14" dead rotten cherry

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ArboristSite Guru
Dec 29, 2002
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Gotta dead 14" dead unclimbable cherry to dispatch. Maybe 60' tall pecker pole, no bucket or crane access. 2 big firs to rig off of. I'm sure no one here can offer any advice on how to do it:D.

Here's a poorly drawn pic. I'm a little worried about the fence near the butt. School property behind where i'd like to lay the tree to rest.
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Here's my tentative plan. use the firs to raise the tree over the fence, one cut at the ground. Don't have a GRCS, think a set of fours will get it done? The tree is pretty dried out.
Raise the butt end and use the tag line to get it over the fence. Probably set up more MA on the tag line.

Think it'll work? 2 man crew blocks, ropes, maybe gibbs on belay, and a hobbs.
What kind of fence are you dealing with? Would it be a viable option for you to take apart a section or two of fence and just lay the whole thing down between a couple of posts?
If you would climb it and strip it to a snag, you could just block it down and miss the fence. I don't think I would do the rigging you suggested. The root ball usually will hold up the snag.
If I was worried, I might tie off in one of the other trees. I might even rope outta the other one, just for laffs.

Nice cedar fence. Would have to remove 2 sections of neighbors fence. Could get hung up in fir its leaning into. Not sure it's sound enough to hinge.
Originally posted by ORclimber
Raise the butt end and use the tag line to get it over the fence. Probably set up more MA on the tag line.

Think it'll work? 2 man crew blocks, ropes, maybe gibbs on belay, and a hobbs.
Understand why you want to raise the butt end to swing it over the fence but will the wood hold? Hate to see it break somewhere in the middle from the horizontal position. Maybe set up lift on top side of tree and lift or hang it vertical? Make base cut high enough to clear fence and winch it from the top. You would know condition of wood better than I sitting here just thinking about dried out wood condition and possible problems. good luck and be careful.
if you alternated ropes at the butt you could chunk it from the bottom up while keeping it suspended the whole time.
Well I knocked it out today, not nearly as bad as it looked in the dark after 9 hours of climbing. Just ran up the closest fir(hookless, too much ivy to set a throwline), swung over and chunked it out on the way down. there was at least an inch of sound wood on one side and maybe 3 on the other. Knocked $200 off the bid price cause it only took an hour, drove the hour back to Keizer and blocked out a double trunk cottonwood spar.

What's Erik say about overthinking? That's me dumber than a box of rocks, a big red truck full of gear, and loose on the world.
Originally posted by ORclimber
Just ran up the closest fir(hookless, too much ivy to set a throwline)

just curious OR, not saying anything about the job here, but do you usually enter conifers SRT after you set a line or do you get a tie in point that allows you to use DdRT before you ascend?
Usually enter SRT, then climb to the top alternating fliplines. Then tie in and come down.

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