Dying Ash Tree

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New Member
May 25, 2001
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I have an ash tree, 7 years old that's giving me fits. I fight borers in my cottonwood and ash trees every year. This problem isn't a borer problem though. Three years ago, this particular ash tree, healthy until then, started turning it's leaves yellow, then brown, then black. They fell off. The tree tried to put on new leaves, they did the same. Not the whole tree, just the middle branches and one side. The rest stayed green and healthy. I sprayed repeatedly with a 3 in 1 spray, insecticide, miticide and fungicide. Didn't help. Read up about mites, our droughty situation seemed to apply, sprayed just for mites, no luck. Last year the tree did the same thing, fought it all summer and fall and the problem spread to other trees in the yard. I sprayed them and seemed to arrest the problem. This spring, the tree is doing the same thing...leaves never green up, stay yellow, then start dying. The tree is looking pretty sad. Any ideas?
Without a visual inspection, I am stumped. You have covered everything I can think of. Your next step would be to have a certified arborist look at it. I don't have the site address handy, but if you look up "International Society of Arborists", their website has a "Arborist Finder" feature. You type in your zip code and it lists the current certified arborists in your area. Good luck with it. :)