Burning Elm.

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As kids we burnt it in a Warm Morning pot belly stove. Fill it at bed time and when we got upoat 5:00 AM to milk cows there would still be a bit burning to keep the fire going.

Any way the Elm I worryied about comeing down on the bee hives didn't. Down and will cut it up tomorrow.

:D Al

with that much bark still on it some more drying might be in order. Put a big round on top of your coals in the morning and you will still have fire when you get home late that night. After you fix that air leak
That bark comes off as soon as you grab a chunk.

:D Al
my opinion is that the bark still holds some bark against the tree. Once they become as slick as a telephone pole and a sunny week without rain is when I cut them. And usually their potential to grow sunny sacks of morels is gone by then also.
Mine is burning fine. Funny found a 6 inch chunk of wire in the ash a clunker this morning. None of these Elm are or were in a old fence line.
No staple or any thing else I could id as holding the wire in the wood.

:D Al
I got some slippery elm delivered in amongst a grapple truck load. I broke the ram on my splitter on a 5" diameter piece...this stuff has no grain to it. The splitter just wants to shred it apart. Anyway, the remaining chunks were processed into firewood sized pieces with the chainsaw!
My splitter pushes the wood againest a sharp edge wedge. normaly what doesn't split gets cut by the leading edge of the wedge.

:D Al