ammm....Is this allowed?

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May 20, 2001
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Ok i know this is a Tree forum and its not a flowery one which is a good thing cos I hate flowers :angry: BUT I kinda need some help *Queue sweet innocent smile* :angel:
i would like to plant an Oak Tree with little alpine flowers in a kind of stone bank around it but would alpine plants grow where the Oak tree sheds its leaves or an I talking crap? Basically the question is
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I'm a sucker for a sweet smile! :blush: I have no idea what 'alpine' flowers are, but I can tell you that IF you are going to build a flowerbed around a tree I would recommend the following.
- Don't make it too big or too deep. Adding lots of dirt around the trunk will bury the bark on the trunk of the tree (not good). If it is too big, you will end up cutting/digging up too many feeder roots of the tree (the feeder roots on trees are in the top 6"-12" of soil, reaching as far as the spread of the limbs) when you plant the flowers.
-Adding a small flowerbed around a tree can be quite attractive. If I were to make one, I would only add approx 2-3 inches of potting soil and not make the bed bigger than 3-4' out from the trunk. I would make sure that the dirt didn't bury the bark, because bark will rot if buried. I would use shade-loving flowers like impatiens, with lots of colors. I would use a good potting soil mix that won't compact too much, so as not to suffocate the tree roots.
How did you make the colored letters? Girls can be so creative!:p
I would agree with treeclimber. Follow his instructions. If these alpine flowers are able to survive in the shade. It should be ok.:cool:

Treeclimber you can make the colored font in the vB Code area when you go to post a reply or thread.
I like the post - it must have taken more time to write than for a one-fingered newspaper editor to do the sports page after the superbowl.

Great advice above - apline flowers - I'm not a flower guy either (all I know is my wife says she likes gladiollas, so that's what I ask for), but I have been to many alpine and subarctic areas and those small, perennial flowers grow without shade but often adjacent to rocks or other structures that provide cover from the wind and focus the sun's heat to create a small microsite that is slightly warmer than the surrounding area. If you are referring to alpine flowers in the context of where they are naturally found, your oak may not provide the right habitat for them to grow and do their thing.
Fank u all

:blob2: Jumping for joy
Thank y'all - my pathetic redneck impression (just incase you didn't guess)
Very use ful info which will come in handy infact
I'm off to the brownies to spread the good news!!
*Gets up attacks a brownie leader and screams "AHHHH have you heard the word about the Oak tree???" gets arrested and then thrown in jail*
Ammm....thanks I think
I don't think that would be a good idea, either.
She would definitely be a bad influence on us.:D
Besides, Nirvana~, you probably can't get away from NASA for a vacation.
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