I hate when that happens

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Lol. I cant tell, but does he have spikes on. I do see a lanyard. He could of climbed back down. Also were is the groundie? Some one could have tossed up a throw line if they had one.
Hmmmm.....spikes, saddle, lanyard...everything you need to get back down...I guess the only thing he forgot to take up there was his bravery???

Maybe that fella should stay closer to the ground. I am also very new to this and I make really really sure of my safety and security - I set a lifeline BEFORE MY FEET EVER LEAVE THE GROUND and then I just rappel down on that when I am done. But....I could be doing it wrong too...I dunno.

I also learned yesterday (while 30 feet up in an oak) that when the heat index is 105....stay home!!!!! LOL ;)
Hmmmm.....spikes, saddle, lanyard...everything you need to get back down...I guess the only thing he forgot to take up there was his bravery???

Maybe that fella should stay closer to the ground. I am also very new to this and I make really really sure of my safety and security - I set a lifeline BEFORE MY FEET EVER LEAVE THE GROUND and then I just rappel down on that when I am done. But....I could be doing it wrong too...I dunno.

I also learned yesterday (while 30 feet up in an oak) that when the heat index is 105....stay home!!!!! LOL ;)

No, you're not doing it wrong. Even with spikes and lanyard, if he had cut himself badly he would have had a hard time spiking down one handed. Inhad a newb groundie one time not let a log run, and it swung back into me and dislocated three fingers on my left hand. Since I was tied in on my lifeline, it was a simple matter of releasing my lanyard and coming down one handed on my friction hitch. Would have been all sorts of fun to tie in one handed, which wasn't even an option for him since he didn't have a rope with him in the first place!
Something tells me daddy's going to have a hard time getting him back up there after this, which is probably a good thing.

Probably wouldn't be a bad idea to move or copy this to the injury forum. Jeff
Sorry...but 3 stitches does not warrant a holy cow disabling kind of injury....not in my world, anyway. And it was apparently on just one finger...not totally disabling to the entire hand like crushing and/or dislocating multiple fingers which would make it near impossible to grip as was your case.

I have been through many many broken bones and cuts and scrapes and even been stabbed and shot on more than one occasion....I know what a disabling injury is better than the average person. I think he was new (as was said by his own father) and just panicked and mentally convinced himself he was in dire straits. The human mind is a powerful thing.
When I started this thread I started in in the injury forum and changed my mind. I thought it was more humorous than anything else (especially the headlines and reporting of the NYer....I didn't want to make light of an injury in the injury forum so thought I'd start in in 101.....
This is the real answer. Even without a rope or spikes or saddle, injured or not, there are enough branches and stubs to get down even if he had to shimmy a little in places.


True. But when a climber freaks, he freaks. Not normal thought processes going on. I had to literally pry a guy's arms off a limb one time.
I would think the,''sting,'' of embarrassment would over ride any pain in his pinky or fear of heights. I dislodge a frozen climber last year who lockuped in a tall skinny pine when the wind kick up real good. Using words like a DI does I talked(yelled)him down. He wanted to kick my ass at first, because I was trash talking pretty good, but no one else heard what I was calling him and saying to him to get him down. We just act like it never happened and all is better.
But I think I could of straddled down that tree, I bet he never hears the end of that.
So he freaked out when he found himself in a situation he probably didn't really want to be in to begin with, was painful and terrifying, and there seemed no good way to escape? Sounds like he has never been married:hmm3grin2orange:
Twenty firefighters and other emergency medical workers responded?!!!! Wow!! Thank God for firefighters, but 20! Really? I wonder what the local taxes are like in Queens? :msp_ohmy:
Twenty firefighters and other emergency medical workers responded?!!!! Wow!! Thank God for firefighters, but 20! Really? I wonder what the local taxes are like in Queens? :msp_ohmy:

Around here with the vols it's the beer at the end of the run that gets them out. Not to bash our firefighters of course... :cheers:

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