Falling pics 11/25/09

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Chairin'em for the sound
Aug 6, 2012
Hockley, TX
just remember, the fudementals are the same no mater what size timber your cutting. in other words, cut a 20" the same as you would a 40". bad habbits are hard to break.
From another wannabe, I find 24 and bigger to be "safer" "slower", and much more predictable than the under 16" stuff. Stay on u'r toes.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Feb 12, 2012
Marylands eastern shore
Wait til you're out there and stir up a real hornets nest. Just wait, you will. Do you guys have them bald face hornets over there? Those are the best.

Just remember. Not every ugly stump has an ugly story to it. I had a couple today that look like a hack job at best, but them suckers sure pulled around where I needed them to go. Got one to go almost 90 to a big lean, broke off perfect on an old stump and saved out better than I had hoped for. That is one twisted nasty looking stump.

Just remember, hard lessons are still lessons learned. Sometimes they stick with ya better too. So long as there not to hard.

we do but the ground bees are far worse..........none of them bastids around now, it was near 0 last night.


Chairin'em for the sound
Aug 6, 2012
Hockley, TX
Thanks, I will. I like living.
Thanks again for protecting us over there. Is it true the Taliban have a "fighting season"? I heard that, but thought my wife was the only one with a well established fighting season (typically from thanksgiving until the Christmas tree disappears for the year).
Spotted Owl

Spotted Owl

ArboristSite Guru
Jan 3, 2007
No offense

What? What did you just say?

You need to get this thought line nonsense out your head, if people get offended that's their problem not yours. Do you have any idea what this board would look like, if the censor/play nice thing wasn't around. I know you're a Marine, but buddy, you would see and hear things that you ain't never heard or even thought before.

Offend them, go on it's OK, really. Hell I used to and sometimes still do, just to see what it will or would take. Start with Randy, it's OK, try it. Offend him, yea see if you can do it and what it takes. If you can get under the skin of some of them old crusty guys, that is to be worn like a badge of honor. It's tough to get them, now pissing them off is not the same as getting under their skin. Don't worry you'll know when you have success, there will be no question. Of coarse, you'll have to quit, cause well, he's old and doesn't care. BUT, you will have gotten him like nobody has been able in years, maybe decades.

Oh, yea, don't mess with the nice ones. Just the grumps. You better be able to take it too. Cause those guys really know how to dish it out back at ya. Oh, man, their gooooood. I maybe getting to be the old grump now days, sometimes I am looking for a guy who can take it and give it right back, just to have someone to banter and play around with. Doesn't happen much these days.

Gotta be sure you got skin just as, or tougher than theirs. Cause some of them are really gonna test ya. Remember this, another thing I told my kids, if someone offends you, you have given them way to much power, in and over your life.



ArboristSite Operative
Jan 6, 2015
Thanks again for protecting us over there. Is it true the Taliban have a "fighting season"? I heard that, but thought my wife was the only one with a well established fighting season (typically from thanksgiving until the Christmas tree disappears for the year).
Only had one trip to Afghanistan, pretty quiet the whole time, but they do slow down a bit when it gets cold. They are pretty fair weather fighters. I was in flat, desert type terrain though, and I here the mountain guys are much more inclined to fight in the cold.

Iraqis I have quite a bit more experience with. They seem to be more pronounced in their drop off of activity in the cold months. Trouble in Iraq was you'd get fighters from colder climates coming there to mix it up, so there was always a little fun to be had. They both do take breaks for their holidays, when they are supposed to be fasting they minimize their activity a bit. There are tons of koranic loopholes for breaking the rules when engaged in jihad though, so even that doesn't guarantee much.

It's much longer than your wife's fighting season though. If you call what they do fighting. I call it ambushing, blowing crap up and running away. The last part sometimes doesn't work out for em. Some earned my respect for their cunning and ingenuity, very few for their bravery or real time tactics.

And Owl, I'll take your advice. I take back what I said about no offense, I hope it bothered him right out of his flannel skirt.


Stiff Member
Sep 16, 2008
51st State of Jefferson
Wait til you're out there and stir up a real hornets nest. Just wait, you will. Do you guys have them bald face hornets over there? Those are the best.

Just remember. Not every ugly stump has an ugly story to it. I had a couple today that look like a hack job at best, but them suckers sure pulled around where I needed them to go. Got one to go almost 90 to a big lean, broke off perfect on an old stump and saved out better than I had hoped for. That is one twisted nasty looking stump.

Just remember, hard lessons are still lessons learned. Sometimes they stick with ya better too. So long as there not to hard.


Ugly stumps are called Whitloes, named for an infamous family that lives up Salmon Creek in SoHum County.
you knew what I'm talking about, you get started into something, get your mind changed, start gnawin' away again.
Such stumps are characterized by lots of bevels, odd pieces of hinge, ax choppin', weird fiber pull, maybe even some root pull, impressed wedge marks.....
Spotted Owl

Spotted Owl

ArboristSite Guru
Jan 3, 2007
I think everyone that's been at this a while has left such things behind. I know I sure have. We should all know exactly what you are talking about, as far as having your mind changed for you. I haven't been around anything big enough to worry over root pull in a good while now.


ArboristSite Guru
Jun 16, 2009
NW Colorado
Owl said this (and a whole mouthful more);

"Oh, yea, don't mess with the nice ones. Just the grumps. You better be able to take it too. Cause those guys really know how to dish it out back at ya. Oh, man, their gooooood. I maybe getting to be the old grump now days, sometimes I am looking for a guy who can take it and give it right back, just to have someone to banter and play around with. Doesn't happen much these days."

Let me try to give an example. A crew I worked with 3 or 4 years ago had one guy from west of here that was a true veteran timber faller. He had had 25+ years falling for a helicopter outfit. Crusty is the word for this guy. No longer a faller, but an excellent hand in any piece of equipment. Anyway at the end of a solid 10 hour day of dropping trees right near 10,000 feet above sea level I staggered out of the brush on to the main forest road we were working. There was this guy adding oil to his skidder. I didn't even know he was there until I came out into the light of day. He heard me put my saw and jugs down. He turned partly around to look at me. The first thing out of his mouth was:

"A plastic hardhat?" "I'd rather have a sister in a whorehouse than wear a plastic hat." I knew I had to come up with something good and quick. Just the sight of me annoyed this guy. I would run shovel when he was processing. He would process and I would sort logs and stack brush. He was constantly cussin' me for "being in the way". So after he said that he'd rather have a prostitute for a sister than wear a plastic hat I came back with: "Yeah, well I have both." "Is that right?" he said. "What's her name. I probably know her." "I wouldn't be surprised if you know her, 'cause you can certainly afford her" I said. We got along perfectly after that little exchange. We even talked about going in partners on a side together for the rest of the season. He just wanted to get it thrown back at him I guess.
Spotted Owl

Spotted Owl

ArboristSite Guru
Jan 3, 2007
Sliver, that is exactly what I am talking about. All the new guys are so "sensitive" that you can't even look at the cross eyed, or some of them will actually break down. What the heck is that. When did feelings become part of the work day. One of the first things I tell anyone new, if you got feelers, leave them at home, they got no place here.

I just want someone who is willing to play around with a bit now and then. It's such a rare thing now days, someone like that coming around is like hitting a gold mine. I grew up with that stuff, at a level that would be deemed illegal these days. What the heck happened to this world. What's wrong with dipping a stick in a fresh crap pile and then depositing a bit of said pile at the very end of the fingers of a guys pair of gloves? If it got to that level, what happened to good fun like that?

Can you imagine if you pulled that guys line about the whorehouse, on one of today's kids, my gawd in today's world you'd be down the road, especially if the wrong person on the job got wind of it.

It's a sorely missed thing. Now the only people who want to be like this are people who have no idea about it. They just want to fit in somehow, it's not them( and it's easy to tell ) but they do it anyway. It's not the same as someone who has it deep down, it's gift, either you got it, or you limp along trying to convincingly pretend that you do.

Where are the gifted of today's youth? Heck where did the gifted go that were/are still out there, they all clammed up.
