heat shields and 550XP carbs

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This is what I did to combat heating issues on a 550 which was a bear to restart after warm/hot.
Initiall I put the fibrous heat material on the carb side of the bulkhead. (Got it from O’Rieleys). I doubled up on the fuel line area or bottom right. This seemed to cure any and all problems.
I later put a foil type reflective shield on the cylinder side to try to improve it more. I did this when I had the cylinder off to port it. It’s a lot easier that way any you can get pretty much full coverage.
This saw has had no more temprimental heating issues as it did in the past. The saw runs and restarts fine even on hot summer days.
Ok, thanks. I think those are the pictures I remember seeing but couldn't find again. We're replacing a fire blanket on a helicopter engine bay at work and I'm going to pick up some of the trimmings to play with. I may be able to get this thing to a stable hover. LOL My 550 is a 2014 model and it's always had some hot start issues that I mostly attribute to my inadequate technique. We'll see if helicopter parts help it.
I got up and opened up the side cover and removed that interior divider that he was talking about. Did not window below the decomp like the new ones are though. Doesn't seem like a lot of real estate there and didn't want to weaken it. Should have the heat blanket next week. It's not self adhesive like the auto part stuff though. Maybe it'll stay in place without. It's thicker than what he had in the video and I expect it'll be wedged between the cylinder fins and the intake divider. On the carb side, I'll do my best to cut to fit without removing the carb.
Ya my 2013 562xp had hot start issues on very warm days too. I opened up the muffler quite a bit, put reflective aluminum tape between carb and cylinder, and cut vent hole in top cover. Haven't ran it in uber scorching temps lately but so far so good.

Last software updates seemed to change the startup method completely. I never use high idle on hot saw re-start anymore. Just pull and go. Also on cold start, I never pull more than 4 times before taking off choke, even if no pop! (thanks to weimedog for these tips)
Mine has never been updated. I expect since it's ported, they may see some odd stuff logged in the software. If it's cheap, I may do it, but there's no husqvarna dealers within a 30 minute drive. It's 90% Stihl in these parts.
ya mine has only had the one update, but now that it's working well, I won't be messing with a good thing ;)

Not sure if software update would help with yours, but it definitely changed startup procedure on mine.