1000 Pounds of Bark

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Jan 10, 2008
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Omaha, Nebraska
That's what I have in a pile after splitting big elm, oak, mulberry, ash, locust, and maple. I piled it up and saved it all. I was ready to bonfire all of it, and then I asked the landowner what he thought. He said, "Forget that nonsense. We can use it all this winter for kindling to help start the woodstove fire in the morning."

I said. "Wait a minute. You never did that before. You always used Boy Scout fluid."

He said, "Not this year. That bark you saved for us is going to take care of it."

I like that. In fact, I filled a box full of it and hauled it home for my stove. Forum, WDYT?
Most ash around here is losing bark standing, loses it when split, etc. I have loads of it. I start all my fires with old bark. Red oak bark from the is a couple inches thick a lot of times too. I catch hell for a buddy about it, but it all burns and I find it useful.
Never let mine go out after lighting for the first time so wouldn't do me much good. Plus, I'm saving all of this years election crap that came in the mail for my bonfire pit starter! Probably have enough to last till the next election!
Never let mine go out after lighting for the first time so wouldn't do me much good. Plus, I'm saving all of this years election crap that came in the mail for my bonfire pit starter! Probably have enough to last till the next election!
yeah,,and the dem stuff ought burn good,,since its fos.............
My dad burned alot that came off a big burr oak I processed. In his indoor furnace, It created alot of ashes and smoke. It would be better in a owb.
I save all the bark and uglies that I get from splitting. I shovel it into plastic barrels. So far I have 3 filled and some on the ground. I use it for starting fires and feeding fires when I need to get the morning chill out. So far I have had only two fires going. Normally, I am not a round the clock burner so bark n uglies is a good fire starter for me.
I must admit that I rarely used bark before for kindling because I never had so much, but this year is different. I brought in 20 tons of elm with the bark on, and then it fell off as I split it. Suddenly, I had a mountain of bark.

Also, when I split wood, I get chunks of scraps all over the place that I usually use for kindling. Now I have a new tinder candidate--bark. And, this year the drying conditions are really good.
I think it was here on AS that I read about drilling holes in plastic trash cans to store kindling, bark, sticks, noodles, etc. in. I have 4 full right now
Or he could compost it. Composted tree bark makes for nice garden soil.

He's right. If I ever stop splitting/stacking wood i'm going to move my garden where the wood pile was. There's probably a foot of black soil there built up over the years. Could grow 10 pound tomatoes:)
I pick out the bigger wood pieces (splitter turds) and use them for kindling. The rest go through my Mackissic chipper/shredder and are turned into mulch for the wife's flower beds. Keeps everyone happy that way.
I think it was here on AS that I read about drilling holes in plastic trash cans to store kindling, bark, sticks, noodles, etc. in. I have 4 full right now
Heck, that was my suggestion. If the bottom drains, it works great. About all of my trash cans have worn out bottoms and require no drilling. I'm too embarrassed to show you guys the height of my pile of bark. It's actually bigger than the pile of my splitter shrapnel. And, I'm not even through splitting all the elm that's producing the bark with each split.
Heck, that was my suggestion. If the bottom drains, it works great. About all of my trash cans have worn out bottoms and require no drilling. I'm too embarrassed to show you guys the height of my pile of bark. It's actually bigger than the pile of my splitter shrapnel. And, I'm not even through splitting all the elm that's producing the bark with each split.

I know what your talkin about with the Elm. I took in only about a cord of the stuff and the bark was fallin off then I was moving it up to the hosue. I now have piles of bark. Thought about throwing it in a pile and burning it with some brush. I might have to take the dry stuff up to the house and use it for shoulder wood.
I know what your talkin about with the Elm. I took in only about a cord of the stuff and the bark was fallin off then I was moving it up to the hosue. I now have piles of bark. Thought about throwing it in a pile and burning it with some brush. I might have to take the dry stuff up to the house and use it for shoulder wood.

Wood is wood, doesn't matter the shape. I sometimes just use several buckets to bring in that oddball and dirty stuff, from bucket to dragon!
I had a big pile of Ash bark I set it on fire and had to run to get a way from the snakes coming out I guess the were eating something
Never let mine go out after lighting for the first time so wouldn't do me much good. Plus, I'm saving all of this years election crap that came in the mail for my bonfire pit starter! Probably have enough to last till the next election!
lmho!!!! omg and here i've been throwing away all those political ads. i coulda been burning em. :) thanks for the idea.

back on topic: ya i think thats a really good idea burning bark as fire starters. i usually just chuck the bark into the owb just cause its in the way and i need to get rid of it.