any update? Boston rec climb

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My group has changed, me plus one or two experienced climbers. We'll be climbing Saturday and Sunday, we'll join OTG's climb on Sunday.

One of my climbers is coming from Montreal so any location is fine. OTG's oak could be a little intimidating for new climbers (big air) but the pine is good for a range of skill level, plus there's a couple others in there that would work. Beech grove sounds good, if it has some height to it :)
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the 5th is out for me.....sorry. The 11thy and 12th would work fine though if theres any intrest in those dates.
I gotta catch up on my sidework

I think after the climb on the 5th I'll be busy untill after the new year.

The good news is we will be trying to get more of these climbs together (maybe four or five times a year)

I've noticed this rec. thread doesn't get much traffic. Do you guys have any ideas to make it more interesting to arborists' and others? I know moss and Bob are always up for a climb and scheduling is always an issue with most of us. Would a regular schedule help to make this available to more people?


What do you think about putting some flyers up in the local climbing gear shops? I don't know if the owners would be on-board with this, but it might not hurt to ask. I bet there's a few dozen tree guys who'd like to get away from the chippers and saws to do some climbing for fun but are not "on-line."
I have over 50 people who want to climb, most are novices. Everybody I've already taken up wants to climb again.

That's a good idea Bob though we can't do an open call to all working climbers via flyer to ask climbers to show up at a particular location 'cause we could easily end up with too many people for the location. Maybe a flyer with contact info would work. I'm busy enough with all the new climbers I have waiting so I'll stay out of trying to attract more climbers.

There may be a problem for working climbers, you climb all week, do you want to climb on the weekend too? And not get paid to climb? There is another potential problem, rec climbing takes a little getting used to for some arborists. It's nothing like a work climb. You take it easy, go slow. There's nothing to prove to boss or coworkers. The thing to prove is that you know how to be safe in a tree and enjoy yourself. It's tough to get used to at first when you have a way of approaching a tree that's best for work climbing.

The best part of rec climbs besides your own enjoyment is watching new climbers get psyched about being in the tree. Many new climbers go to 65-70 ft. on their first climb. As high as you place the rope they'll go. There's always a rescue access line higher than all other rope positions. More of my new climbers are women than men. Great to see women climbing. Generally speaking woman pick up climbing skills faster then men, mileage varies. I think woman may have an advantage with physical coordination in learning a natural climbing motion. Plus men are fairly dumb :) Well not so much dumb as we try to muscle through everything and forget to listen and think sometimes.

I think a monthly arborist (and friends or family) only rec climb would be a good thing (as OTG hinted). Great way to relax, network, get your family or kids involved if you want, learn some new technique, exchange ideas etc. Would be really cool to practice some rescues or have someone do a workshop on a particular climbing skill or technique. Could go in many directions, all good.

That's my ramble about rec climbing hope to see some of you Nov 5 or maybe we can do something up at Boston Bull's tree in a following weekend.
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What made me think about having commercial arborists doing some rec climbing was OTG's reaction to the first Boston Area Rec Climb (BARC) we had in Franklin Park. It was cool to hear him say how different it was to climb without the pressure and the noise. I bet other commercial climbers would have a similar reaction at the next BARC.

I'd like to get some rescue training. Where do I sign up?

rmihalek said:
What made me think about having commercial arborists doing some rec climbing was OTG's reaction to the first Boston Area Rec Climb (BARC) we had in Franklin Park. It was cool to hear him say how different it was to climb without the pressure and the noise. I bet other commercial climbers would have a similar reaction at the next BARC.

I'd like to get some rescue training. Where do I sign up?


The MAA offers a full safety program in arboriculture. Its called safety saves and is available every month. I'm sure one of the months will cover EHAP/Aerial rescue.
Many of my friends (arborists) are interested in doing some rec. climbs but there is usually a scheduling conflict. Honestly, if the Patriots were playing during the day on Sun. I'd be on the couch instead of in the woods!

So what time do you guys want to meet up?
works for me

Sunday at 10:00

Beech or pine/oak? or other? The two guys coming with me were with us last time, now they have their own gear! There is a possibility that a famous friend might join us, I'm going to give him details on Fri.
10:00 a.m. works for me too.

I agree that if the Patriots v. Colts was Sunday at 1:00, I'd probably have to watch it (or fix my VCR and tape it). That's going to be a great game.
great success

Another rec climb in the books for the soon to be famous beech grove at Franklin Park. Thanks moss for once again getting the gear and interested climbers together.
I am looking foreward to doing a climb in the spring that will be completely legit as far as permission goes. (those pesky park rangers were haunting me in my sleep!)

Stay tuned for updates.
Another rec climb in the books for the soon to be famous beech grove at Franklin Park. Thanks moss for once again getting the gear and interested climbers together.
I am looking foreward to doing a climb in the spring that will be completely legit as far as permission goes. (those pesky park rangers were haunting me in my sleep!)

Stay tuned for updates.

All credit goes to OTG for making the climb possible. Everyone had a great time. The only downside is the Pats lost to the Colts later that night.

Jared, OTG and Leif:

A few more photos here:
Boston climb

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Looks like it was a great time! I am sorry I missed it. I will definately be there whenever the next one is.
I'm sorry I missed the GTG too. A last minute thing came up with the kids where I had to stay at home until noon and that pretty much messed up the day. Well, not totally, since I did some practice rigging lowering some small dead wood out of a hickory in my yard.

It's good to hear that the climb went well and the climbers weren't hassled by the "man."
It would have been nice if this went down in Chesapeake,VA. :(
Do it for yourself! start a VA rec thread, what are you waiting for??????

Since I've only climbed with hooks, I'd just piss someone off hacking their yard trees to pieces. So I'm not really the choice candidate to start a VA rec thread since I can't hump up a tree without em.
gumneck said:
Since I've only climbed with hooks, I'd just piss someone off hacking their yard trees to pieces. So I'm not really the choice candidate to start a VA rec thread since I can't hump up a tree without em.

This is a piss poor excuse.......theres no bter time to learn to climb the righ way and stop being a hack on pruning than at a rec climb.

Take the initiative!
BostonBull said:
This is a piss poor excuse.......theres no bter time to learn to climb the righ way and stop being a hack on pruning than at a rec climb.

Take the initiative!

I've read and understand some of the principles(if that's what they are) on footlocking and what not. I wouldn't climb a tree with hooks that wasn't coming down.

Agree on the hack part. Not sure I could get used to not being safetied and hooked into the tree.