/branch and then make my cut.
I appreciate the safety comments and if you knew me, you'd know that I'm not a man of boast or climbing ego.
It looks as if the MS260 Pro will be a good saw. And I will get some chaps and climbing hardware for the really high (and low) positions.
Thanks for all the posts!
Yep since you are into climbing already, it would only make sense you get the complete set up, Climbing belt/harness/lanyard, (spurs probably not needed if accessing byway of ladder),,,anyway still need chaps, hearing and Eye protection,,,, helmet?? maybe your rock helmet will work??? sounds like ya already have the bug,,,,, or at least a belt and harness to keep ya from falling out of that tree!!!!!! LOL there is a ton of links on the site to get every thing you need,,, even a Silky pole mountable hand saw for the hard to reach and small stuff,,,, they actually make the prettiest cuts anyway,,,JMHO,,, Stihl makes one of them too BTW,,,check it out when you are at the dealer, they also have a PPE bag deal that includes chaps, gloves,eyewear etc its pretty decent,,
and I almost agree with the saw selection,,, taking nothing away from the 260 pro,,,, but for climbing,,,, when I still could,,, 020T now MS200T with a 14/16" absolutely freaking Rocks for its size,,,,, then,,, If I was needing a gound saw for what you are describing the 361 w/18 or 20" bar....
ahh man look now ya got two saws ????//@#!!!
Ha ha ha ha,,,, Decisions, decisions,,,,
Good luck and welcome,,,,