Trading Post Etiquette-- What's expected

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May 11, 2003
Reaction score
new york
Ok, maybe we need to list out some parameters for what makes a good deal and what does not. Of course 99% of the crew here are excellent trading partners, I know I have had some great people to deal with in my own experiences.

A good deal is good for all parties, what are the requirements or what makes a good deal?


I'll go first..........communication. Say what you'll do and then do it. Communicate until the deal is complete.

What else?
communication is #1

an reasonable accurate description of events, items, etc. is likely #2

time would be #3

I'm not saying you have to jump and jump now, most everyone is fine with whatever is convenient, a couple days is acceptable
Unless somebody is well established on this forum I am quite hesitant to send several hundred dollars out in to never never land. I know people puke sometimes at the eBay Paypal monoploy. But, it works pretty good at keeping you from getting screwed.

I also never understood the part about the buyer having to send the money first. Why is it all the buyers gamble?
Be Honest - including accurate descriptions of what you are trying to sell; the more clear you are the better the chance of a smooth deal. You want the other party to be happy with the purchase. If what you're selling is a POS or has defects, be sure to outline this.

Setting Expectations - like this is how much I want for the saw, this is how I accept payment, this is when I will ship, is there insurance, and this is how I'll communicate throughout the process.

Return policy - Is the saw sold as is, or do I get an inspection period?

Have everything documented in email and photos, so if there is a question later you can go back for clarification.

Have personal integrity!
I have had some really good transactions on here......There are a few people that I wont buy from.....clear photos are a must......I want to be able to see if its been painted ..
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A good description, good pictures, and a price. I hate posts that put little or no description, or no pictures, or no price. IMHO, those that have no description should be rejected. I don't like best offers. Tell me what you want, we'll go from there. Good communication is a requirement. I also think it'd be a good idea to only allow someone to list an item after they've made a certain number of posts. That'll prevent someone coming here just to sell something. I also liked the Tradin' Post a lot better when it was just another room in the forum.
In most on line transactions there will always be some risk involved with sending cash and cheques to another party through the mail, money orders do have a mechanism where they can be tracked down and if they are cashed that can be verified. Pay Pal is a better option as they have better checks and balances and if the funds are sent through a credit card transaction then the buyer has coverage through that system. I personally have sent large sums to individuals on the Trading Post for saws and parts, I have been one of the lucky ones, no problems encountered. To make the Trading Post more safe can we ask to have a sellers address and telephone number before payment is sent, then a buyer could at least phone the individual to make sure they are on the level.
A good description, good pictures, and a price. I hate posts that put little or no description, or no pictures, or no price. IMHO, those that have no description should be rejected. I don't like best offers. Tell me what you want, we'll go from there. Good communication is a requirement. I also think it'd be a good idea to only allow someone to list an item after they've made a certain number of posts. That'll prevent someone coming here just to sell something. I also liked the Tradin' Post a lot better when it was just another room in the forum.

I agree with naming a price, should be a requirement.
I also liked the old trading post forum better, but the truth is it was not practical to manage. A lot less traffic back then too.
To make the Trading Post more safe can we ask to have a sellers address and telephone number before payment is sent, then a buyer could at least phone the individual to make sure they are on the level.


here are a couple of things i don't like. i don't like BRAND NEW members who obviously join just to sell and item. maybe there should be a length of time ore a minimum number of posts bf you can sell on the TP. i also dislike people who post items on the TP as a mechanism to drive traffic to that item as an ebay auction.
here are a couple of things i don't like. i don't like BRAND NEW members who obviously join just to sell and item. maybe there should be a length of time ore a minimum number of posts bf you can sell on the TP. i also dislike people who post items on the TP as a mechanism to drive traffic to that item as an ebay auction.

There's a whole sub-culture, over in that trading post, of members you'd never even know were here. I don't think I'd be mailing money to anyone that was not a "known" member, fwiw. Doesn't make the unknowns bad guys, just makes them not get my money, lol.
#1 If you have less than 30 posts you can't post in the trading post.

#2 Like others mentioned Best offer should be refused. Tell us what you want and we can go from there.

#3 Pictures are a must. What you think might be "great" might not be for others.

#4 Have a way in the trading post to accept PM's. I don't like the messages I would like a PM.

#5 Email is a must for communications.
There's a whole sub-culture, over in that trading post, of members you'd never even know were here. I don't think I'd be mailing money to anyone that was not a "known" member, fwiw. Doesn't make the unknowns bad guys, just makes them not get my money, lol.

I too have noticed that in a big way and try to keep my dealings between long time members or frequent posters on the forums, if I have never seen a post or the sellers on line name at the bottom of the page just watching and reading then I most likely would not deal with that person if it meant sending substantial funds their way.
I thought there already was a way for people in the trading post to PM each other.

I would suggest the trading post not have idle ****-chat or comments posted among the listings of items, those should be separate. Takes way too long to sort through the fluff to get to the meat ...If I am shopping, I want to just look at the merchandise.

As for the best offer aspect, the saw I listed is a prime example, I flat out don't know what it is worth, I don't expect a lot out of it, and I refuse to allow somebody to pay more than it's really worth. So, I am willing to go with the flow and depend on other's honesty.

I didn't join the forum to sell a saw, it just so happens it's be taking up valuable space in my shed I need for other stuff. I joined looking for advice, and wanted a place to hang out with other folks who might have sawdust on the brain.
There's a whole sub-culture, over in that trading post, of members you'd never even know were here. I don't think I'd be mailing money to anyone that was not a "known" member, fwiw. Doesn't make the unknowns bad guys, just makes them not get my money, lol.

i agree. that was not the point. i just think that allowing people to join AS soley as a platform to sell saws cheapens the site. i definitely would not send $ money to someone who just joined. i also realize that not everyone is prolific in posting. but joining and sticking around, even if we are talking about only browsing posts, indicates more sincerity to me.
I agree with everyone else.

1. Communicate often. If you had the package in the seat beside you and just forgot to stop at the PO, say so. People generally won't be upset if they just know what to expect.

2. Pictures, multiple angles, LARGE, and in focus.

3. Description completeness and accuracy is paramount. "372xp, runs good" doesn't cut the mustard. I wanna know how long you've had it, if you are the original owner, if it was used in a commercial logging company, or if Auntie Jane just trimmed the dogwoods with it once a year. If Auntie Jane ran a logging company specializing in dogwood logs.. say so.

4. If you have my money, it should be your primary goal in life to ship my goods. If you have a death in the family, understandable. If you car breaks down and you can't get to the PO, understandable. If your fishin buddy invites you last minute for a 10 day fishin' trip, find PO on the way to his house. Insurance and Tracking numbers... covers your butt and mine. Provide the numbers to the buyer as soon as you get home.

my 2c,
I also never understood the part about the buyer having to send the money first. Why is it all the buyers gamble?

More deals would go sour if the seller had to wait for the buyers approval before they got payed.
Like if I sold an nice 044 to a newbie who never used a saw before, he'd probably rock it out all weekend with his buddies pitching in and then decide that it wasn't such a good deal after he foobared an otherwise good saw.

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