Cleaning saws...whatcha use??

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For discoloration/staining/oxidation on the burnished metal plates that my Stihls use to ID model and so forth, a tarnish removing product called Silvo sparkles them right up but won't take off the paint.
This Sh:censored:'s going to sound funny, but I bet it will work.

5 gallon bucket, put in your solvent and parts, get one of those cheap medium sized dildos, Duct tape the pleasure device to the side of the bucket so as to still reach the controls, Turn on plaesure device.....Voila your utlrasonic cleaning......LOL....:cheers::cheers:

I gotta give you some rep points for that comment :greenchainsaw:
For real? What would the uses be?

Ive got some saws in a box that need to be cleaned

Well if you have any old rusty wrenches that you aren't going to use throw them in a bucket with a lot of vinegar and some water (leave the bucket outside it will stink) and after a few days it will have gotten a lot of the rust off. I learned this trick in the tool forum thread-the old method was to use molasses and water but someone on the forum figured out that when the molasses ferments it becomes vinegar and it is the vinegar that does the work. From trying it I have been most impressed.

Vinegar also seems to dissolve crud and I figure it is probably safer to use than brake cleaner. Safer for you and your saw actually.

there are already a million awesome tricks on the tool forum thread, Pioneer guy is going to show us how to save batteries soon
I do not know what CRC is but i do like some cracklens fresh ones are kind of hard to get your hands on now.

Oh my God I love cracklins!!!
Oh my God I love cracklins!!!

That is a good looking plate of cracklins. I wasn't sure how many people would know what i was talking about. I knew a bunch of the south would know but i had no idea that someone from Canada would have any idea. Do you kill your own hogs, buy them commercially, or is it a childhood memory?
That is a good looking plate of cracklins. I wasn't sure how many people would know what i was talking about. I knew a bunch of the south would know but i had no idea that someone from Canada would have any idea. Do you kill your own hogs, buy them commercially, or is it a childhood memory?

Well my wife is from the south and my parents are from Serbia. Anywhoo soon after she and I started living together, I tried to explain what cvarci are and she said "Darlin, do you mean cracklins? so I got some from my parents and she confirmed what they call cvarci in Europe, are what southerners call cracklins.

I usually make some in the winter. I buy a pig belly cut it into strips then I take the skin off one thin strip at a time, I cube the meat and throw the cubes all in a big iron pot and wait for the fat to melt and water to evaporate. Once they have cooked and the drippings are clear I pour out the drippings in a mason jar and I spread the cracklins out on some paper towels on cookie sheets and salt them and let em cool.

After they have cooled on the cookie sheet, some of the fat seeps through the paper towels and onto the cookie sheet so we bake bread on it!

I usually eat them with hot peppers and pickles
can't get much fresher than that!
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Well my wife is from the south and my parents are from Serbia. Anywhoo soon after she and I started living together, I tried to explain what cvarci are and she said "Darlin, do you mean cracklins? so I got some from my parents and she confirmed what they call cvarci in Europe, are what southerners call cracklins.

I usually make some in the winter. I buy a pig belly cut it into strips then I take the skin off one thin strip at a time, I cube the meat and throw the cubes all in a big iron pot and wait for the fat to melt and water to evaporate. Once they have cooked and the drippings are clear I pour out the drippings in a mason jar and I spread the cracklins out on some paper towels on cookie sheets and salt them and let em cool.

After they have cooled on the cookie sheet, some of the fat seeps through the paper towels and onto the cookie sheet so we bake bread on it!

I usually eat them with hot peppers and pickles
can't get much fresher than that!

I am adding you to my list of heroes. I wished that i lived closer to Canada when you all where cooking cracklins and making bread.
Yes but how did the internets know he wanted an ultrasonic parts washer?

I see 2 possibilities:

1. Everyone wants an ultrasonic parts washer. This is the most likely option, because it is true.

2. If you Google something more than 30 times in a 24 hour period, the Google guy tells Richard Cheney (the censor doesn't like the word ####), and Halliburton sends you the relevant coupons.

I keep getting e-mail coupons for Hooter's calendars and Anne Murray CDs, but that does not allow me to distinguish between the preceding 2 alternatives.
I see 2 possibilities:

1. Everyone wants an ultrasonic parts washer. This is the most likely option, because it is true.

2. If you Google something more than 30 times in a 24 hour period, the Google guy tells Richard Cheney (the censor doesn't like the word ####), and Halliburton sends you the relevant coupons.

I keep getting e-mail coupons for Hooter's calendars and Anne Murray CDs, but that does not allow me to distinguish between the preceding 2 alternatives.

Hooters - Ann Murray, if you can tell the difference you have not drunk enough and it is probably still safe to go hunting, but only with lawyers.

well lets just see here