Christmas Tree Farm -- 35 years later

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ArboristSite Member
Sep 20, 2010
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Taconic Mountains
Hello, I just bought a property with a good amount of acreage (~200). I would say 60% is wooded, and there is about a 15 acre field that used to be a xmas tree farm. That was at least 30 years ago. I really want to return that area to a field for hay. I know it will take a while to get the soil PH and NPK balance correct--that is why I want to start now.

Would any commercial logging company be interested in the trees for mulch, wood, or any other purpose? I also want to log the remaining hardwood woods-- not clear cut though just a thinning for the health of the forest. Perhaps this can be the carrot that gets the logging outfit to clear cut the firs for me?

What do you think?
I believe you misunderstood me. I did not mean to imply anyone should work for free. I want to know if there is value in harvesting the fir trees. i.e. Is this a job any logging outfit would be interested in? If it is, but the margins are small, it may not be worth it to send a crew for just the firs. As such, I have approximately 120 acres of hardwood forest that have not been logged in 50 years. That job might be enough to entice someone to also take the firs.

How big? Chances are the trees are too knotty due to the heavy branching to have any value for dimensional lumber. There might be a market for mulch, you would have to contact some of the players in the mulch field in your area.

It might be worthwhile to have a consulting forester come in for a couple of hours to look at your wood and give you some options on how to market it.
Definitely need to get a forester... good advice--thank you. I have not taken a very close look, but driving by on the tractor while bush hogging they appear to be around 12" in diameter. Like you said, maybe mulch is the best way to go.

I want the 120 acres logged anyway, so I can start talking about both jobs with the forester.
Start here: PA DCNR Service Forester. Ask them to help you develop a plan to manage your property. They aren't trying to make money off of you, just get you going in the right direction. If it is time for a timber sale, they may well refer you to a private consulting forester to start the process off on the right foot.
Thanks for the resource! I need to update my profile... the property I bought is in NY. I'll do my best to let you all know what I find out.
Before you go nuts, those fir tops might still be good as Christmas trees! Tis the season soon, might be something to think about, make some coin that way.