Hackberry Losing Leaves

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New Member
Jun 20, 2003
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I have a mature, over 60 ft tall, Hackberry tree that is losing its leaves. I have lived in this house for 9 years and each year the tree would lose a few leaves this time of year, it always seemed to occur right after we had the tree sprayed, but this year is much, much worse and for a longer period of time.

When we first moved in we had a very bad problem with little black bugs, can't remember what kind they were, so we had the tree sprayed. It got rid of the bugs and has been sprayed each year until this year. I stopped getting it sprayed to see if it was required anymore, the black bugs didn't come back. Maybe by not spraying other bugs are causing this problem.

This spring has also been very wet in this area and all the Maple trees in the area had a bumper crop of seedlings, never seen anything like it before. Just providing this information in case it could be helpful.

Any information about a possible cause would be appreciated. If there is something I can look for with the tree/leaves let me know, I can try to provide some more information.
Don't know of a bug that causes hackberries to shed; sounds like another problem. You'll need to furnish a lot more details/history or just get an arborist on site (Did the co. that sprayed the little black bugs have a certified arborist on staff?).

www.isa-arbor.com "Insects and Disease" and "Find an Arborist"