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Love that winch

I made my own GRCS, it cost me about 200 us dollars but the winch isnt low enough geared so isnt strong enough, but its good enough to make me want to bed it at night and whisper sweet nothings to it during the day.

We are currently dismantling a Euc on a slope which stretches way over 3 houses, a shed, power lines and we have exactly 4 square yards of safe ground to lower things and work in (and some of the limbs are over 10 yards long that we are removing) We are sectional dismantling the GRCS'd limbs (that we have to set with the big shot) as they hang above the work zone after being removed from the tree. Using 3 brakes, the GRCS and 5 ropes. Slow going especially with 25mph winds. But withour the winch it would be nearly impossible without removal of lines or use of helicopter.

We are on day 3 and we are half way through removing the canopy.

Oh the tree is less than 35 years old
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I made my own GRCS, it cost me about 200 us dollars but the winch isnt low enough geared so isnt strong enough, but its good enough to make me want to bed it at night and whisper sweet nothings to it during the day.

We are currently dismantling a Euc on a slope which stretches way over 3 houses, a shed, power lines and we have exactly 4 square yards of safe ground to lower things and work in (and some of the limbs are over 10 yards long that we are removing) We are sectional dismantling the GRCS'd limbs (that we have to set with the big shot) as they hang above the work zone after being removed from the tree. Using 3 brakes, the GRCS and 5 ropes. Slow going especially with 25mph winds. But withour the winch it would be nearly impossible without removal of lines or use of helicopter.

We are on day 3 and we are half way through removing the canopy.

Holy smokes..any more pictures....video camera....sounds like the Euc of the year....very tough location it sounds too be.

More pictures would def. be awesome though.
I will try for more photos, but its one of those jobs where getting good pics is hard. We have enough trouble finding good angles with the big shot, in fact it can take over half an hour just to get a line up.
We have also been having trouble with the balance point, not being able to get the lines out far enough so they arent tip heavy (as retrieving the line once its over the limb is very differcult over inaccessable roofs etc) So at the butt ended we have 2 lines, one to suspend the limb from above and one pulleyed near the cut to stop the limb taking a dive if its tip heavy ahead of where we have set the grcs line.

The ground we are on is steep, the photo was taken from below the bottom story of the house infront of the tree, the roof you can see behind is the second story of the house below.
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