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ArboristSite Lurker
Sep 10, 2005
Hi all i have been lurking here awhile.I was wundering how many of you are using the grcs? Is it worth the price?How useful is it?
John Paul Sanborn

John Paul Sanborn

Above average climber
Apr 25, 2001
South Eastern WI
Lost the last post in the eather :rolleyes:

I've been using mine for 5 years now and it's paid itself off many times.

Here are some shots of a job from last week where we used 2 of them to roll a multistem silvermaple off a roof.

We did something similar yesterday with a willow, but I had forgot the camera.

The comealong was in the truck so we added its force to the pull, but did not want anyone near it when the "log" rolled.
John Paul Sanborn

John Paul Sanborn

Above average climber
Apr 25, 2001
South Eastern WI
Had more storm damage the poast few days, on Saturday with Dave (Gopher) Ryan where Q. alba, supressed canopy, growing out over the lake, torqued in the gust front and twisted off 4 feet from th base and hung in a linden over the lake.

We used the GRCS to secure the butt, and a porty on the top. Then I nibbled the top apart and we winched the butt up and and I cut the rest free.

After we set it on the pier in front of the boathouse, we cut the log into three pieces and used the winch to set them down where they could be cut and loaded into a cart.

Dave has pics and said he will post some.

Today we did a big willow stem hung in a row of spruce. I climbed the leaning willow and we put a pull line to the winch to secure it from sliding the wrong way.

The I cut and pitched my way down till we used the winch to pull the log off.

No pics of that job though.


ArboristSite Operative
Jun 29, 2002
Green Lake, Wisconsin
Pics using GRCS

Gopher here; if I didn't have to buy new shoes for thre boys every month and try to feed them to boot (pun intended!), i'd have a GRCS by now. Well, maybe I would, but since JPS has got one and he knows how to use it and can put up with me, then we can both make some income and have a challenge at the same time!

The GRCS isn't needed on every job, but when it is needed, it MAKES the job.

Here are the pics:
Koa Man

Koa Man

Kahuna giganticus
Oct 8, 2003
Kailua Hawaii
I bought a GRCS in August for a job we had in September. We did the tree removal and it would have been extremely difficult without it. I was able to lift the branches growing over the roof up as it was being cut and swing it away from the roof, then lowered down. Without the GRCS my climber would have had to climb way out on the limb and cut and lower in small sections. With the GRCS we were able to remove the entire limb in one cut. It is pricey, heavy and takes time to set up, but for the bigger removals, it makes the job quick and easy.
Koa Man

Koa Man

Kahuna giganticus
Oct 8, 2003
Kailua Hawaii
TreeCo said:
Along with new techniques comes new dangers so be careful out there.


I told my climber the rigging point will have to be able to support 4-5 times the weight of the branches since we will be lifting and not only lowering. I can just imagine the pressure the GRCS is putting on the block when "cranking up".


ArboristSite Operative
Apr 17, 2005
Ceres, CA
TreeCo said:
I still remember the first time I used a Hobbs Lowering device back in 1989. It was in a wild cherry tree growing over a fence and carport. Cutting the hinge on the top side of the limb and 'folding the limb up' with the bull rope tied out on the limb making the butt end heavy is a first experience I will alway remember. And yes, we did 'crank up' the hobbs regularly. This 'cranking up' is where the GRCS excels.

Along with new techniques comes new dangers so be careful out there.

Is it better than the Hobbs?