Funtime in Virginia

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AS Rocks!!!!!

Yup that is a magII. I just put a new spline drive and sprocket on it. Interestingly according to Tommy's parts list the only available replacement rim for the 56 is an eight pin. As if the magII isn't fast enough already.:laugh:

Tom's list is wrong... ;) but 8 is what became "standard" with the mag 2.

BTW.. The M2 was spec'ed and "designed" by Stihl NW... and example of local modded saw that was adopted by the mother company...

Well thats interesting Andy. I had no idea, but it makes sense. That magII runs like a modded saw. It,s faster than my buddy's 066DP in anything 16" or under, and darn close in anything else. It is one of my favorite go-to saws with a 20" bar.:rock:

Thats why I freaking just love this place,,,, When It comes to Chainsaws,,, You can learn sooooo Much!!!!! I'm just getting started on my 056 mag II I'm waiting on my service Manual, It is in really good shape just needs a very light hone and thanks to Andy I just got My OEM/NOS Piston Kit was just wondering about what I should do about a cyl base gasket,,, they are very hard to come by,,,, err or so I understand :bang:
Well rest assured I'll be real nice to ya, especailly now that I know your a axe thrower, yikes, bet that keeps the ole boy in line and sleeping with one eye open,LOLOL

Just teasing, glad to meet you. You will see my name tossed around here abits. I usually stay in one thread most times till its overwith. The guys don't like me messing in thier threads , reckon they jealous cause I'm so pruty and witty and all that, whatcha think, yup I think thats what it is,haha.

So when ya gonna marry the man and quit that sinner life of shacking up. Make that boy toss a ring on ya finger and gettttttttter done....
lol, i have 2 promise rings, been with im 3 years, lived together fer one year, i thnk were doing goo :)
Thats why I freaking just love this place,,,, When It comes to Chainsaws,,, You can learn sooooo Much!!!!! I'm just getting started on my 056 mag II I'm waiting on my service Manual, It is in really good shape just needs a very light hone and thanks to Andy I just got My OEM/NOS Piston Kit was just wondering about what I should do about a cyl base gasket,,, they are very hard to come by,,,, err or so I understand :bang:

say please...:)
Way Cool,,,

Well thats interesting Andy. I had no idea, but it makes sense. That magII runs like a modded saw. It,s faster than my buddy's 066DP in anything 16" or under, and darn close in anything else. It is one of my favorite go-to saws with a 20" bar.:rock:

I'm gonna post some Pics of the build on my Mag II they are neat old school saws and with that factory DP muffler they just have a sound that is all its own,,, Andy (Lakeside53) is right (as usual) if you can find an early model 066 pre EPA meddlined Cylinder (I have four BTW) :clap: :clap: With the Higher compression Ratio and larger ports,,,, It will spank the 056 hands down :cheers: but they still rock :bowdown: and for the era that hey were from they were light compared to the Old Homies Etc. and the fallers loved them because they were (and Stihl) are good saws
Originally Posted by chainsawchick67
lol, i have 2 promise rings, been with im 3 years, lived together fer one year, i thnk were doing goo

Promises, hm, kk, but 'doing goo' can be a blast!!!!!
(is it edible goo or just the regular type?)

whoopsie.. . .meant to type the word GOOD, not goo, LOL. and hows that considered 'sinner life by shacking up'?? Do you think i would marry a man and not know his living habits first. . . .?:buttkick: :popcorn: i finally got him broke of leaveing the dern potty seat up!! LOL
lol, i have 2 promise rings, been with im 3 years, lived together fer one year, i thnk were doing goo :)

Ya gots a what, two promise rings, huh, never heard of a promise ring, are they to promise he won't go sneaking around long as ya keep him happy,LOL I'm gonna get me a stash of those them there promise rings for every gal in town,hahaha.

Just pulling ya leg. Sounds like yaw doing good and thats a good thing. Remember now when you get that 10th promise ring your out of fingers so thats when ya tell him its time to get off the pot and getcha one HUGE diamond.

(that feller is gonna kill me,hehe)
You got that right Treeco. Its been so dry uphere the grass is brittle. All brown, no green grass in site and the county is enforcing no watering the grass. Its been this way for well over a month now. We need rain some kind of bad. The landscapers that do mowing are in helluva shape. One told me if it doesn't rain soon he's gonna be bankrupt. Its that bad uphere. We get a little sprinkle now and then and thats been about it for the last month or so.

The drought has hurt all the OPE companies as well around here, sales are down bigtime. Its just too hot and too dry to do much of anything. The building outfits are loving the dry work sites but they are about the only ones liking this dry spell around here...

Cripes, I'm probably only 140 miles Northeast of ya, and we're green as ever here. The heat slowed the grass down a bit, but it's still green & growin'!! Micro climates, go figure.
whoopsie.. . .meant to type the word GOOD, not goo, LOL. and hows that considered 'sinner life by shacking up'?? Do you think i would marry a man and not know his living habits first. . . .?:buttkick: :popcorn: i finally got him broke of leaveing the dern potty seat up!! LOL

Doncha worry none, so as ya gets married and have 13-14 kids the good Lord will forgive ya sinner life but you may well wish ya was still living it after all those kids,hahahaha

Don't pay no mind to the pot seat, its a man thing, tant no biggie,hehe
Look like some good ol' boys, with some good ol' saws cuttin' in Virginy.

Love the pics... Looks like fun... even if it is hotter'n the dickens!:)


Whatcha talkin bout pilgrim, we's be Hi- So- Cia- Tee,:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:
Don't pay no mind to the pot seat, its a man thing, tant no biggie,hehe

LOL... I'm divorced and single... I still put the seat down in my own dang house. Guess i am trained.:bang:

Actually I just remember the shrieks comin' outta the bathroom one night as my 7 year old daughter went potty and fell in the toilet. She was half asleep and didn't turn on the light. I started puttin' the seat down ever since. ;)

LOL... I'm divorced and single... I still put the seat down in my own dang house. Guess i am trained.:bang:

Actually I just remember the shrieks comin' outta the bathroom one night as my 7 year old daughter went potty and fell in the toilet. She was half asleep and didn't turn on the light. I started puttin' the seat down ever since. ;)


Awwwwwwww good story there, your a good Pop indeed. My kids are grown and they give me hell all the time about not wearing hearing protection when playing with the saws. I kinda like it they think I'm going death, why, cause when they ask for money I pretend I can't hear em, works like a charm,LOL
LOL... I'm divorced and single... I still put the seat down in my own dang house. Guess i am trained.:bang:

Actually I just remember the shrieks comin' outta the bathroom one night as my 7 year old daughter went potty and fell in the toilet. She was half asleep and didn't turn on the light. I started puttin' the seat down ever since. ;)


+1 this is the reason i get POed when its up. One night i came down the steps didnt turn the lights on,about half asleep and sat right in the potty, and for some reason when i went back up the steps derek was awake. . .yea, thats cause i screamed so loud!! LOL
+1 this is the reason i get POed when its up. One night i came down the steps didnt turn the lights on,about half asleep and sat right in the potty, and for some reason when i went back up the steps derek was awake. . .yea, thats cause i screamed so loud!! LOL

I wasn't laughing :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:

The ????ed seat goes down even in public toilets. I'm well trained too Gary.
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+1 this is the reason i get POed when its up. One night i came down the steps didnt turn the lights on,about half asleep and sat right in the potty, and for some reason when i went back up the steps derek was awake. . .yea, thats cause i screamed so loud!! LOL

How did this thread end up in the toilet?:D
sometimes i think it woudl be funny at night, right before we go to bed to lift the seat to see if he will sit in that cold water first thing in the morning. :hmm3grin2orange: :biggrinbounce2: :hmm3grin2orange: Thats a tragic thing at 2 am to plop right in that water when all you want to do it get yer busines done and get back to bed!!:help:
How did this thread end up in the toilet?:D

i told thall he needed to wear chaps, then got to the topic of how my boyfriend is pretty lucky cause i would let him take pics like the ones on i looked like Cherie), then got to how thall thought he was my 'lucky hubby' then i said he wasnt my hubby yet, but we live together, then he said to quit sinnin and marry the fella, and i said why would i marry a guy b4 i lived with him caus ehe migt have a dirty habit i cant stand, and then i said that i bout got him trained to put the potty seat down, and thats all she wrote
sometimes i think it woudl be funny at night, right before we go to bed to lift the seat to see if he will sit in that cold water first thing in the morning. :hmm3grin2orange: :biggrinbounce2: :hmm3grin2orange: Thats a tragic thing at 2 am to plop right in that water when all you want to do it get yer busines done and get back to bed!!:help:

It'll never happen. Men check every time. We like to protect the jewels.
i told thall he needed to wear chaps, then got to the topic of how my boyfriend is pretty lucky cause i would let him take pics like the ones on i looked like Cherie), then got to how thall thought he was my 'lucky hubby' then i said he wasnt my hubby yet, but we live together, then he said to quit sinnin and marry the fella, and i said why would i marry a guy b4 i lived with him caus ehe migt have a dirty habit i cant stand, and then i said that i bout got him trained to put the potty seat down, and thats all she wrote

Yep, sounds like Ole Thall allright :deadhorse: :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:

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