Husky 357XP

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Mar 19, 2005
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North Shore MA
Tell me what you can about this saw as far as what model it replaced etc etc. Also how do you guys like the power from it?
I believe it replaced the 257, which was probably a good performer itself. I dont know for sure. dont know much else about it.
Hi Bull

I have a 357xp and really like the saw.
It runs great and balances perfect with an 18" bar on it. Mine originally came with a 20" bar and I found it to be a bit off balance so I went to the 18".
I run mine at 45/1 w/Echo dino and it is fine.
This saw replaced an 029, and I'm glad I made the investment in the 357xp.
I was going to go with te 361 but the 357 just felt better if that makes sense.
Not to mention the local Husky dealer is great in my area.
Support a local dealer if you can.
If you have time read a prior thread of mine, or should I say Darins... (Stumble off idle) on the first 357 I had...this one is my second.
Good luck.
357 replaces the 262,i would say.357 is one of the hottest saw in Husqui lineup right now with 346.She is extremely reliable from what what ive seen.If you buy one,try to have the auto decompressor replaced with the std one that you push yourself,because the auto leaks pretty soon and the saw got a bad idle,etc.
there a pretty sweet saw, i have one modded by ed. i have a 20in bar on it. they are a little pricey compared to the 359 which is also a good saw. the talk is ed can do wonders with a 359, so if you shop smart you can get a 359 and have it modded for the price of a 357. the only reason i chose the 357 over the 359 was i found a new 357 with a buy it now for 350.00 on ebay so it was a no brainer. if you go with a 357 or 359 try to find an older dead stock before the E-tech if you can.
kf_tree said:
there a pretty sweet saw, i have one modded by ed. i have a 20in bar on it. they are a little pricey compared to the 359 which is also a good saw. the talk is ed can do wonders with a 359, so if you shop smart you can get a 359 and have it modded for the price of a 357. the only reason i chose the 357 over the 359 was i found a new 357 with a buy it now for 350.00 on ebay so it was a no brainer. if you go with a 357 or 359 try to find an older dead stock before the E-tech if you can.

Ditto on that one!!!

I ran KF's EHP357 and my EHP359 back to back at Mark's GTG. You would swear they are the same saw!
What is involved in changing the new decomp to the old blue push button decomp? It seems like you just unscrew the valve and screw the new one in.
I have only one Husky/357 with the new valve so I have not really seen an old one...meaning what do I do with the black tube that runs down to the case? Does the old style blue button utilize the same black tube to the case.
Sorry if this seems to simple, but I was curious.
Hi Max, your 357 will have a rubber hose that goes down to your transfer port so if you put the older style decompressure in your saw you will have to block this outlet in the transfer port also or you will have a major air leak.
Sure stock the 357 walks all over the 359 but once ported the 2 saws are very close and I would give the nod to the 359 cause it is so much cheaper to buy to begin with and is every bit as fast and maybe a touch faster.
To me it doesnot matter about the E-tech cause that is just a muffler change and I am going to mod the muffler anyways
Thank you EHP.
Guess its best to leave well enough alone for know unless you recommend
going to the old style.
Max I would run the saw the way it is and if you start having trouble then switch it back over to the old style, I know some guys are not having any trouble at all with the new style

oldsaw-addict said:
I believe it replaced the 257......
I think the 357xp replaced neither the 257, nor the 262xp.

I would say that the 357xp replaced the 254xp.
The 257 was replaced by 359, and 262xp by 362xp.
The 362xp was dropped over here too this year, but it is stll availiable somewhere in the world - as is the 262xp, 257, 254xp and 268 (not xp).
I have never heard of non-xp 362......
The 262, and 268, are still available in russia, and israel, to the best of my knowledge.
I didnot put the XP on the 362 but it is.

have you guys not figured what XP means Extra Price
ehp said:
I didnot put the XP on the 362 but it is.

have you guys not figured what XP means Extra Price
Sorry, I misread your post. :angel:

Over here the 346xp cost about 66% more than the 353 (nkr 8655.- vs. 4795.-), so Exstra Price it is! :angry:

The price difference between 365 and 372xp is only a fraction of that, though.
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Here a 357 is more than a 365 by about a $100 , and a 359 is $30 cheaper than a 346

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