anybody heard of an age requirement to purchase 2-stroke oil?

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EPA was given broader POWERS since somebody elected obama. Notice the lack of caps doesn't deserve Capitalization. More Govt. regulation another freedom/liberty lost. Did not hear this on the NEWS wonder why.

It is amazing how some people immediately jump to the conclusion that the government is responsible without doing any research. Perhaps you could elaborate on the "broader POWERS" that the EPA was "given"? Is your solution is to shut down the EPA and start drinking a chemical cocktail from your faucet?

If you disagree with the politics here you are always free to relocate to another country that more closely mirrors your values. Or better yet, quit whining from behind your keyboard and go out and get involved in your community in order to make it a better place.
Guido Salvage is in the minority here. Most of us love our country but are scared of our government.

I am curious as to what you are scared of? My point is that some people will take any topic and twist it into a "government conspiracy" without doing any research or understanding the underlying issues. Perhaps if these types of people became more engaged in the political process and their communities they would have less to complain about.

And before you brand me a left wing liberal, I have only twice voted for a Democratic presidential candidate since 1976. I prefer to view myself as open minded with the ability to support rational ideas regardless of party affiliation.
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At the high school my daughter attends it is legal to posses pot or to be stoned. All you need is a card that costs $90.00. Sitting in class while high is perfectly acceptable. If you are caught with tobacco you are kicked out of sports and either suspended or expelled.

My daughter is strugling with chemistry this year but the teacher said (to me) that even if she fails the class the teacher will convert her grade to a D so she will pass. She only has to tell the teacher she tried real hard.
I'm not about to pin this one directly on the messiah, but if anyone doesn't believe silly laws/rules/regs such as these are NOT a product of an over-reaching government into our daily lives they need to smoke some of that stuff they allow in the Kalifornication scroowl system.:cool2:
I'm not about to pin this one directly on the messiah, but if anyone doesn't believe silly laws/rules/regs such as these are NOT a product of an over-reaching government into our daily lives they need to smoke some of that stuff they allow in the Kalifornication scroowl system.:cool2:

For those of us that are unaware, perhaps you could enlighten us on the results of your research that led you to this conclusion. A link to a state or federal statute or even a store policy would suffice. While we are on the 4th page of this thread, no one has been able to supply any information on why these supposed age restrictions exist.

It is easy to pin everything on the government but much harder to do the research to learn the truth.

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