For all the guys with CAD really, really bad

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Stiff Member
Sep 16, 2008
51st State of Jefferson
Most people who make their living with saws don't have CAD or even want to get on a site like this and talk about saws at the end of the day.

The people who do it for a hobby love it, and like me want to learn all I can about it.

I am a farmer though, and there is always a need for a saw. That's just it, A SAW, not 10 of them. I hardly ever let the furnace run unless I'm away, and I'm putting in a new outside wood burner in so most likely I won't burn propane again. Especially if I go charcoal grill.

Spend some time in the F&L section, saws are mentioned quite often.
RedFir Down

RedFir Down

Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Aug 22, 2013
For me it started off cutting firewood. All of my growing up years and even now we along with alot of our family and friends heat our houses and shops with wood.

I LOVE every part of cutting wood! Spending the day in the mountains, all the hard work, falling trees, bucking then up, splitting, loading and stacking! Oh and of course working on saws.
Im at the point now that I wrench on saws and sharpen chain (just like this evening I sharpened 12 loops of chain) after my day job. Its just by word of mouth here in a small town and Im very reasonable with my prices. (It depends if I find the issue right away and how well the saw comes apart and goes back together is how i charge accordingly. Plus I can get parts at a good price too)

One of the biggest benefits is I can clear my head and let my hands do the work!!
Plus if I were to sell off all of my saws I could probably make 20-25% on them.
Its just a good fun healthy hobby for me as well!!

Back to the 372 you want to buy... Im sorry I cant part with mine it makes me grin way to much!!:D
Steve NW WI

Steve NW WI

Unwanted Riff Raff.
Jan 10, 2009
Way more saws than I need, can't seem to sell any either. Last time I sold one it was a fiasco. I've got saws in 2 sheds, the garage, and the basement. I'm single, no wife issues.

Guns? More guns than saws...


Addicted to ArboristSite
Jan 11, 2013
pittsburg, KS
I do alot of storm clean up, get a little tree work $, take care of trees on the church property, and mess around cutting cookies,........ but I just like to cut!
I am learning quite a bit about tuning and fixing saws, hopefully will try porting one soon. collecting saws has just come along
and its way cheaper than messing with cars :msp_thumbup:


Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Aug 12, 2013
As with many of you, I started out with a wood stove and the cheapest brand-new chainsaw sold at our local home center... the saw turned out to be a piece of junk (well, my chain-sharpening skills were not really developed yet :msp_tongue:), and I bought an old Stihl 020 AV in the Japanese auction house. It needed a moderate overhaul but was cutting a lot better then the homeowner grade saw I had used up to then.
An 041 AV followed, then an 024 AV, some 10-series Macs, some Echos and some others that still rest on my shelves.
Meanwhile, the neighborhood had been listening to all the noise and some started to talk about old equipment rotting in their sheds. As one thing led to another I ended up tuning and repairing a lot of saws and brush cutters and other equipment rejected by local repair services for people in the area while collecting a lot of saws brought to me by friends, neighbors and their acquaintances. Also bought and sold quite a few saws, keeping the older ones in my collection.

The last time I counted there were 400+ runners (vintage and work saws) on the shelves and cluttered all over the floor. I also have a number of saws I keep for parts.

And yes, while working on a saw nothing else matters. I know of no activity more relaxing (as long as it does not entail fitting a starter spring into a too deep starter housing :laugh:)...

PS: There is no cure... more saws will keep the disease at bay, though!
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Addicted to ArboristSite
Nov 24, 2006
Never made a dime on any of them. Of course I would need to sell some. The one I did sell (to a co-worker) was a break even proposition. Then I lost when he brought it back with a toasted piston.

Never thought of it as a way to make a buck. Nearly everyone was a non runner, found if you need a piece or two you best just buy a parts saw. Then when you start digging through them you find they are pretty easy to get back to working order. So then you buy another for some odds and ends,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,it's a vicious cycle.

Old Tom (Elvis) said it best on my first post here;

"chainsaws are good clean fun, there are a lot worse things to spend your time and money on"


Addicted to ArboristSite
Dec 5, 2010
Orange County N.Y.
I built my wife her dream house and after the first winter, I realized that there was no way I was gonna pay that much to heat my house, so I went out and got a stove, a splitter, a a cheap homeowner saw and the rest is history. I might spend a couple of bucks on saws and stuff and do a little selling and trading, but it's not costing much considering what I save on fuel and it's a lot cheaper than drinking.


ArboristSite Member
Jun 11, 2008
CT, northeast USA
We have 177 now, I started with a 59 7-19C Homelite back in 77. Got married in 2000 and wife had 6. So 170 more in 13 years. Use a few for Firewood, the rest are fun to get running and most just need carb / hose work. Range is 1947 to 2007.

My wife got tired of me asking her to sharpen chains so she taught me how to run her Foley and now i'm stuck doing them all. LOL

We have not sold any and only traded 2 so far, so we are still even in the count.

Sorry, no 372's and my wife would have a fit if I ever asked to sell her 95 254xp !!!!


ArboristSite Operative
Aug 8, 2013
WA State
We have 177 now, I started with a 59 7-19C Homelite back in 77. Got married in 2000 and wife had 6. So 170 more in 13 years. Use a few for Firewood, the rest are fun to get running and most just need carb / hose work. Range is 1947 to 2007.

My wife got tired of me asking her to sharpen chains so she taught me how to run her Foley and now i'm stuck doing them all. LOL

We have not sold any and only traded 2 so far, so we are still even in the count.

Sorry, no 372's and my wife would have a fit if I ever asked to sell her 95 254xp !!!!
Nice. I don't think too many guys can say that their wives got their CAD going.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Jan 2, 2009
Cad comes and goes.

I haven't made any money flipping saws I've actually gave a few away and sold a few for what I had into rebuilding them.

There's about 10 saws in my garage right now and I only claim 3 my 066 026 and 046.
There are two 44s and another 066 that I'm not sure what I'm doing with yet.

Then other peoples saws seem to roll in about the beginning of firewood season. 290s and 310s are popular. Most the Tim I charge a few beers to go through a carb or sharpen a chain. Also Muffler mod quite a few. Worked on enough saws over the past few years that vim Haven a hard time getting into my own builds


ArboristSite Operative
Nov 19, 2010
North Battle Ground Washington USA
Here is how I explain it

I work in a female dominated profession (ICU Nurse) in an area where logging built the town (Portland Oregon) only to attract people who believe all trees should grow until the beetle's or disease kill them and they fall over and rot or become wildfire fuel.
I beleive my affection for saws came from my wanting to retaliate one saw at a time against the tree hugging community in which I work. Where I live however is not like that....North Clark County Washington. Quite a bit different than Vancouver. Also my wife became tired of project cars about our property and it is much easier to house 10-15 saws at any time.
I heat my home with wood cut from my property and it was not till I bought land with harvestable timber that the saw needs started. All from a Jonsered 66E
I also love the hunt of finding good deals on saws and returning them to usefulness. A good thread to ponder.
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Makita Freak!
Oct 22, 2010
My CAD started when my dad took me firewood cutting as a kid and burning wood in a basement stove to keep utility costs down. I didn't immediately acquire CAD but later after college I started cutting again. I got sick of $25-$40 maintenance bills every year on poulans so I bought a nice saw and learned maintenance on my old one. Soon friends came to me and then friends of friends and pretty soon I had a full blown shop in my 2 car garage. I still enjoy cutting and try to turn an extra buck where I can to support the habit. I also provide most of the saws for local charity cuts when they happen.

CAD slowly worked in on me and now I have a new property with saw shop going up in the middle of the woods. When the wife originally asked me what I needed out of our first house/property I had 2 requirement. 1.) ability to pee in the back yard without neighbors seeing 2.) a detached shop for saws and vehicle maintenance

I got #1 and working on #2...