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After 15 years, I started getting allergies every spring, they got very bad for a while... Sneezing 150x/day... constant itchy eyes...

Now I don't use drugs... over the counter or prescription...
I have found diet makes a big difference. Which fits my theory that we all have mild food allergies... Certain foods really trigger them.. When I eliminate those foods I do much better..
I also found this guy that sells local honey... raw great stuff...
Its supposed to really help... last year, be it the food or the honey, wasn't so bad..
This year I may just use a respirator much of the time...

We had some dry springs a while back and when I would use a hand blower cleaning off the rooves, the pollen dust would get so thick it would look like a cloud.. I think that's what triggerred the allergies... If I had had the sense to ware a respirator back then, I probably wouldn't be dealing with this now..
Diet is a HUGE factor! Different foods elicit different reactions, one of which is excess mucous production. Dairy products, smoking, ect are a few culprits.

I worked with a guy that would go into coughing/sneezing/spitting/ snot-rocket blowing fit during the 'season'. The side of his Ram would be all mucoused up... he didn't care for the pills.

I didn't care too much for him... :rolleyes:
I too in the last few yrs have been coming down w/ allergy symptoms. this year has been the worst. Ive taken some over the counter stuff as well as a benedryl knock off at night. It has seemed to help a bit.

I blow the nose a lot, sometimes in a hanky and sometimes not. When not, I try not to do it in front of people cause its disgusting. I wouldnt want to watch it from someone else, so I keep the same respect toward others.

Problem w/ a snot rag is by the end of the day, finding a clean spot is hard!
I guess I am doubly cursed, For starters I am allergic to bee stings. I always carry an epi-pen with me. Secondly, for some reason the resin and pollen in spruce trees wreeks havoc on my eyes and contacts. There have been days where I have woken up and my eyes are sealed shut like I have pink eye or something. I am pretty sure that it is the pollen adhering to my lenses and iritating my eyes. Yes I know I should take my contacts out every night, but most of the time I just let it go untill I get the big eye infection and have to suffer for the next couple of day. Im just waiting to win the lottery so I can get the laser surgery done on my eyeballs.


I did some web surfing a few years ago and was reading a paper by this Dr. on Long Island, considerred the guru on lyme disease.

He stated with great emphasis that anyone whom has ever had lyme, should not ever take drugs for allergies. Even in mild form thay can permanently damage the immune resistance to lyme...

Do you think moving to Mexico would help???
Mexico huh???? I have thought about starting a deep sea fishing guide service in Cabo San Lucas to kill the winter blues. What do ya say Daniel? Se habla espanol???? Mucho dinero y cervesa y senoritias bonita.


Check out this link...
A good high school friend bought 33 acres of virgin rainforrst on the pacific coast of costa rica.... he's got endangerred monkeys, a 200' waterfall, a lagoon with crocodiles, and works with a "protect the hatching sea turtles project", hiking trails through the jungle etc...

I was thinking of building a canopy exploration system there....
could you imagine speed lining across a ravine looking over that 200' waterfall.....

And my sister is going in on some land in Talum, in the Yucatan peninsula... I can definitely see retireing in shorts and a t-shirt..
Too much to do up here for now though..
I try not to use drugs to solve problems like this, I figure if I start now my body will grow resistant to the drugs and when I am old and grey and really need chemical support the med's will let me down. Try doing some research on pressure point therapy to cure common symptoms, It usualy works faster and is free.
me and the wife last summer used too sleep with the window open,so slight breeze on us during the night..the outside tempreture would have been low 70s..yet every morning we would wake up with cold like sypmtums snoty nose ,that cold bunged up feeling...yet when we slept with the window shut and no breeze on us i/we would wake up feeling normal no cold symptums..try working that one out it beats me..i seem to get a lot of sore throats in the summer ,i put this down too exaust fumes as we mainly work in urban enviroments
Originally posted by murphy4trees
After 15 years, I started getting allergies every spring, they got very bad for a while... Sneezing 150x/day... constant itchy eyes...

my wife recons you get HAYFEVER.. and honey is meant to help this condition
you will probably laugh at this but i am allergic to tree pollen.anything with catkins does my head in.usally starts about now and lasts for about a month,sympytoms range from the odd sneeze to full blown can't stop sneexing fit's and breathing difficulties.the sneezing fit's cause much amusment to the rest of the crew.last year i had to do an iffy silver birch loaded with open pollen laden catkins,all i can say is the floor was green.

also have real bad reactions if i get a bit of laburnum wood chip in my eye.this happened last year and i looked like i'd been 10 rounds with TYSON just puching my right eye:mad:
Allergies Treatment.

I'm surprised no one mentioned the shots.

When I lived in Quebec, my allergies were
so bad in August and September that I would
wake up with my eyelids stuck together from
dried up eye crap, I could not wear contacts.
I was so congested that I could not taste food
for a few months. The pills were no longer

I started getting the injections and things got
much better.

I moved to California in 91, no shots, no
allergies, then after a couple of years the
allergies started coming back.

I'm allergic to pretty much everything
trees, grass, cats, dogs, pollen, mold,
bees, fish, sea food. I get injections once a
month for environmental allergies (
cats, dog, pollen, etc.) and venoms
(honey bees, wasps, yellow jackets).

The shots work for me. I wish there was a
treatment for poison oak...
I'm allergic to trees, mostly beech and oak. I even have a mild allergy even in the winter. I have also noticed that trees with ivy not poison ivy really affect me. I think there is all sorts of pollen and dust trapped in there. I used to think the watering eyes and the burning and snot running what just from hard work. I have tried the pills and it doesn't really help. I tried some bee pollen from Dan last summer and then went out to climb and my throat was swollen shut with in the hour and I was sick for three days. I hate allergies they really have a large affect on how I climb and my energy.
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I seem to be bad with the Pines. White Pines and Austrians. I am not sure if its a mental thing or I am more allergic to them. Any ideas?

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