EZ money for saw owners...

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Spelling/Reality Check
Jan 13, 2009
Saw this on Craigslist. What climbing gear the guy has might change the picture, but it seemed like an insane request to me:

Is anyone out there out of work and willing to do some crazy work? Not afraid of heights? Good with a chainsaw?

I have anywhere for 10-20 trees ranging in size from 1 foot in diameter to well over 3 feet in diameter that need some of their branches trimmed up. The branches in question are anywhere from 15 to 30 feet off the ground. I have some climbing gear, the same kind those loggers out west use to climb hundreds of feet up into the trees.... but, I do not have the ... umm, how to say this..... the determination (yeah we'll use that word) to go that high off good ole Momma Earth! I don't need you to cut em up once they are on the ground. I'd like it if they could be lowered to the ground??? But, if we just gotta clear out the way and yell 'TIMBER!!!'... that'll work too!

So, if you wanna earn some easy money by climbing a max of 20 trees and cutting say 50 limbs or so.... I'll give you anywhere from $50 (if you only do some of em...) to $150 if you do em all! AND...... I'll even give you the climbing gear as well... you can keep it after you're done so that I don't try and mimick your mad skills and get myself stuck up a tree or worse... fallin outa a tree!

But, beware! I am not gonna pay for any injuries if you get hurt! So, you're doing this at your own risk and on your own insurance! I will ask that you sign a waver prepared by my good friend (he's an attorney) that releases me from any fault should you get your fool head caved in (those are my wife's words to me describing this job!). I hope that only qualified people who know what they are doing would respond to this posting???


Spelling/Reality Check
Jan 13, 2009
What are you waiting for?!!

To be honest, if it was closer, I'd call to see what kind of gear he had.

I haven't priced any tree work, but from what I hear from others, this guy would be getting a huge deal if someone bit.

I would guess (but might be way off) that getting a professional to climb 20 trees would cost about 5 or 10 times what he is offering.
stihl waters

stihl waters

ArboristSite Operative
Feb 24, 2011
Nova Scotia Canada
Is anyone out there out of work and willing to do some crazy work? Not afraid of heights? Good with a chainsaw?

I have anywhere for 10-20 trees ranging in size from 1 foot in diameter to well over 3 feet in diameter that need some of their branches trimmed up. The branches in question are anywhere from 15 to 30 feet off the ground. I have some climbing gear, the same kind those loggers out west use to climb hundreds of feet up into the trees.... but, I do not have the ... umm, how to say this..... the determination (yeah we'll use that word) to go that high off good ole Momma Earth! I don't need you to cut em up once they are on the ground. I'd like it if they could be lowered to the ground??? But, if we just gotta clear out the way and yell 'TIMBER!!!'... that'll work too!

So, if you wanna earn some easy money by climbing a max of 20 trees and cutting say 50 limbs or so.... I'll give you anywhere from $50 (if you only do some of em...) to $150 if you do em all! AND...... I'll even give you the climbing gear as well... you can keep it after you're done so that I don't try and mimick your mad skills and get myself stuck up a tree or worse... fallin outa a tree!

But, beware! I am not gonna pay for any injuries if you get hurt! So, you're doing this at your own risk and on your own insurance! I will ask that you sign a waver prepared by my good friend (he's an attorney) that releases me from any fault should you get your fool head caved in (those are my wife's words to me describing this job!). I hope that only qualified people who know what they are doing would respond to this posting???

Allow me to translate, I wanted to be a big man so I bought some climbing gear and a chainsaw. Then I realized I have to run a chainsaw while hanging off a tree,{it looked so easy on tv.} Now I'm pissing my pants in fear but I don't want to pay much for doing it as I already spent too much on climbing gear and my wife {who I'm deathly afraid of} said I wasn't allowed to. Once I realized how dangerous it was I ran to one of my fellow suit wearing ilk to draw up a contract so I won't get in anymore trouble with my wife. Please help me !


Full of Scrap
Apr 11, 2010
Millwood, WA
I don't climb too many trees these days but if he doesn't mind 3' trees I would be happy to help, of course I will have a waiver for him to sign that he will be responsible for any damage I cause for felling trees on his and his neighbors houses and cars.:msp_thumbup:


Cliff Leath
Oct 13, 2010
I would do it but not for 150 bucks and I will bring my own stuff...

That climbing is harder work than I think he realizes.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Apr 25, 2007
Pittsburgh Pa.
Theres probably a few guys around here that would do it for that money. I have a lawn mowing customer who had 2 35 to 40ft pines with about 12 inch trunks that he wanted cut down as cheap as possible. One had wires going through it. My bud gave him a price of $800 for cutting and leaving every thing on the ground for the customer to remove. The guy did have a saw.

He found a guy for $400 who dropped them and chipped the pile and hauled it away
cat-face timber

cat-face timber

Knot Bumper
Mar 19, 2010
I wonder how professional his climbing gear is?
For $150, his gear better be top of the line (whatever brand that is?)
Whomever goes and does this, please be careful!


Trying them all
Jul 26, 2010
middle Georgia
That job the person described sounds like he forgot a zero on the end of his pay offer.

Cutting 50 branches is one thing. Cutting 3 branches out of 20 different trees is gonna be a long day. But hey, it doesn't hurt to ask. some guy might need a new supply of crack and have at it (and maybe get his head stove in...)

as far as two pines for $400 I would probably do that but not knowing what the wire thingy looked like, hmmm.