How to make an apple tree barren?

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Mar 24, 2007
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:help: I have an apple tree in my back yard. I would like to eliminate its fruit bearing properties. Is this possible?

:help: I have an apple tree in my back yard. I would like to eliminate its fruit bearing properties. Is this possible?


You bet. Cut it down.:jester: Just kidding, of course, and I'm sure you knew that would show up as a response eventually.:laugh:

Welcome to AS.
Dr Snip

Trim it back right before it brakes bud. What of types of trees/shrubs do you have growing around your apple tree that are flowering about the same time ar it? Flowering crabs? I,m not sure about chemical solutions?
:help: I have an apple tree in my back yard. I would like to eliminate its fruit bearing properties. Is this possible?


Hey Dave,

Just wondering why you don't want your apple tree to produce apples ?
Obviously, you didn't plant the tree.
Otherwise why plant an apple tree ? Right ?
So I would suggest. Just after the tree blossoms,
remove those blossoms.
That is the best advice I can give...
For what it's worth...
Ironically, I live in the apple state, WA. Anyway, I was hoping for a chemical I could treat the tree with or drill-inject. I have considered cutting it down, but I kinda like the tree itself.. just not the mess of apples!
Check with a county extension agent. I believe there are chemicals labeled for what you want, I just don't know them offhand. Any chemical that keeps the tree from producing fruit will probably do so by keeping the tree from producing blossoms.
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There is a spray that you can use. My Dad used to use it on our crabapple trees. It is applied when the tree is in bloom and basically it kills the blossoms.
Sorry I don't know what it is or if it is still available.

Another way which gets rid of unwanted fruit and excess fat is to wait until the fruit sets (it will be very small at this point). Then whack it with a big, but light weight, cane pole (like a fishing pole), and knock it all down. You will still have some cleanup put the stuff will be like raking acorns. Do you rake acorns where you live? Anyhow, even a cave man could do it!
the product you can inject as Newt mentioned, didn't work for us for stopping sweetgum balls from forming. maybe it works better on other trees?
the product you can inject as Newt mentioned, didn't work for us for stopping sweetgum balls from forming. maybe it works better on other trees?

Timing is critical to success. Too critical to be viable in the market place... we found.
same here. it became too costly to keep attempting to get it right for a client. we told her to just think of the gumballs as the same way you would acorns. acorns don't seem to bother anyone, funny how that is.
:laugh: Zone 8a here. The Liquidambar drops the seedpod and it dries quickly in this SC sun :angry: This prevents you from even going to the mailbox without shoes on. The rotundaloba is a nice lanscape variety that does not produce obnoxious seed.

Are we really discussing how to nueter a tree? I wish i could have a nice producing apple tree in this zone. The fact of the matter: remove/destroy the flower and expect drastic reduction of fruit.