Blue label safety chain???

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361 Junkie
Sep 24, 2006
The longbar PNW
OK, the ex went to a 'chainsaw class for women' class today. She came home wanting a decomp button on her 210 (doh!). I told here that the Stihl 210-250 series never had a decomp button and I doubt that there is any place in the top of the jug to drill and tap one in.

She also said that they said that blue was the color code for anti-kickback safety chains and bars. I showed her my Stihl catalogs and my chains and bars with the green and yellow dots, and told her that green is for anti-kickback safety and yellow is for pro chains and bars (and better). But to no avail.

Are they changing from green to blue for safety anti-kickback now? Or is the Oregon chainsaw safety 'expert' smoking something funny before he teaches these classes? :chainsaw: :chainsaw: :chainsaw:


ArboristSite Operative
Jan 20, 2008
hey Oregon Engineer, can i drop the rakers on this 72v crap...i mean stuff... the dealer gave me to make it cut half way decently. on that note always make sure you receive the right kind of chain BEFORE you go and cut with it...ah life's lessons.


Information Collector
Jan 13, 2005
Troms, North Norway
Yes, the blue color designates low kickback chain and the yellow color is used for Pro chains. Other manufacturers use their own color scheme.
Of course our color scheme is the best one.

You could have chosen a clearer blue color - the one you use looks a bit "dirty" - LOL.

One question for you - why do I like the old LP better than LGX (never tried LPX).......:confused:

I touch up my chains at least every two tanks, and sooner if I feel a difference in cutting.
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Oregon Engineer

Oregon Engineer

ArboristSite Operative
Feb 3, 2005
hey Oregon Engineer, can i drop the rakers on this 72v crap...i mean stuff... the dealer gave me to make it cut half way decently. on that note always make sure you receive the right kind of chain BEFORE you go and cut with it...ah life's lessons.

Hey oldbigred
The depth gauge is there to control kick and to control how much power it trys to draw. Make the chain more aggressive with a bigger hook angle rather than lowering the depth gauge.
Oregon Engineer

Oregon Engineer

ArboristSite Operative
Feb 3, 2005
You could have chosen a clearer blue color - the one you use looks a bit "dirty" - LOL.

One question for you - why do I like the old LP better than LGX (never tried LPX).......:confused:

I touch up my chains at least every two tanks, and sooner if I feel a difference in cutting.

I don't know, why do you like LP better than LGX?


361 Junkie
Sep 24, 2006
The longbar PNW
I have to ask.

Why is the Ex coming home to you? Maybe I am speaking out if turn but that does seem a bit odd.


We broke up, and I moved to one end of the house. I also farm sit, as she is in a pinch dealing with her recently passed away father's probate. Kind of hard to leave her in a pile of doo doo at this time. We still get along, to a degree. I come and go from the farm as I please. I also have vested interest in the ranch/tree farm here, and I manage the vineyard. I am looking for another place to move to, as her probate stuff settles down pretty soon.

Amicable divorce so far. As for living in Southern Oregon, we are actually off the 162 exit on I-5. Still considered Southern Oregon though, and there are some dumb-a$$ hicks and whack jobs out here, for sure. I am from Portland, originally. As my dental hygenist in Cottage Grove put it after one look at my teeth, "You are not from around here, are you?"

Never give a inch! Ken Kesey dropped acid in the barn we have here, when this place was part of a commune in the 60's. They had a goat dairy and made ice cream from the milk that they sold locally. Supposedly all the hot babes here t the commune used to run around topless, and we still get the occasional biker through these parts that start to drool when they see the old barn, and reminisce about the past and wasted days of their youth. This remote area at least has had a colorful and varied past.
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361 Junkie
Sep 24, 2006
The longbar PNW
Oh yah, and thanks for the feedback on the Oregon blue safety chain. We only have one Oregon bar (chainsaw bar that is; lots of taverns to drink at in this state) and I do not use Oregon chain. I run Stihl 3/8 RM for the big saws, and Windsor 3/8 picco on the smaller ones. Yellow chains on all of them, except some backup RM2 'green' chains that I still have for cutting fenceposts with nails in them and the like.


ArboristSite Guru
May 5, 2008
North East Ct. in the good ol' USA
Never give a inch! Ken Kesey dropped acid in the barn we have here, when this place was part of the Mu Farm commune in the 60's. They had a goat dairy and made ice cream from the milk that they sold locally. Supposedly all the hot babes here t the commune used to run around topless, and we still get the occasional biker through these parts that start to drool when they see the old barn, and reminisce about the past and wasted days of their youth. This remote area at least has had a colorful and varied past.

Sounds like a cool place Windthrown. Sorry to hear things are ...changing for you.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Dec 20, 2007
As for living in Southern Oregon, we are actually off the 162 exit on I-5. Still considered Southern Oregon though, and there are some dumb-a$$ hicks and whack jobs out here, for sure. I am from Portland, originally. As my dental hygenist in Cottage Grove put it after one look at my teeth, "You are not from around here, are you?"

Must be that your teeth don't show any meth damage!

If your North of Roseburg I guess the Ozark comment doesn't quite apply. Thanks for offering the details. Sounds like the both of you deserve some respect for handling a break up with dignity. Not so common these days.

My scene is a bit the opposite of yours but similar. I lived south of Grants Pass, farming and selling firewood but moved up to a woodsy place in Oregon City (near Portland) to get together with my gal. This place also used to be a hippy haven and is now a 60 acre land trust. We're looking to buy something thats somewhere between the red and the blue with forest and farm. Maybe somewhere that Kesey puked at. lol


361 Junkie
Sep 24, 2006
The longbar PNW
If you have to use a blue code safety chain then you shouldn't be using a chainsaw.

Yes, good thing that Stihl has GREEN safety chain and not BLUE, lest I should not ever be using one of my old RM2 green safety chains on anything around here. But now that I think about it, you are absolutely right. I should not be using a chainsaw at all. I should be sitting on the patio, legs up with a beer in hand, while someone else does all my chinsawing for me. I mean, that is the way that it SHOULD BE. :)

But really, safety chain has its place in the world. In a lot of states, saws have to be sold with them on. Yah, they do not cut as well, and kickback is not a big thing if you know what you are doing. But you have to learn about that, somehow, and using blue or green bars and chains is probably better than learning on a yellow b&c. I learned to use a saw when I was 12 on my dad's Homelite. No safety anything on that saw. Not what I would want to give my kid to learn with though.