"Expert" supervision

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Feb 8, 2005
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How do you deal with supervisors, who your employer does work for that have no real experience in tree work, especially around powerlines, telling you how to do your job? Especially when they have little regard for safety? And are focused mainly on thier own promotion in that company? After you have taken time to explain things to them and they still don't care.

A quick left jab and a straight right to the nose is out of the question, although it is deserved. I don't even want to open my mouth, 'cause I might say something to offend.
How do you deal with supervisors, who your employer does work for that have no real experience in tree work, especially around powerlines, telling you how to do your job? Especially when they have little regard for safety? And are focused mainly on thier own promotion in that company? After you have taken time to explain things to them and they still don't care.

A quick left jab and a straight right to the nose is out of the question, although it is deserved. I don't even want to open my mouth, 'cause I might say something to offend.

I have been there and now work for myself. I usually just let them
run their heads and then when they got out of site did the job the
way I know is right. Anyway don't let them effect safety clearance
it is not worth life and or injury. If you can stick it out safe and let
time play its course he will eventually dig a hole!

Could you politely advise them that WCB or WorkSafe BC requires that they be well clear of the work site and that being trained to do the work you must focus and cannot tolerate any distractions as it puts those involved in the work at risk . Tell them you would be more than happy to discuss the work when you are finished but until it is done cannot work safely with them distracting you . I think that is fair and hard to disagree with .
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4 words on how to deal with bad bosses forever. START YOUR OWN BUSINESS! aside from that, think about the fact that they will someday get what they deserve, this will make you smile, and if your smiling it normally ticks them off a lil. as far as safety goes.... i would rather walk and have to work at McDs than get myself killed cause of some idiot. :chainsaw:
I took off for a day once and left my lead man in charge
and told him what I wanted him to do for the day.
I had told the boys if I am gone to follow my orders
and I would back them! The boss had a popcorn business
degree and anytime I took off he thought it was time to
exercise his authority. I was never more proud of a set
of men when the boss called and I was on my bass boat
and said your boys told me that you said to follow only your
orders! I said yes I did and he starts telling me I am the
superintendent this and that. I asked him if I was going
to have to come in instead of taking a day off and he said
we need to talk tomorrow, I said fine! I leave the boys
and go to the office and he starts in on me and I cut him
off; I stuck my finger in his chest and asked him if he valued
my ten years as a foreman and expertise. He said thats not
the point and I cut him off again; said ------- you are my
boss, I am theirs. I know more about their abilities than you
and I am responsible for their well being. I told him if you
want me to be a puppet you got the wrong man and I
know these boys parents and wont let miscommunication
effect their safety. It was quiet, and he asked why I did
not trust him and I said I trust you with my orders but
I will lose respect if you come running in and change
the orders given to my men. He then said I am going to
have to write you and your boys up for insubordination,
I went off got in his face and told him if you want my job
take it , you leave my boys out of this or we will just settle
this here and now! His face changed a bit and he said now
we don't have to go into all this do we? I told him if you
make a mark on those mens record we will need to be in front
of your superior. He said I am going to write you up for this
and the next,I cut him off and said write me up twice or
whatever it takes, now I have to get back to work is that
ok with you. I got back to the job the boys started asking
I said it is taken care of! They wanted to know what happened
I said nothing he wrote me up thats all. The mechanics in the
shop overheard my conversation with the super and called the
men and told them. They told me thanks for taking care of
us we did not want to get in trouble with him or you. I told
them how proud I was of them and no trouble would be
put in their direction if they did what I asked.
send him out for some tim hortons doughnuts.
hand him the saw and say Have at it
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Been there, done that. I got down and threw my harness and gear at my bosses feet and said if he had the balls to tell me what to do he should have the balls to show me. Nothing worse than getting orders from ignorant idiots or gutless wonders.

One thing in your case that might work is to ask if hes going to take personal responsibilty and put it in writing exactly what hes ordering you to do. As you are going to put in writing that you dont agree that his method is safe/practical etc. Chances are he will either be to lazy or scared to do it. might be worth a shot.
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Being an owner I will not make anyone do anything that I dont know or do something that is a safety issue or do job a that I wouldnt do.If it is safety Issue tell him Im sorry this is wrong and this is how its suppose to be done.If not get it in writing and ask him to put down the osha regulations that he got them from.If not DO NOT DO THE JOB AND TALK TO HIS BOSS NEVER PUT YOUR SELF AT RISK ON SOME ELSES DIME.BE SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clearance, Line work never ceases to amaze me, always an inspector right outta some school(here its ACRT) that doesnt know his mouth from his rearend!!

they think they knowitall & are gonna prove it so they can move up!! been there where you are......through one ear out the other watch em leave & do it your way!!! which is the right way anyhow.

How do you deal with supervisors, who your employer does work for that have no real experience in tree work, especially around powerlines, telling you how to do your job? Especially when they have little regard for safety? And are focused mainly on thier own promotion in that company? After you have taken time to explain things to them and they still don't care.

A quick left jab and a straight right to the nose is out of the question, although it is deserved. I don't even want to open my mouth, 'cause I might say something to offend.

Are you referring to contract supervisors (not working for your employer) that you must satisfy in order for the job to get approved, or to some co-worker that has a position of authority?

If it is a supervisor for a contract your employer is working under: explain the problem to the employer, then do it his way (up until you feel like quitting). Most contracts do not really allow for the administrator of the contract to interfere with the workers. If the contracting agency wanted direct supervision, they would have just done the job themselves. Chances are good the fellow is exceeding his authority, but he might be well positioned to cost the employer some big bucks.

If it is a co-worker... that's a whole different problem. Takes a lot more finesse to deal with an untalented superior with a bad attitude. Especially if they are the sort to make problems for you. Try to get along, and play a very serious but subliminal game of cover-your-ash. Make sure that you don't seem uncooperative. A good approach to solving a conflict with a supervisor is to convince them how you are trying to make them look better. That type of reasoning (if convincingly done) usually sinks into the thickest cranium.

I may not be qualified to give an opinion here, because I have always been the employer.
Best way to deal with 'expert' supervision is to ask them to show you how to perform the task that they want you to do. If they balk, or claim that they don't actually do the work, send them for coffee, or in my case hot tea. :) That is the least they should able to do.
turdhead bosses

Just listen to their BS . And when they leave go back to doing whats right and safe .I always kept a journal .Would always Write down tree count and any discussions with prop. owners etc Also what day, what time,how long anyone was out to visit.what was talked about etc. Don't tell them you keep one and it doesn't have to be detailed.just notes.saved my a** more than once .They WILL be bummed when ya gotta pull it out and can say on such and such day you told me this .Or it wasn't MY crew cause on that day we were here etc Treedogs are alot smarter Than alot of college ####heads .Surprise him one day HE who laughs last ,well you know
I took off for a day once and left my lead man in charge
and told him what I wanted him to do for the day.
I had told the boys if I am gone to follow my orders
and I would back them! The boss had a popcorn business
degree and anytime I took off he thought it was time to
exercise his authority. I was never more proud of a set
of men when the boss called and I was on my bass boat
and said your boys told me that you said to follow only your
orders! I said yes I did and he starts telling me I am the
superintendent this and that. I asked him if I was going
to have to come in instead of taking a day off and he said
we need to talk tomorrow, I said fine! I leave the boys
and go to the office and he starts in on me and I cut him
off; I stuck my finger in his chest and asked him if he valued
my ten years as a foreman and expertise. He said thats not
the point and I cut him off again; said ------- you are my
boss, I am theirs. I know more about their abilities than you
and I am responsible for their well being. I told him if you
want me to be a puppet you got the wrong man and I
know these boys parents and wont let miscommunication
effect their safety. It was quiet, and he asked why I did
not trust him and I said I trust you with my orders but
I will lose respect if you come running in and change
the orders given to my men. He then said I am going to
have to write you and your boys up for insubordination,
I went off got in his face and told him if you want my job
take it , you leave my boys out of this or we will just settle
this here and now! His face changed a bit and he said now
we don't have to go into all this do we? I told him if you
make a mark on those mens record we will need to be in front
of your superior. He said I am going to write you up for this
and the next,I cut him off and said write me up twice or
whatever it takes, now I have to get back to work is that
ok with you. I got back to the job the boys started asking
I said it is taken care of! They wanted to know what happened
I said nothing he wrote me up thats all. The mechanics in the
shop overheard my conversation with the super and called the
men and told them. They told me thanks for taking care of
us we did not want to get in trouble with him or you. I told
them how proud I was of them and no trouble would be
put in their direction if they did what I asked.

hats off rope !!!! i

've been on the end of, the foreman and super bailing on me...didn't mind taking the hit,,, but it would have been a lot easier, if they were stand up men !!!!

i have no respect for a boss ,, that doesn't stand up for his men...
thank god , there are a few of us left !!!!

hats off rope !!!! i

've been on the end of, the foreman and super bailing on me...didn't mind taking the hit,,, but it would have been a lot easier, if they were stand up men !!!!

i have no respect for a boss ,, that doesn't stand up for his men...
thank god , there are a few of us left !!!!

I will not let men doing what I instruct them to do take a hit.
Take care of the men and they will take care of you! It is
why most big corporations suck, wusses in charge!
How do you deal with supervisors, who your employer does work for that have no real experience in tree work, especially around powerlines, telling you how to do your job? Especially when they have little regard for safety? And are focused mainly on thier own promotion in that company? After you have taken time to explain things to them and they still don't care.

A quick left jab and a straight right to the nose is out of the question, although it is deserved. I don't even want to open my mouth, 'cause I might say something to offend.

I assume it's the BC Hydro contract supervisor that is harrassing you. If what he is telling you is not in the contract (and many of those contacts can have ignorant clauses buried in them), then it is up to your boss to deal with it. Maybe your boss needs to have a discussion with his boss.

People in lower management positions of a utility corporation worried about their promotion - what a revelation!!!!

Remember that the contract supervisor is being judged and accountable for a different set of metrics than you. It sounds like something within the contract may be slipping and he is trying to catch up.
I loved ropensaddle's anecdotal story as it seems to apply to this situation.

I don't agree at all with the people who said play nice, smile and listen, and go about your business when they move along.

Clearance, you're a very knowledgeable guy who's been doing this a long time. Face him head on, and speak your mind. You can still be polite and respectful at the same time you're being directly confrontational.

Just KNOW going in that you WILL keep your cool longer than he is capable of, and politely explain to him why the things he's asking for aren't going to happen on your watch.

If that fails, hand him the saw and tell him good luck.