Bark Damage - Please Help

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New Member
May 23, 2005
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This morning I discovered a section of bark (about two inches by one and a half) has been torn off of a recently transplanted sugar maple tree in my front yard. It's a small tree and is already stressed from transplanting, so I'm a little worried about it. Is there anything I can do to help repair the damage? Thanks very much in advance.

a picture would help the diagnosis but, if its a strip only and not a full ring of bark then the tree should survive and should be ok in the long run. there isnt much you can do to help the tree but tracing the wound with a razor blade or sharp knife (careful not to cut in to healthy wood) to clean up the edges will help the tree in its attempt to seal the wound off. Any chance you know who caused the damage? get them to pay for a professional to try to fix it or pony up for a replacement tree.
Thanks very much for the info. I'm unable to post a picture, but it's a relatively small section of bark (nothing close to a full ring) midway up the trunk with no damage to the underlying wood. I don't know what caused it, but it's a city tree so if it dies I can get it replaced for free. I was able to clean up the edges and I also sprayed the wound with a thin layer of pruning paint, which they suggested at my local nursery. Thanks again.
