Good Screening Tree for Backyard

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Terry Plemons

New Member
Jan 1, 2002
Reaction score
North Texas
I have unsightly utility lines crossing the back of my backyard, and want to hide them with a row of trees. I was thinking Bradford Pears because they grow quickly and are lovely spring and fall. But I understand they don't live long...over 15 - 20 years. So I'm looking for suggestions...full, fast-growing trees that will last alot longer, yet look good. Any suggestions?
There are a number of Callery pears that have better form then 'Bradford'. I't would depend on how much fire blight you have out there.

Maybe mix with some upright/columnar evergrees cerad types such as arborvitea, juniper, or maybe yews.

What ever you get you need to look at the hight and spread of the plant so that they do not need to be butchered away from the utilities.

Look for cultivar names like 'Fasigiata', 'Pillar' and such, very narrow form with sufficient hight to block the veiw.

Be carful that the Planting does not draw the eye to the object that it is intended to conseal. Planting tall shrubs near poles tends to do this.