Another vote for the 260 Pro here. Just picked a new one up this week and heading out to cut wood. Now, bought it more as a limbing saw than anything else. Know it will work great if used just for firewood. But that leaves the door open to buying another saw in the future!!!!! :help:
Around here, 260Pro,475-490; 361,570-575; xp346, Husky dealers hard to find.
Which brings me to a question: what does your Stihl/Husky dealer say about these saws? Price, performance, service, reliability, resale/trade-in, etc.
Of the three referenced, all fine saws. I just wouldn't let a few dollars get in the way if your planning on using the saw for a number of years. Better to get what you want now and not look back. So once you make your decision, quit reading these posts! (My two cents)