how to deal with poison ivy covered trees?

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yup im the designated poision ivy guy not alergic one bit we removed a bunch of like 4" PI vines that were running up a couple trees when I saw the guys start chipping it and standing in the dust cloud I was like your gonna DIE!!! there is a reason we took them off in a 40 foot piece so ya could stick it in and run!!!and be done
Go ahead and strip down naked and get you a good green sappy piece of vine and rub it all over your body. Then strip a few leaves off and chew 'em up and swallow 'em. If you get your saw into it, the sap goes airborne and the results are about the same. If you're like I used to be, you can cover up all you want but your still gonna get it. I used to just resign myself to the fact that I would be blistered up, itching, scratching and oozing for about three weeks after contact. Then one day I was just over it. Who knows why or how. I didn't eat any mangos or oatmeal so go figure. I think maybe it was these raw oysters out of Apalachicola Bay that did it. I got stingray stung a couple of times in that era too so maybe that was it. Somebody that's allergic should test that theory and let me know how it works out!
As has been said, cover up as much as possible. Wash as quickly after exposure as you can. I use techno eXtreme, works the balls for me. Keep one in the truck and one in the shower.

What's up with you mass. Guys saying "the balls" when something is good , ####ing weird sounding LOL . :laugh:
We have more burning weed here, that ain't half as bad, friend got poison ivy and it looked like welts and a rashe mixed together, then oozed puss... I was glad it wasn't me
You have about a 20 minute window before the urshinaol ( i know i didn't spell that correctly) oil of the plant binds to your skin at which point the body sends white cells out to combat thats when the fun begins. I get it like a heat rash problem is it gets in my blood stream and spreads all over. My mom would get the huge oozing blisters. For some reason I do not ever remember my sister or dad having reactions to it. Do not chip it burn it or any other method that would introduce oil vapors into the air. PI, Sumac, Oak ( all the same family) in the lungs is very dangerous and can travel a long ways from the sight if vaporized in some fashion. It is even worse to get into in the winter as the stems are highly concentrated with the oil. ( got the t-shirt on that one)
just cut it at the base with a hatchet and leave it alone. i stay clear of the stuff even though i havent had a reaction to it. ive seen what that crap can do to a person and ive got no interest in dealing with it. cant pay me enough to go through that lol
I have no idea how not to get it, but I do highly recommend "Caladryll" once you do get it. Benadryl and Calamine lotion combined. One of the only things that stops the constant oozing and dripping once I get it. Steroid medicine from the doctor is the only thing that is better (and it is WAY better).

I will probably come down with a case of it just from typing this...
Yea poison ivy sucks. Never used to bother me, until on the hottest day of the summer, 110 dergree day, there wasn't enough work at the farm so bossman sent me to his neighbors, his neighbor had me clearing a bunch of stuff and hidden with it was poison ivy. I was dehydrated and was having montezuma's revenge all day and I'm not sure if that had something to do with it but holy hell I got poison ivy for the first time and it was terrible! Now I get it kinda easy. Before, I could roll around in it and be ok. Not nomore, it sucks now.
Wow, quite a diversity of thoughts.

I have been extremely “allergic” to poison oak in the past so I take it seriously. If I choose to do the job I do charge more and then do specific things to deal with it.

1) Have a change of cloths to put on when the job is done.
2) Cover all exposed skin and under gloves, wrists, neck line, with copious amounts of Tecnu. It fills the pours and acts as a barrier from the Urusol (spelling?).
3) Use cloths and gloves I can just throw away wherever possible, and put on a one time use spray/dust suit to keep oils off my cloths and body as much as possible.
4) Do the job, including climbing up through vines when necessary.
5) Rinse with cool water and wash with Tecnu Extreme (similar to Zanfel but cheaper). Strip off contaminated cloths and re-wash with more Tecnu Extreme.
6) Bag cloths for latter washing with Tecnu (with nitril/latex gloved hands). Bag trash one time suit and cloths. Wash gear down with Iso. Alcohol.
7) Have Zanfel on hand for rest of the day and next couple of days and when, not if, I get an itchy sensation wash down with Zanfel.

Urusol the irritant takes a couple of hours to act on us as I understand it. The sooner off the better. That includes when it is irritating our skin on a spot or two in spite of best efforts. Zanfel absorbs the irritant the itch goes away. Latter more Urusol ‘comes to the surface’ and itch comes back, I reapply Zanfel.

As I said I used to be very “allergic” to poison oak-to the point of hospitalization etc.. Obviously in spite of my strict protocols something is different for me. I read a book called, Say Good-Bye to Illness and followed the methods enclosed to ‘clear reactivity’ to an allergen.
An add on thought for any who find it useful, 4x4’s post #33 may be a good example of one way our bodies become ‘allergic’ (more reactive) to a specific thing. In the book, Say Good-Bye to Illness (a book about clearing ‘allergies’) is a story that points to this.

A woman holding a glass of Orange Juice answers the door to see two state troopers there. They tell her her husband just died out on the interstate. She goes through all of the appropriate freak out drops the Orange Juice etc.. The next time she goes to drink OJ she breaks out in hives and if I remember correctly her throat started to swell. She was unable to drink OJ until she heard about this book and its explanation of the practice, Nambudripod’s Allergie Elimination Technique (NAET for short).

When I was a kid I was hospitalized once and frequently in the Doc.’s office with regard to various allergies. The Doc. said to my mom one time that I may grow out of it around 12 years old. I remember thinking, “That makes no sense, if I’m allergic to X how could I grow out of it ?” Conversely, how could you not be ‘allergic’ to OJ, or Poison Ivy, at one moment and the next moment be ‘allergic’? The above book explains that and more importantly it explains how to clear it.

I like results in life. And for things important to me I like to understand them too. I read this book because it was important enough to me to want to understand how it works. If you just want the results look up N.A.E.T. on the web, go to their home page and find someone who ‘does’ it and go get the treatments. I think I spent a total of several hundred dollars over some months getting cleared of reactivity to Poison Oak, Tree Pollen, Grasses, Bee Stings, and some other things.

If anyone needs any more info. or help, I would be happy to help.