Another Weather Thread

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Nov 17, 2010
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On the Cedar in Northeast Iowa
I was hopin' the mild, dry weather would hold through March, I should know better... it's all gonna' change over the next couple days.

It's a bit below zero this morning, wind comin' from the NW at a steady 20 MPH and lookin' for a high around the balmy 5[sup]o[/sup] mark today... on the bright side, they're callin' for sunshine today (pun intended). But it's gonna' start snowing overnight, 6-7 inches tomorrow, maybe more tomorrow night with the thermometer stuck in single digits either side of zero at least through Saturday. Not supposed to have a lot of wind with it, 'round 10 MPH or so, but with single digit temps that snow is gonna' be light... it won't take a lot of wind to get it moving, sure hope they're right about the 10 MPH.

I know this shouldn't be a surprise... after-all it is January...
But ya' see, I have this problem... It's been so warm and dry this year that I haven't had need for my scoop shovel... I don't know where it is... and I don't know where to start looking.
Yep, winter is finally here. I think these are the first sub-zero temps we've had. I paid extra attention to the fire last night to build up some extra heat in the house. When the temp reading on the thermostat approached 75° the family started looking at me kind of funny (we normally shoot for around 68°-70°). Tried to explain to them about using the house as a heat energy storage device for the overnight (yeah right). Got up this morning to a 68° house, not bad considering the outside temps and wind.
Morning Log, 19 Jan 2012, 0544 h ( aka "oh dark hundred" )
NW 12-15 MPH, 04 F ( It is winter )

Wing #2, 46 F. Fill Oslo, empty ash on snow covered grass, pee. Replace ash pan.
Wing #1, 58 F, Load Encore, empty ash onto septic field, no pee needed. Replace ash pan.
Wash hands.
Make coffee, put out vitamin pills.
Damper on cat for Encore, lower air for Oslo.
Fill both wood racks from the woodshed for both stoves. Sweep up debris before SWMBO awakes
Pour coffee for me. Drink it with vitality pills and half and half.
Pee #2............................................

and so it goes. Exciting. Vibrant. Interesting. Want more detail ? No ? ( Is AS becoming Facebook ? :eek2: )
My wife and kids like to let the snow shovels lie in random places on the ground. Then when it snows it's like a game - "find the shovel". They seem to enjoy this game more than I do.

Which reminds me - I need to fabricate some new skids for the 4' snow blade I use on the Gravely. Just in case. It's kind of a PITA without them.
My wife and kids like to let the snow shovels lie in random places on the ground. Then when it snows it's like a game - "find the shovel". They seem to enjoy this game more than I do.

Which reminds me - I need to fabricate some new skids for the 4' snow blade I use on the Gravely. Just in case. It's kind of a PITA without them.

Make sure your skids are taller than any snow shovel that may be lying about!:biggrin:
Be glad for LIGHT FLUFFY snow. We get waterlogged, concrete, heavy, glompy snow. Then, after it snows we generally get rain, which is what is happening now. Moving that stuff around is a workout.

OK, we got about a foot and a half as of yesterday. It started raining yesterday and rained all night. Not a heavy rain. So now, we keep an eye on the rivers.

It is even raining up on White Pass--4500 feet. We will watch the river and creeks.

I cracked the plastic snow shovel yesterday. Woke up to the noisy BLOMP of snow fallig off the gutters during the night. Seattle looks to have gotten ice instead of rain.

I am having my morning double shot of espresso (not expresso) mixed with hot chocolate. The Used Dog is still asleep after having to hop around yesterday. Labs aren't supposed to have to hop around in snow like rat dogs.

A learning point: It takes a long time to turn snow into hot water on the woodstove.
My wife and kids like to let the snow shovels lie in random places on the ground. Then when it snows it's like a game - "find the shovel". They seem to enjoy this game more than I do.

Which reminds me - I need to fabricate some new skids for the 4' snow blade I use on the Gravely. Just in case. It's kind of a PITA without them.

Better git movin on that.
-18 here in my neck of the woods. still almost no snow though. just enuf to give the ground a spotty white look
Current temp of -2, last nights low was -10 here on the hill, my buddy down the hill in the swamp reports -19 (He takes some perverse joy in being colder than I am. Fine by me.)

The snow is gonna just brush this area, probably not enough to plow. My as yet unused in anger plow truck is waiting to move it if any shows up.

BTW, new record (since I reset the fancy indoor/outdoor thermometer this fall) lows, both in and out. It got down to 52 in the kitchen, while I slept cozily in the basement. Wood furnace was nearly out by the time I woke up, and it has been at full military power since catching up - now at 63. Time to stuff it full, crank down the damper, and go to work.
Late-breaking weather news!

I just got off the phone with friend living in North Dakota near the Canadian border. He said that since early this morning the snow has been nearly waist high and is still falling. The temperature is dropping way below zero and the north wind is increasing to near gale force. His wife has done nothing but look through the kitchen window and just stare. He says that if it gets much worse, he may have to let her in.
Not snowing or blowing but is about 3 degrees out. Supposed to get some snow this afternoon oh well it is January in Ohio.
It's a bit chilly here this morning