anybody heard of an age requirement to purchase 2-stroke oil?

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So inquiring minds want to know.......if one were sixteen years old and actually did their own PM on their vehicle........are they allowed too anymore? Just think, when they finally kill off the dollar as a viable currency, we'll all just have "credits" cards that allow us buy what the gov't tells we can have........
i went to get a case of 2 stroke the other day ,they told me i was too old ,i promptly replied that the oil was for my son , whew that was a close one ,i gotta shave this grey beard off lol jk
Had to go to the big city a while back. I saw a dude with pants around the knees and hat on sideways. He had one hand holding the front of his pants up and a six pack of 2 stroke oil in the other. Craziest thing I ever saw! :msp_w00t:
I live in the back woods, up in the hills, where cell phones rarely work too but that's certainly not the craziest thing I've ever seen!!

The craziest thing I ever seen involved a rake, a squirrel, a jar of mayo, a helmet, and a dude named Earl. Talk about a crazy night.....
I live in the back woods, up in the hills, where cell phones rarely work too but that's certainly not the craziest thing I've ever seen!!

The craziest thing I ever seen involved a rake, a squirrel, a jar of mayo, a helmet, and a dude named Earl. Talk about a crazy night.....

you know what they say no picys it didn't happen:cheers:
I live in the back woods, up in the hills, where cell phones rarely work too but that's certainly not the craziest thing I've ever seen!!

The craziest thing I ever seen involved a rake, a squirrel, a jar of mayo, a helmet, and a dude named Earl. Talk about a crazy night.....

I know man, us hillbillys know how to have fun. But I see stuff in the big city's that just ain't right...I'm tellin ya so!
Went to the local big box store for some oil and while checking out at the self-serve aisle my purchase was temporarily halted until an employee could verify I was 18 yrs old or older. Never heard of this before, is this a new Calif law, or did somebody at Lowe's screw up a computer database entry?
Totally weird, It's gotta be a California thing. I can see spray paint, bb guns & tobacco but 2-stroke oil?! WTF!?
When's the last time you heard of someone getting carded for gasoline? I guarantee you any kid old enough to say the words "5 dollars on pump 1" could buy it and a cigarette lighter to go with it. :dizzy:
Heck no! hahahaha if it were i wouldn't be sharing her picture with you bunch of heathens.
I had to go to Home Depot today and I asked about a age requirement to purchase petroleum distillates ???

Finally I had to clarify the question to things like motor oil, WD40, & spray paint. Bingo!

He said you have to be 18 to purchase spray paint.
I live in the back woods, up in the hills, where cell phones rarely work too but that's certainly not the craziest thing I've ever seen!!

The craziest thing I ever seen involved a rake, a squirrel, a jar of mayo, a helmet, and a dude named Earl. Talk about a crazy night.....

This is one case where we will ALL believe it happened........................WITHOUT seing pics....:jester:
EPA was given broader POWERS since somebody elected obama. Notice the lack of caps doesn't deserve Capitalization. More Govt. regulation another freedom/liberty lost. Did not hear this on the NEWS wonder why.
jfc man, it's got nothing to do w/ obama. It's a California hippie, tree hugger type of thing.

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