Help me keep the Deer away

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May 13, 2009
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Adrian MN
I was out to get the mail and noticed my ash tree leaves are turning yellow, which reminded me that deer would be coming. I have alot of small trees that i planted and I like to know what everybody suggests about keeping the deer away.

So far the best ive heard is to hang soap in the tree.

On a side note...any suggestions on keeping pocket gophers away.

Thanks in advance..
I was out to get the mail and noticed my ash tree leaves are turning yellow, which reminded me that deer would be coming. I have alot of small trees that i planted and I like to know what everybody suggests about keeping the deer away.

So far the best ive heard is to hang soap in the tree.

On a side note...any suggestions on keeping pocket gophers away.

Thanks in advance..


Good ta have ya here!!!

Deer don't like Hot sauce. Mix up some really HOT Habenero sauce with water and spritz the trees.

I have used expired OC spray and water to good effect in this regard on the garden.

Miller Agricultural sells a product that is high in Capsacin for a mamal deterrent and works well, but can be pricey.

Motion activated sprinklers work untill it gets to freezing out I am told.

Around here, any Deer in the yard problems are settled by the Crock pot.;)

Good luck to ya!!
Deer are funny about their feet. You can try some bird netting a couple inches off the ground where they walk through. I suspend some from pine branch posts cut into foot long pieces tapped into the ground with a hammer. Stretch the netting edges across the posts. Because they cant see it real well it spooks them and they wont walk over it. You will need to get this set before they find the food though, because once they know its there they will try most anything to get to it. The only other thing that I found that works to keep them out is to set up poles and use a battery and coil electric style fence.

Venison makes good jerky, maybe let them through after all?

Best wishes,
Soap on the rope trick is good, (use Irish Spring. Someone did a study and it showed they dislike it the most) But the other trick is to switch up the smells. Try a rag soaked in diesel or some strong cologne. Anything they aren't used to or haven't become immune to. :cheers:
My .270 with 130 gr handloads are very effective, but seriously, you can go to any hardware store and buy liquid spray deterrents. I used to have a cabin that I planted a dozen apple trees near. I bought some spray that had a horrible strong garlic like smell that kept them off of the trees until fall when the leaves fell, then I put snow fence around them.
We planted a line of maples saplins and noticed the deer chewin them up. There is a plasitc 2 inch long 'x 1/4 round clip that is filled with garlic that we hung on the new maples.. no more deer chewing on them
Your just a Bow snob lol.I use a old Bear round wheel or Browning re curve from the 70s but a .280Rem works best :hmm3grin2orange:

Lol bow snob, now that's a new one on me. I also have a traditional bow backed with buffalo sinew. I am tagged out in October so don't have to pull out the lead.
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Get a dog to chase the deer; and a cat to get the gophers. If you don't want a dog, I understand that fox or coyote urine can be purchased to release a scent the deer don't like.
Fox or coyote urine wouldn't work. Around here guy's use fox pee as a cover scent when hunting. Horton crossbow works pretty good for me. Or a Remington 870. You can get electric netting from a company called premier fence that works real good for deer.
I have used the Irish Spring method with excellent results. I also use the Liquid Fence product that smells disgusting (garlic and rotten eggs, I think).

In winter when they become particularly persistant, if your trees are the only edible, or easiest edible, thing around nothing beats a physical fence.

And definitely catch them before the damage occurs if possible. Training them NOT to come to your landscape is better than convincing them to STOP coming.

And if anyone has any good ideas on the pocket gophers/ground squirrels...I am ALL EARS!!!

gophers/chipmunks/ground squirls

I have found that taking a 5 gallon pail and filling it about 2/3rds with water, then putting sun flower seeds on the top of the water is a great way to kill the little pests. I put a couple of these out in the area near some perch that they can get up on ... when they see the seeds, the jump in to eat them, and after a while they can't swim anymore. The water level has to be high enough that they can't touch the bottom, and low enough that they can't hang on with their back legs and eat. It has worked every time for me. At least until the cousins from the neighborhood move in...then I repeat
Scarecrows can be effective, if moved periodically. Those with gallon jug heads -with eyes drawn with magic marker work best.