discouraging people, hurtfull remarks, why?

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Poulan Wild Thang
Apr 1, 2009
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waynes world
why do some people feel the need to insult others, for no reason? is it because they are miserable inside? they are unhappy with themselves, they hate their own lives? so they want to try and convey some of that hatred and despair onto you?
talking with someone today, i mentioned the rain had been messin up my week, they asked why so, i said because i work outdoors and i cant really work in the rain.
their response was "you should go to college and get a real job...youll never make any money working outside, maybe if youre in highschool its ok"...
.. dumbfounded by the sheer ignorance, i didnt know what to say. first off i wasnt aware that the amount of money earned was the key to hapiness, and secondly couldnt believe the way an almost stranger was talking to me.
i asked well what about all the successful small business owners around here that make this country tick , should they all "go to college and get real jobs? i guess their nice houses, trucks and equipment are all meaningless because they dont say BMW anywhere and their owner doesnt have a framed college degree on his wall inside?
this person then exclaimed that outdoor work was "for mexicans and highschool kids" and that i will never make anything of myself unless i go to college and work INDOORS for some reason. keep in mind this is coming from the mouth of a 27 year old female who i hardly even know...!
all i was doing was making small talk.. and im lashed out against and called a loser for working outside?
some days i wish i did finish college.. other days i dont care. i hate to admit it, but sometimes people like get to me.. i know ti shouldnt, but i cant help it. sometimes it hurts, ya know?
i cant help but think others agree with her twisted ####ed up reasoning and immediately write someone like me off , because i didnt graduate from college and i dont drive a bmw and work outside with my hands.
im 26 years old and have heard this many times before, but today it really hurt, i dont know why. here i am thinking im doin pretty good between some landscaping accounts and selling firewood on the side, coming out of the slump/depression ive been going through for a few years, and someone like this comes along and tries their hardest to put me right back in it. i just dont get it. what did i do wrong? all i was doing was making small talk... i never asked you where you work or how much money you make, in fact i never even asked why you wernt AT WORK at 3pm on a monday afternoon, i clearly gave my excuse for why i wasnt.. :dizzy: i guess when youre a 27 year old college student, no explanation is needed, right?
i never really saw or understood the divide between blue and white collar (or no collar that think they are white collar) , but everyday it gets clearer to me, and i still dont know which one i am, if any... all in all.. im just really tryin to figure out why you would wana put someones life down like that and try to hurt their feelings for no reason? in the future should i just hold my hands out and present people with a view of my battered hands so they can see i work with them, outdoors, and save them the trouble of wasting their college educated breathe on me? lol , but really.. ouch.. that hurt my feelings today, for real...
ignorance is such a powerful weapon, dont people understand without men like the ones on this forum and other forums like it, life as they know it would cease to exist?
why waste your life worrying about others lives, and what they do?
all i want is to be happy, i dont care if im ever rich, i just want my own little place on this earth to enjoy and be happy, is that too much to ask?
one thing i know i got straight is that i dont take anything for granite in life. i am thankful for everything i have and i couldnt imagine going out of my way to try and hurt someones feelings about what they do for a job.
thanks for reading.
hope the rain stops so i can go cut some trees and clear my head
why do some people feel the need to insult others, for no reason? is it because they are miserable inside? they are unhappy with themselves, they hate their own lives? so they want to try and convey some of that hatred and despair onto you?

their response was "you should go to college and get a real job...youll never make any money working outside, maybe if youre in highschool its ok"...
.. dumbfounded by the sheer ignorance, i didnt know what to say.

People like that operate on sheer ignorance. 10 to 1 that she comes from money and she's never had to lift a finger all her life. Just imagine what the poor bastard that marries her will be in for.

I was always taught that as long as a man is trying to make an honest living, that he is equal to any other. Tell the truth and work hard and take care of your own business was what I was taught coming up.

To me a ditch digger is as good a living as a stock broker..

I have been in blue collar jobs most of my life and now am in a white collar job. Believe me......I hate this work-environment. It's full of people just like the 27 year old you talked to. I have had so many problems with the "educated" ones, especially the ones with their MBA.

Banshee, people like that aren't worth wasting thought on....they just don't get it and never will. Sadly, this is the type of people we have running this country now....

Take Care!

Just was killin a few before bed,,and had to answer this...

After readin a few words from what she said, you see what kinda woman she is,,gonna be and always will be..It'll take a man that makes 6 figures to keep that woman up,,and the countless divorces she will go tru if she thinks money makes a person...When a man or woman looks for a person to be with just cause they have alot of money,,,folks,,look at Hollywood and the divorce rates there....
"I dont care if im ever rich, i just want my own little place on this earth to enjoy and be happy, is that too much to ask?"
That right there says it all....You look on the news of all the crap going on with people that have so much money they dont know what to do with it,,and so much trouble they get into ,,drugs,,ect...They cant find anything to make themselves happy inside,,and prob. never will....
Self gratification,,,pride in what you do...Anymore thats a lost art this day in time...
All and all,,you enjoy what you do for a living,,do it!!!
You should have told her that there are allott of people with dirt under their nails that are proud of what they do. Personally I would have told her to #### off in no uncertain terms.
Banshee, FWIW I never cease to be amazed at people like yourself who make their own way in the world with their hands. I'm a lowly police officer who makes a meager salary but I'm very happy doing what I do. I'm also smart enough to know that I'm not smart enough to do what you do and make a living. The art and science of being a landscaper or arborist or logger exists on a level that is way beyond my comprehension and my hats off to all of you that do it for a living.
I personally view them as noble professions that have been around for ages and are filled with people that I'd much rather be around than people like her. people in your profession tend to be "real" not fake...
Take care bro and keep doing what you do proudly,
Stew and K-9 partner Ajo...:cheers:

P.S. I hope it comes as no surprise that I rarely ever write the working man a ticket but when I run into people like her, I always seem to sling ink all over them:chainsaw:;)
Well, uh, I do this work so on rainy days I can sleep in... like today. Hell, I thought I was going have to wake the up and go to a real job. I have to say the thought repulsed me but the sound of heavy rain makes for flipping the pillow over to the cool side and digging back in.
"you should go to college and get a real job...youll never make any money working outside, maybe if youre in highschool its ok"...

outdoor work was "for mexicans and highschool kids" and that i will never make anything of myself unless i go to college and work INDOORS for some reason.

I've heard similar statements before. They're usually metro folk/bicoastals who are scared to death of actually getting out into nature (books and travel magazines are just fine) and wouldn't be caught dead in "flyover country." It gets reinforced by like minds at the city club (or country club) and at wine & cheese parties. Many are nouveau riche who don't understand that a person can have a lot of money and not be a snob.
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thanks for the nice words guys
as if life in general isnt hard enough, you have people like this determined to be ignorant , rude , morons that put people down for doing nothing more than trying to work? shes probably on unemployment anyway. oh well, more trees for me :greenchainsaw:
Banshee, you just have to ignor ignorant people. There's a difference between ignorant and stupid. She's just young and dosen't know any better.
Take it from a guy who finished college, at one point in life made made over 300k in house hold income, money does not make you happy. I hated every day I walked in the door of a white collar job. Lost my health, moved back to the farm and even though it's been a wake up finacially, I am happier than I've ever been. All that matters when you get down to it is that your happy doing what your doing, you have your health and enjoy your family and the other around you in your life, hell, the rest is all secondary. Some people just enjoy trying to be in their mind better than others. I maintain friends who make a chitload of money and and am just as good as friends with the guy who makes a living working in broiler houses picking up dead chickens. In my eyes neither one is better than the other. As long as a person is content and happy I don't give a hoot in hell what they do for a living.
Unfortunately we who work outside have to have a bit of a thick skin for idiots like that.

I DID go to college to learn what I now do for a living...I even spent four years teaching others AT A COLLEGE to start their careers in landscaping and horticulture.

Idiots like that do not understand the concept of APPLIED sciences. Every day, we are running tree biology, mechanics, tree biomechanics, and physics, through our heads AT THE SAME TIME as we swing 50, 60, 70 and more feet above the ground with a chainsaw...tell me what highschooler can do that eh!!!

Here is a fact that will lift your spirits...we were looking into moving to Australia, among other things that are asessed for points is your profession.

Tree surgeons, welders, carpenters, teachers, haidressers, gardeners and on got the FULL 60 points. Lawyers, accountants and the like only got 40 or 50!
Howzat then buddy!

All those inside job people...who built the office they work in, who maintains it, who fixed the AC, the heat, the water, the plumbing...who makes sure the grounds are beautiful??? the tooth fairy?

Be secure in what you do, knowing you love it and you are good at it...can be tough sometimes but hey...:cheers:
Sticks and stones.....

Don't care what other people say or think, do the best you can, give 110 percent, belive in karma she'll get hers. Opinions are like as**oles everybody has one.

And scattergun, there is no such thing as a lowly police officer, I was one for 20 years nothing lowly about it . How many lowly people run towards danger instead of away from it?
She's a dirtbag, don't give it a second thought.
These types will always reach out to those they hold in contempt when they need to.
Police, they sit on their butts all day and drink coffee while overpaid, 'wait a minute, someone is breaking in to my house' 911...
Tree service, they charge waaayy too much to run a chainsaw, any idiot can do that, 'hey! that tree fell on my house' Hello xxxxxx tree service, I need you right away...
You get the idea. These are insecure people who need to look down on others to elevate themselves. Don't ever think poorly of yourself for providing an honest service for your clients. Working with your hands is honorable & valuable.
why do some people feel the need to insult others, for no reason? is it because they are miserable inside? they are unhappy with themselves, they hate their own lives? so they want to try and convey some of that hatred and despair onto you?

Answer: D - all of the above.... and then some.

You'll even find people doing it to make themselves feel more important or special.

I usually don't pay much attention to others when they make discouraging remarks. Just smile and say have a good day. Why stress yourself over someone Else's ignorance. Not worth the time.

“Find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life. ”- Confucius
I'm fortunate enough to have 3 jobs I love, but was just as happy with the 1 job.

I live in a great country and have good health. -That right there gives me a lot to be happy about.

There's a whole buncha kids coming up that see life just like that gal you met.

Thier values are all kinda messed up, and they havn't had a chance really.
They know what they have been told in school, and in college, and because they grew up in the city or the burbs, they accept it as truth.
They see Pablo cutting lawns, and the sunburnt tree guy sweating his brains out in the tree, and us Farmers covered in grease and dirt, and arrogantly assume that we are as unhappy as they would be doing such horrible things, and again arrogantly asssume we are unintelligent and couldn't go to school and work indoors like smart people do.

They work in a man made hell of backstabbing politics and artificial stress that requires medication, and often kills them before they hit 50.

They have to pay some guy $$$ to actually break a sweat while thrashing away on a machine that goes nowhere, and gets no work done.

The air they breathe is more toxic than the stuff coming outta saws muffler, and it's full of icky viruses and biological pathogens.

Every day, they regret not getting outside enough to enjoy good weather, and lust after an office or cube next to or near a window, so that's the reward they get when promoted.

When are ya gonna go off ta school and get some fetchin' up so's you can join 'em? LOL!!!

Social status only exists amoung those who need such reinforcement to validate thier existence. Poor bastards.

Stay safe!
some people just arnt to brite. the guy hew i know hew has the most money i ever seen started out climbing trees? started a small company did it for 35 years and made a few million? ended up being bought out by one of the large companies. doctors are flipping burgers thies days colledge isnt everything.
Some years from now, maybe there's a tree through the roof of her house, who's she gonna call? Some shumck with a degree in parallel realities from harvard? She wasn't blonde was she? I worked outside 35 years as a power company lineman, retired at 55 - There's no degree I'd trade the things I did & saw for. The guys I worked with where the best, not trying to blow their way up the corporate ladder.
Take your 346 killer and drop a tree on her smart car (her not in it of course).

Stay away from city girls.:hmm3grin2orange:
Banshee, FWIW I never cease to be amazed at people like yourself who make their own way in the world with their hands. I'm a lowly police officer who makes a meager salary but I'm very happy doing what I do. I'm also smart enough to know that I'm not smart enough to do what you do and make a living. The art and science of being a landscaper or arborist or logger exists on a level that is way beyond my comprehension and my hats off to all of you that do it for a living.
I personally view them as noble professions that have been around for ages and are filled with people that I'd much rather be around than people like her. people in your profession tend to be "real" not fake...
Take care bro and keep doing what you do proudly,
Stew and K-9 partner Ajo...:cheers:

P.S. I hope it comes as no surprise that I rarely ever write the working man a ticket but when I run into people like her, I always seem to sling ink all over them:chainsaw:;)
On what the ticket or her ? And is ink a "SECRET" word for something else ...