Confession and a question

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I get your explanation of HOW you blocked down spars rigging-wise.

Don't get how you were positioned ON the spar.

But I know what you'll say, you left big stubs to stand on, and all your trees had lots and lots of low branches.

No wonder you've done just 150 trees in all those years, you cherry picked the easy-peasy-nice-and-easy part-timer jobs.

And of course you have no photos, cameras weren't invented until the 19th century.

im not going to comment on the stupidity of climbing without gear but, being a firefighter as well i would like to say that you should way the risk and reward portion of the job, firefighters run into burning buildings to save kids becuase its a human life, not to mention wearing bunker gear and B.A's, carrying radios and hoses, and having a whole hell of alot of training. where you climb tree`s with no equipment because you `felt safe` and you saw dollar bills in your eyes. these two things dont even begin to compare

I figured it wouldn't be long before a firefighter gave perspective.
As described in here earlier, the trees around here are 60 - 70 feet tall or less. Yes, the tree stubs are what I stood on and cut the spars. Stand on one leg and wrap your other leg around the tree and thus your able to use two hands on the saw. Once the trees were down to 20 feet or so, I would tie off the rope to the top for better leverage, get down to the ground and cut low with a helper pulling if needed for direction. I do what I do because I like to do it. Its not the money aspect that I like. Its the challenge and the ability to use my talents. And the 150 trees? Maybe much higher than that. I'm sure you have the exact number of trees you've taken down or trimmed and every one of them was on film.
And the 150 trees? Maybe much higher than that. I'm sure you have the exact number of trees you've taken down or trimmed and every one of them was on film.

Actually, the outfit i'm with does keep track of the number of trees trimmed or taken down-bonuses and pay raises are dependent on the numbers. Many years ago i got into the habit of keeping a journal of every takedown. Type of tree, address, homeowner's name, anything odd, any damage done, man hours, any thoughts, opinions of the guys i was working with if they were new, polaroids of damage done before we ever touched the tree, etc. Has actually saved my bacon a time or two.
As described in here earlier, the trees around here are 60 - 70 feet tall or less. Yes, the tree stubs are what I stood on and cut the spars. Stand on one leg and wrap your other leg around the tree and thus your able to use two hands on the saw. Once the trees were down to 20 feet or so, I would tie off the rope to the top for better leverage, get down to the ground and cut low with a helper pulling if needed for direction. I do what I do because I like to do it. Its not the money aspect that I like. Its the challenge and the ability to use my talents. And the 150 trees? Maybe much higher than that. I'm sure you have the exact number of trees you've taken down or trimmed and every one of them was on film.

What I like to do is stand on two legs and wrap my other leg (I have three legs) around the spar and then summon my friends from the planet Zeron to crane off the chunk with their flying saucer. The flying saucer is powered by a super H Farmall engine they obtained on an earlier visit here back in 1953. Sometimes when it's all over I use my X-ray vision(one of my talents) to see how much money is in the clients pocket and that is what I charge.
I think I buy it now. If you look at what he's been saying it is feasible, though childishly dangerous to do what he's been doing. Only climbing 150 trees, able to drop 20 foot spars on all of them, it's quite possible that he only picked the easiest of trees ( maybe they're all easy on the cape ) to cut and cut them without gear. Seeing how I've taken down about as many trees as you in the past 3 or four years and I consider myself a noob when I've been doing it the "right" way all the time I would not say that you are skilled, just lucky, and you probably have a set a grapefruits hangin' between your legs.
The question I have is does the fact that I never used harnesses make me dangerous or highly skilled?
Neither. You were incompetent.

If you are paid to prune a tree and you cannot make small cuts near the ends of the branches, you are not doing a good job of pruning. Sounds like hack work.

As for skill, I can free climb better than most because of the way I'm built. My legs grip me securely to the tree while my arms do other things, but that is a physical ability, not a skill. A :monkey: is not "skilled" because it has a prehensile tail; it just has one.

Glad to hear you are tied in and better able to care for trees.
What I like to do is stand on two legs and wrap my other leg (I have three legs) around the spar and then summon my friends from the planet Zeron to crane off the chunk with their flying saucer. The flying saucer is powered by a super H Farmall engine they obtained on an earlier visit here back in 1953. Sometimes when it's all over I use my X-ray vision(one of my talents) to see how much money is in the clients pocket and that is what I charge.

Lol. I personally like to employ my tree erasing laser, works sweet- as for the client, I use my ESP to see just how much I can possibly get out of the cheap @##$ $#@%$#.
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Lol. I personally like to employ my tree erasing laser, works sweet- as for the client, I use my EXP to see just how much I can possibly get out of the cheap @##$ $#@%$#.

ESP. extra sensory perception.

anyway how the hell do you have more rep than any of the real tree guys on this site? if i did give you some i want it back!

maybe the absolute tallest tree on the cape is 60-70 but that is neither here nor there. you would wrap you leg around the tree and then bear hug the tree to make a cut? how the hell you are still around is beyond me.

next time you see a real tree company rolling down the road, chase them. then ask for a couple lessons for your next 150 trees.

it'll be a heck of a lot safer.
To CapeTrees: After reading your repsonses and explanations, I apologize for the BS comment that I made earlier. But it is good that you're climbing with ropes/saddles/lanyards/etc. now. Much safer and much smarter.
