Who hates them tree huggers!?!?!?!

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i love this thread already, i was just felt like stirring up the bees a bit, gasoline71 u cut timber out there don't ya? full time?
You could call me a tree hugger. I love trees.
I also like to cut them down and burn them.

You could easily call me an environmentalist.
But I spent the weekend off-roading in a diesel truck.

I'm not quick to put labels on people.

As a user of chainsaws, rider of dirt bikes, and off-roader in my truck, I'd have to say YES I HATE TREE HUGGERS!:chainsaw:
On my timber farm I've always viewed loblolly pine as the cash crop, sweetgum as a weed, hickory as my personal firewood source, and oaks as a tree to be protected. So as far as oaks are concerned, I've been a tree hugger myself.

This spring I decided to clearcut about 40 acres of the place so I could clean it off and replant with pine. It about killed me to see all those oak tops on the ground. At least, it was painful until the checks for hardwood ties started coming in. :)

Other than that, I don't know any other tree huggers, unless you count my mother-in-law. I guess tree huggers stay in the closet down South.....
I'm married to one. We wed 16 Jan 71. I cut down trees. She occasionally points out one she wants down. She has an Environmental Science degree from the UW. She stands on the side of the environment; if she were anti-environment she would be knocking down HUGE $ and have corporations seeking to employ her. She applies logic to her environmentalism, and most times prefers to use that evil petroleum based fuel over manual labor. Once in a while, when no one is looking, I hug a tree too. Trees are one the biggest suppliers of oxygen on the planet. Germany may have the right idea, cut 1 plant 2. Monocultures present a danger of their own. 1 pest or disease can decimate all re-plantings based on one host tree.
Anything taken to a fanatical level bugs me. Moderation in all things.

There's no reason an environmentalist can't also be a hunter, fisher, mountain biker, chain saw buff AND off-roader. One can appreciate, use, and preserve the environment without raping mother nature in the process. There are fanatical pillagers of nature and we need the fanatical enviromentalists to balance them out. It would be great if everyone were moderate, but we have what we have.

Overgeneralizing "Treehuggers" is dangerous ground - it tends to inadvertently envelope the less fanatical but vocal people who should be heard. It'd be like "those other guys" overgeneralizing all gun owners as bang-em up; shoot it out gun-nuts, and no one likes that, eh?
Rough Rider

There's no reason an environmentalist can't also be a hunter, fisher, mountain biker, chain saw buff AND off-roader. One can appreciate, use, and preserve the environment without raping mother nature in the process. There are fanatical pillagers of nature and we need the fanatical enviromentalists to balance them out. It would be great if everyone were moderate, but we have what we have.

Think you described one of our greatest Presidents!
I dislike the huggers about as much as the loggers that slash
and dash (Destroying everything in sight)

Love to cut it, smell it, watch it burn, make things from it....but hate
to see a old tree fall..........IMO if you don't have a little bit of Hugger
in Ya, something is wrong with Ya.
I'm married to one. We wed 16 Jan 71. I cut down trees. She occasionally points out one she wants down. She has an Environmental Science degree from the UW. She stands on the side of the environment; if she were anti-environment she would be knocking down HUGE $ and have corporations seeking to employ her. She applies logic to her environmentalism, and most times prefers to use that evil petroleum based fuel over manual labor. Once in a while, when no one is looking, I hug a tree too. Trees are one the biggest suppliers of oxygen on the planet. Germany may have the right idea, cut 1 plant 2. Monocultures present a danger of their own. 1 pest or disease can decimate all re-plantings based on one host tree.

It isn't the trees that provide the greatest supply of oxygen.
It is the oceans, by a long shot.

Since I cut all my trees as dead, or diseased... I have no remorse

Love to cut it, smell it, watch it burn, make things from it....but hate
to see a old tree fall..........IMO if you don't have a little bit of Hugger
in Ya, something is wrong with Ya.

I think of myself as a tree hugger. Even though I run a saw most days a week and am better equiped than most in that regard.

How do you define tree hugger? If it means you couldn't pay me enough to take down a ten foot dbh healthy tree just for the wood, then that's me. If it means not felling a half dozen tree this morning that had to go, that count me out.

Edit:If it means I don't love to sink my 42 inch bar in a tree was felled for another reason, and thus recycle the wood, then count me out as well. That's plain fun.
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People that love and care for trees are a welcome sight for me. I do not lump them in with the eco-terrorists that spike trees, and burn logging equipment. Those are the "Treehuggers" I'm talkin' about when I say I hate 'em.

Got a buddy that lost 3 toes and damn near bled to death on the landing back in '86 from a spiked tree. Bastids...:chainsawguy:

People that love and care for trees are a welcome sight for me. I do not lump them in with the eco-terrorists that spike trees, and burn logging equipment. Those are the "Treehuggers" I'm talkin' about when I say I hate 'em.

Got a buddy that lost 3 toes and damn near bled to death on the landing back in '86 from a spiked tree. Bastids...:chainsawguy:


Good post Gary...


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