allright which one of you guys did this ?

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I'm leaning more towards it being stolen or something... No way is a saw, looking that good, had the factory sticker on the front off it by now...
I have to disagree as well. I bought a brand new on last year from the dealer. Stihl for some reason has this brownish glue like stuff they put on these at the factory. Maybe it's some kind of sealant or something. Not sure why it would be needed, but mine came from the factory looking very much like those pictures around the muffler. me a picture of ANY new saw at ANY dealer(excluding demo saws) that has brown discoloring on the case around the muffler. me a picture of ANY new saw at ANY dealer(excluding demo saws) that has brown discoloring on the case around the muffler.

It could be cosmolene (I'm sure that is spelled wrong) looks kinda blotchy though. I've got a good pic of the discoloration on my saw which is obviously exhaust. (and yes it has been spit shined :cool:)

attachment.php me a picture of ANY new saw at ANY dealer(excluding demo saws) that has brown discoloring on the case around the muffler.

If they'd let me take a picture, I would. Because when I brought mine home I was skeptical at first mine had a problem and they tried to glue a seal in the oil tank or something. I went to another dealer and checked one out. Had the same brownish glue like stuff on it.
I'm telling you this stuff is like a brownish glue or sealer or something. Now I understand the exhaust stain you're talking about and the one on EBAY does have some. I'm just saying that it's not all due to exhaust from what I see.

Here's a picture of mine, brand new before I started playing with it and I'm sure the dealer ran it briefly, he didn't with me there, but it had a little mix in it, so you might say this discoloration is due to that, but... It's not a great pic of the issue, but notice how the exahust side is not white (Stihl Grey for those who like to go there) as the non exhaust side is. That's the brownish stuff (glue) I'm talking about.


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Wasn't trying to start an argument and yours is by far cleaner than the one for sale. No way meant the one for sale was a polished up pos,but it's had some use.
Here's a pic of a new one taken today,no discoloration at all that I can see,no glue or...

and here is my going on 3 yr old 260,fresh from cutting,a bit of spiffing up and it could look allmost new

Wasn't trying to start an argument and yours is by far cleaner than the one for sale. No way meant the one for sale was a polished up pos,but it's had some use.
Here's a pic of a new one taken today,no discoloration at all that I can see,no glue or...

and here is my going on 3 yr old 260,fresh from cutting,a bit of spiffing up and it could look allmost new


No arguments. :cheers: Nice saws you got there. I've only seen this on the 260's by the way. I'll try to take an updated picture of mine sometime shortly, but I do see the same stuff on your used one up by the serial number on the muffler side. That's what I'm talking about. Mine had that stuff in the same place by the serial number and like dripping down from there.

Anyway, yep, that Ebay saw has been used a little like he said, I would think only a few hours by the looks of the saw seems reasonable. I'd probably buy it, but you know it's gonna go crazy for some reason... The way I look at it is if I'm not getting a deal on it, at least 1/4 if not more off a new one including shipping, why chance it? Get a new one from the dealer and a warranty...

It's crazy how people seemingly get near new prices for stuff like this. I want a BR600 really bad and will end up going to the dealer and get one this Fall probably. I've not seen too many that don't get like 450.00 including shipping on the nice ones. For about 30.00-50.00 more, I could have a warranty and a happy dealer. Crazy I tell you.
I hear ya on the price, that's kinda what I meant that it will go for dam near new price for a used saw.

If you can wait out for another Florida storm there were several BR600s on ebay after the last one and about 3 out of the 6 or 7 that sold were great deals. Most in real nice shape.