city crew removing trees

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Around me the city is running around cutting every ash tree on city property down. This includes parks and between the sidewalks and streets. It's costing them millions. Stump grinding and replanting also. Seems stupid to cut down healthy trees because they might someday be affected by emerald as borer. Anyway they are stacking the trunks and leaving them sit for 3 years then selling them for firewood.
Around me the city is running around cutting every ash tree on city property down. This includes parks and between the sidewalks and streets. It's costing them millions. Stump grinding and replanting also. Seems stupid to cut down healthy trees because they might someday be affected by emerald as borer. Anyway they are stacking the trunks and leaving them sit for 3 years then selling them for firewood. actually a good idea. It's gonna happen anyway, better get it done now, replant with something else, rather than wait and do it piecemeal for a long time. I also like they are trying to recoup some money from it. AFAIK, there is no place where EAB has shown up that self healed, and nothing they have done so far has stopped the spread.

When/if it hits here and I have to deal with, I am doing the same thing, just getting them down and split and stacked before they get all bug infested.

Firefighters set back fires to stop the spread of big fires. If some states had cut all the ashes on their borders back ten miles (whatever), maybe that would have acted like a food-break to stop the spread. No ash trees to eat, bugs ain't gonna move far. A theory I have anyway. actually a good idea. It's gonna happen anyway, better get it done now, replant with something else, rather than wait and do it piecemeal for a long time. I also like they are trying to recoup some money from it. AFAIK, there is no place where EAB has shown up that self healed, and nothing they have done so far has stopped the spread.

When/if it hits here and I have to deal with, I am doing the same thing, just getting them down and split and stacked before they get all bug infested.

Firefighters set back fires to stop the spread of big fires. If some states had cut all the ashes on their borders back ten miles (whatever), maybe that would have acted like a food-break to stop the spread. No ash trees to eat, bugs ain't gonna move far. A theory I have anyway.
I wonder if when all the ash trees are removed will the bugs start eating other species. I just think they are going overboard will the emerald ash borer. I think they should wait a while. I have only seen a handful of affected trees mostly small ones.
I wonder if when all the ash trees are removed will the bugs start eating other species. I just think they are going overboard will the emerald ash borer. I think they should wait a while. I have only seen a handful of affected trees mostly small ones.

Guys have reported on this site, on their own property, basically all of them croaking, bunches. Once it gets established, and a couple years breeding, that's a lotta bugs out there munching.

I remember before during and after dutch elm disease. Didn't seem to take long.

There's some future hope, but involves bringing in more species..I mean, generic spraying insecticide/injecting it is just nutso thinking about ten zillion trees all over. They are making efforts to mitigate using parasites from the asian original host countries.

Here is some info on experiments with biological controls, fighting bug fire with bug fire (also woodpeckers are good)..
Here they are cutting down ash trees left and right also and just grinding them up. Then replanting something else, contracts are let out to private companies for this. There were huge pile of chips on the county grounds you could see from a mile away.
per title, as they are going to be redoing road in front of shop so asked nicely about getting the trunks. Got a rabid no as a response, guess guy must have got up on wrong side this morning. Was going to offer to sharpen chains for them as that is what he was doing but after the flip off I just scooted. Could have been a couple cords worth of medium Maples 8-10" trunks. They are just stuffing the whole shebang in a chipper. This right out my at the edge of the parking lot. Kind of ticks ya off, what a waste. I suppose it is more efficient for them just to stuff them which is fine but didn't need to be so blasted rude. This was at 7:30 am they were just starting.
Just to make the morning complete, had whole tread seperate off the casing on one of my trucks, trashed the 1/4 panel. Not retreads, Firestone, 265R7516E . Either Murphy is working over time or Friday the 13th got extended.
Seems to me we getting so many people that are mad at the world Later
I've said for a long time we have terrible drivers on our highways because with the way government has stifled peoples ability to do much of anything without their permission, the auto is the only thing they have control over. So they drive angry. Yes you're right.
Ya, Some guys have no social skills.
Too bad they didn't drop the trees a day or two before they chipped them. That way you could have picked scrounged over the evening(s).
I found Maple, Oak, Cherry and Birch along back road right-of-ways that our Hydro crews had dropped. I just pulled up the trailer on a Sunday and kept filling the trailer with wood. Nice to find scores like that.
Sounds like it's time to spike some trees overnight!
Then watch and laugh as the wreck there chains.

yeah that's always some good advice, jack a**

Hope they chip all the logs, and then they can "watch and laugh" as you put it................