I'm trying to think of a good tool to use to rid the limbs of the epiphytes. The bromeliads, you can just give those a boot, but the mosses, and orchids hold on much more tenaciously. Prolly not many orchids as they're not very fond of full sun. Popping off bromeliads, from a distance, would be like aerial billiards with a 3-meter cue.
Tool # 1 might work; smaller and lighter than a hard-toothed garden rake. But you've goitta be right there in the vicinity. Tool # 2 would be a bad choice, likely scraping of cambial layer.
I would keep tool #1 lanyarded to myself, but would count on doing most of the removal with my feet, and assistance from the Silky saw tip. I could see some utility in a Hyuachi pole saw, but again, when you do reaches with a sharp tool to remove bio-debris from the topside of limbs, there's the chance of scarring them up accidentally.
Another 'reach' tool might be a wire-raiser on three or four pole sections. Takes some skill to maneuver that setup while on rope and you wouldn't be able to 'scrub' like if you were right there on top of it, but you could yank off the worst and give yourself a 3 or 4 meter reach advantage.
Either way, limb-walking is the only way out there. My limb walking is out over roofs, power lines, porches, decks, awnings. I've honestly never had cattle as one of my obstacles. Podemos a mover las vacas alla, por favor?