Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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hmmm.....yes I get that social distancing needs to last months not a week or two.....and there are draw backs.....but I tend to think the current advice isn't being taken seriously at all, people with coughs are going into work...we need to be more strict. I also think that when it does kick off much more, with 1000s of infections daily, people will be scared and will endure social distancing for months. F***. with my wife 5 moths pregnant we were hoping to get away to the seaside for 10 days before baby #3 arrives....doubt that's going to happen now...and what state the health care system will be in when the big event occurs I don't want to think.

uk treading a lone course feels scary and very very very risky.
Facebook score today. Free red oak. Sorry @dancan. It's a big'un. 40"at the butt.
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Got some big hard Maple and Cherry along with some soft Maple and Ash. I cut it to 12' lengths and put them in the trailer, 4 loads total, I had to cut the Maple and Cherry to 6' pieces cuz I couldn't lift them into the trailer :eek:





Got it all cut and split, I cut it all 24" and I had a buddy give me two loads of Pine and Poplar.


The wood scroungers won’t panic, seeing images like this daily will calm the nerves LOL.
Got forms in the mail today. Already posted for morning. Not sure why they need to know if I carry a mortgage or not.

Participating in the census is in everyone's best interest, because the information on the forms is used by decision-makers to determine which communities, schools, hospitals and roads need federal funding.

Ton of info if you google......
Not for nothing, but it bothers me that folks who are illegal, don't pay taxes and get everything for free are counted the same as tax paying citizens for giving aid.

The problem is no longer small, nor manageable. Over 50% of the local HS is non English speaking! The time has come to crack down on folks who don't pay any taxes and get everything for free.

Those of us who pay taxes should not be burdened with the cost of those who do not. A Country with separate rules and laws for those who are legal and those who are not will not survive.

What ever happened to "No Taxation W/O Representation"???

I did not bring up the census, but I'm done, back to saws!
Not for nothing, but it bothers me that folks who are illegal, don't pay taxes and get everything for free are counted the same as tax paying citizens for giving aid.

The problem is no longer small, nor manageable. Over 50% of the local HS is non English speaking! The time has come to crack down on folks who don't pay any taxes and get everything for free.

Those of us who pay taxes should not be burdened with the cost of those who do not. A Country with separate rules and laws for those who are legal and those who are not will not survive.

What ever happened to "No Taxation W/O Representation"???

I did not bring up the census, but I'm done, back to saws!
Yup . I'm all good with legal immigration like my grandparents. But illegal immigration is just that . Love the signs saying " Nobody is illegal" but they can do illegal things.